Class 7 English - An Alien Hand - Chapter Golu Grows A Nose NCERT Solutions |  Name two things the elephant can d

Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 7th English - An Alien Hand - Chapter Golu Grows A Nose. This page offers a step-by-step solution to the specific question from Excercise 1 , Question 10: nbsp name two things the elephant can do with his....
Question 10

 Name two things the elephant can do with his trunk, and two he cannot.


The two things the elephant can do with his trunk are as following :
(i) plucked a large bundle of grass and stuff it into his mouth.
(ii) scoop up some mud from the bank and slapped it on his head.

The two things the elephant cannot do with his trunk are as follows :
(i) cannot scratch himself with his trunk.
(ii) cannot chew or eat food direct with his trunk.

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