From the Diary of Anne Frank Question Answers: NCERT Class 10 English - First Flight

Welcome to the Chapter 4 - From the Diary of Anne Frank, Class 10 English - First Flight - NCERT Solutions page. Here, we provide detailed question answers for Chapter 4 - From the Diary of Anne Frank.The page is designed to help students gain a thorough understanding of the concepts related to natural resources, their classification, and sustainable development.

Our solutions explain each answer in a simple and comprehensive way, making it easier for students to grasp key topics and excel in their exams. By going through these From the Diary of Anne Frank question answers, you can strengthen your foundation and improve your performance in Class 10 English - First Flight. Whether you're revising or preparing for tests, this chapter-wise guide will serve as an invaluable resource.

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Exercise 1 ( Page No. : 49 )

Exercise 2 ( Page No. : 51 )

  • Q1

    What makes writing in a diary a strange experience for Anne Frank?


    Diary writing was a strange experience for Anne Frank because of two reasons, first she never had a diary and second it was a birthday gift. She considered it her best friend on which she relied the most and with whom she shared all her ups and downs.



    Why does Anne want to keep a diary?


     Anne decided to keep a  diary, as she had no "true" friend. Anne always feels lonely and distressed so to get out of all these burden and pain she wants to keep a diary in which she finds a true friend.Her caring parents, elder sister and thirty people are there whom she called her friends


    Why did Anne think she could confide more in her diary than in people?


    Anne felt that writing diary is much better than people to listen to her without any judgement. Therefore she decided to write and reveal everything in a diary that was easier for her to write all kind of thoughts which are running in her mind. She wanted to write to get the things off her chest.


Exercise 3 ( Page No. : 51 )

  • Q1

    Why does Anne provide a brief sketch of her life?


    Anne provide a brief sketch of her life by giving the description of her family, relatives and her age which helped the reader to build a connection with the author.



    What tells you that Anne loved her grandmother?


    Anne revealed that she loved her grandmother as she lived with her for sometime while her parents were in Holland. She was attached to her Grandmother. It is written in her diary that “No one knows that how much she thinks of her and  still love her the most”. On her 13th birthday, she lightened up a candle for Grandmother to show her love. 


Exercise 4 ( Page No. : 54 )

  • Q1

    Why was Mr Keesing annoyed with Anne? What did he ask her to do?


    Mr Keesing was annoyed with Anne because of her talkative nature. Extra homework given to her by Mr Keesing to write essays as punishment to keep her silent and the topics always related to her nature.



    How did Anne justify her being a chatterbox in her essay?


    Anne justified her being a chatterbox in her essay by explaining that it is due to her mother who was also very talkative and nobody could do anything about their inherited traits.


    Do you think Mr Keesing was a strict teacher?


    No, Mr Keesing was not a strict teacher because a teacher did something for the welfare of his students.  Like every other loyal and motivated teacher, he wanted his students to concentrate on their studies.  Any teacher would be annoyed ifchildren keep on talking in the class. Secondly, if he had been strict he would not have laughed at Anne’s funny arguments.



    What made Mr Keesing allow Anne to talk in class?


    Mr Keesing allowed Anne to talk in class because of her last essay in the form of a poem showed him the lighter side of a naughty child that helped bridge the generation gap between the teacher and the student.


Exercise 5 ( Page No. : 54 )

Key Features of NCERT Class 10 English - First Flight Chapter 'From the Diary of Anne Frank' question answers :

  • All chapter question answers with detailed explanations.
  • Simple language for easy comprehension.
  • Aligned with the latest NCERT guidelines.
  • Perfect for exam preparation and revision.

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