Welcome to the NCERT Solutions for Class 12 English - Flamingo - Poetry. This page offers chapter-wise solutions designed to help students grasp key concepts easily. With detailed answers and explanations for each chapter, students can strengthen their understanding and prepare confidently for exams. Ideal for CBSE and other board students, this resource will simplify your study experience.
Chapter 1 My Mother at Sixty - Six
The poem starts when the poet is on her way to cochin airport with her old mother, she looks at her and is worried about her mother. She compares her with a corpse. Her mother has aged and her face appears to be colourless, pale and wan face. She has stuck in the fear of loosing her. The poet feels pain and when she looked outside the window, she saw sprinted tress alongside the merrily playing children which symbolizes life, youth, vitality and energy. The poet reminds that when she was a child and her mother was young , and she fears of loosing her for short time but now she knows that she will loose her forever.
Chapter 2 An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
The poets here described the life of slum children. In the stanza 1 the poet says the poet metaphorically explains that the lives of slum children are different from normal lives. In the stanza 2 poet described the description of class. He says the walls of the classroom are of white-yellowish colour which symbolizes their dull future. And in stanza 3 he described Shakespeare as wicked, the map as a bad example, which tempts slum children to steal. Slums are considered as cramped holes because they only surrounded with dirtiness and slum. In the stanza 4, he seeks for governor, inspector, visitor to bring some changes in the lives of slum children. And make their world beautiful as a normal people have.
Chapter 3 Keeping Quiet
Through this poem the poet wants to convey a message of peace and togetherness. He starts the poem by counting up to 12 which symbolizes the 12 month of the calendar or 12 hours of the clock. In the stanza first, he says we should keep quiet and still and don’t speak different languages because silence doesn’t have any language and will create peace and unity among us and by not moving our hands will leads to no destructions. In the stanza second, he says that it will be rare condition when there will be no rush, no sounds of engines when everyone will be calm and quiet, united with each other. In the stanza third, The poets wants from us to not damage our environment by deforestation, mining, and putting green chemical waste into the water bodies. In the fourth stanza, poet wants to clear that by stop saying anything or doing anything doesn’t mean that we will be a non-active person. In the stanza fifth, he gives an example of nature that when season changes it brings lots of changes like in winter season the water bodies becomes freeze and tress shed their leaves but when spring comes it gives lives to new blossoms and nature.
Chapter 4 A Thing of Beauty
A thing of beauty can be anything which gives us everlasting joy. In the stanza 1, Poet says a thing of beauty is a joy which gives us pleasure and its loveliness increases and gives us an everlasting joy, and never passes into nothingness that means it will never leave us. And then he says a bower quiet for us means that a thing of beauty is a just like a shed of a tree which provides us inner peace and helps to get a sweet sleep and dreams, and will keep our health good. In the stanza2, in spite of despondence or disappointments there is lack of good people or noble natures which helps us without being selfish and there are some gloomy days or bad days which makes us unhealthy and in the hurry of achieving our goal we takes darkened ways or wrong ways and yes in spite of all these bad things, a thing of beauty takes away all these sadness and dark spirits. In the stanza 3, poet says that the sun, the moon, old and new trees, provides shades for sheep and considered them a thing of beauty. And such are daffodils (flowers) which lives in the green world, and the small and clear water streams makes their own shelter, rills or ways which helps them to not let them evaporate in the hot season are considered as a thing of beauty. In the stanza 4, all the lovely tales of mighty deaths we have heard or read, is a thing of beauty which is just like a endless fountain of immortal drink which pours a happiness in our life and make life like a heaven.
Chapter 5 A Roadside Stand
In the poem A Roadside Stand, Frost presents the lives of poor deprived people with pitiless clarity and with the deepest sympathy and humanity. In the stanza 1, poet tells us about the poor farmers who put their shed on the roadside to sell their goods and some money. And they want to catch the eye of people who travels from that road to sell their things. In the stanza 2, poet says about the rich people that they don’t even sea their stalls or sheds and ignores them. In the stanza 3, the poet says that he don’t have problem that the scenery is blemishing but he have some soft corner for the poor people that they have set their shed here far from cities to earn some money and live a life like that they see in movies with happiness. In the 4th stanza, in this stanza poet tells us about a news in which he read that the poor farmers will be shifted to the markets by government but he worries that the bad and powerful people will not let poor farmers live there happily, and will torture them and will make their conditions as before. In the stanza 5, poet says that the whole day poor farmers waits for a customer to buy something or ask price of their goods from them. But everyone ignores them. In the stanza 6, poet says that if India have money and in under developing country but farmers don’t care about that because there is no beneficial plans for them.
Chapter 6 Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers
The poem addresses the constraints of married life a women experiences. In the stanza1, Aunt Jennifer made some tigers prancing (jumping forward with confidence) on the screen of embroidery and they have bright marks on their body and running in jungle. They don’t fear of the men or hunters and smoothly runs there with bravery and confidence. In the stanza2, Aunt Jennifer’s fingers are shaking while embroidering and even finding difficult to pull ivory needle through the cloth. The task is difficult due to her husband’s heavy wedding ring which she is wearing in her finger here it symbolizes that her marriage is a burden for her and she is not happy with her marriage life which made her life miserable and she is not able to do such an easy work of pulling needle. And she wants to be like a tiger which symbolize bravery and fearlessness. In the stanza3, when Aunt will be dead at that time her terrified hand would be still ringed or she would be still surrounded by ordeals or bad experiences that she had gone through. And when she will die her tigers which she had made on the cloth will still move with bravery and fearlessly and proudly.
Popular Questions of Class 12 English - Flamingo - Poetry
- Q:-
What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?
- Q:-
What does the poet want for the children of the slums? How can their lives be made to change?
- Q:-
Tick the item which best answers the following.
(a) The tall girl with her head weighed down means
The girl
(i) is ill and exhausted
(ii) has her head bent with shame
(iii) has untidy hair(b) The paper-seeming boy with rat’s eyes means
The boy is
(i) sly and secretive
(ii) thin, hungry and weak
(iii) unpleasant looking(c) The stunted, unlucky heir of twisted bones means
The boy
(i) has an inherited disability
(ii) was short and bony(d) His eyes live in a dream, A squirrel’s game, in the tree room other than this means
The boy is
(i) full of hope in the future
(ii) mentally ill
(iii) distracted from the lesson(e) The children’s faces are compared to ‘rootless weeds’
This means they
(i) are insecure
(ii) are ill-fed
(iii) are wasters - Q:-
Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character? What might the poet be suggesting, through this difference?
- Q:-
Why has the mother been compared to the ‘late winter’s moon’?
- Q:-
Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death?
- Q:-
What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?
- Q:-
What will counting upto twelve and keeping still help us achieve?
- Q:-
What pleasure does a beautiful thing give us? Are beautiful things worth treasuring?
- Q:-
The walls of the classroom are decorated with the pictures of ‘Shakespeare’, ‘buildings with domes’, ‘world maps’ and beautiful valleys. How do these contrast with the world of these children?
Recently Viewed Questions of Class 12 English - Flamingo - Poetry
- Q:-
What makes human beings love life in spite of troubles and sufferings?
- Q:-
List the things of beauty mentioned in the poem.
- Q:-
What is suggested by the image ‘massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band’?
- Q:-
Why are the young trees described as ‘sprinting’?
- Q:-
What are the ‘ordeals’ Aunt Jennifer is surrounded by, why is it significant that the poet uses the word ‘ringed’? What are the meanings of the word ‘ringed’ in the poem?
- Q:-
Interpret the symbols found in this poem.
- Q:-
Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death?
- Q:-
Why do you think Aunt Jennifer created animals that are so different from her own character? What might the poet be suggesting, through this difference?
- Q:-
What is the kind of pain and ache that the poet feels?
- Q:-
How do ‘denizens’ and ‘chivalric’ add to our understanding of the tiger’s attitudes?