Indian Olympiad Qualifier in Junior Science (IOQJS): Know All About This

Updated on Jan 16,2025 249 Views

Indian Olympiad qualifier in junior science (IOQJS) is the first level for the international science Olympiad. It is a single-level test with a time limit of three hours. The examination is usually held in January and consists of two papers. This examination is conducted by the IAPT and  HBCSE mutually. The primary purpose of this examination is to provide basic knowledge about science to the students. In addition, it gives a platform for the students to multiply their abilities and skills in the field of science.

  • Table of Content

  • IOQJS Exam pattern
  • IOQJS Eligibility Criteria
  • Syllabus for IOQJS examination
  • IOQJS Registration Process
  • IOQJS Results

IOQJS Overview

Conducting Body


Conducted during


Total timing

3 hours

No. of papers


Medium of language


Applicable for

Students of classes 11th and 12th

IOQJS Exam pattern

The Indian Olympiad qualifier in junior science is for secondary school students, and this Olympiad covers all the important topics from physics, mathematics, and biology. The detailed exam pattern of the IOQJS Olympiad is given below :

Exam pattern


Exam duration

There are two paper Paper 1- 1 hour Paper2 – 2 hour Total time- 3 hour

Exam mode

Pen and paper-based

Type of question

Pa[er 1 contains multiple choice questions, and paper two has subjective type question

Negative marking

-1 mark for every wrong answer

IOQJS Eligibility Criteria

The Indian Olympiad qualifier in junior science is a local-level examination conducted to select participants for national and international. Therefore, before appearing for the test, the students should be aware of all the requirement need to be filled. Important criteria that students need to remember are as follows :

  1. The students who are interested in the examination of IOQJS can not appear in the other international test such as IOQ S, IOQB, IOQA, and IOQP. 

  2. The student must have been born between 1st January 2006 and 31st  December 2007.

  3. The candidate must be an Indian native and only acquire an education in India. 

  4. A candidate still needs to complete their studies and start their higher education in college or any institution.

  5. The candidate must have a passport with them.

  6. The students from India or NRI are not eligible to appear in the examination.

  7. The candidate should be studying at any of the affiliated boards, such as CBSE,  ICSE, or any state board that can partition into this examination.

  8. Only those candidates can appear into the examination who have studied since 30th November 2018 or before 30th November 2018.

  9. Any student who was a school student till November  2018 is also eligible to give this

Syllabus for IOQJS examination

Indian Olympiad qualifier in junior science is a national-level examination conducted by the Indian association of physics teachers. The detailed syllabus of the IOQJS exam is given below:

Mathematics syllabus with reference to X class CBSE level book

Polynomials, Pair of linear equations in two variables, Quadratic equations, Arithmetic progression, Triangles, Coordinate geometry, Introduction to trigonometry, Some applications of trigonometry, Circles, Constructions, Areas related to circles, Surface areas and volumes, Statistics, Probability. 

Mathematics syllabus with reference to IX class CBSE level book 

Number systems, Polynomials, linear equations in two variables, Introduction to Euclid’s geometry, Lines and angles, Triangles, Quadrilaterals, Areas of parallelograms and triangles, Circles, Constructions, Heron’s formula, Surface areas and Volumes, Statistics, Probability.

Science Syllabus in Details



Matter nature and behavior

Matter Definition Volume, density, shape, and other characteristics of solids, liquids, & gases. Absorption of heat & change of state Sublimation, Freezing, Melting, Evaporation, Condensation Elements, Mixtures & Compounds Homogenous & Heterogeneous mixtures Separation of the components of a mixture Solutions, & concentration of solutions Colloids & suspensions Atoms & molecules Atomic & molecular masses Law of constant proportions Relationship of mole to mass of particles Mole concept Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons Valency Isotopes Chemical formula and symbols of common compounds Isobars

Chemical substances

Types of chemical reactions Balanced chemical equations Definition and general properties of acids, bases, and salts Concept and importance of pH scale Preparation & Uses of: Bleaching powder Plaster of Paris Sodium hydroxide Washing and baking soda Metals & Non-metals Formation & properties of ionic compounds Reactivity series Corrosion and prevention of corrosion Properties of ionic compounds Metallurgical processes Nature & nomenclature of Carbon compounds with functional groups Homologous series Saturated & unsaturated carbon compounds Covalent bonding of carbon compounds, & their chemical properties Soaps & detergents Ethanol Ethanoic Acid Modern periodic table Atomic number Metallic & non-metallic properties Valency Early examples of periodic tables

Organization in the living world

Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Structure & functions of cells Cell organelles Structure & functions of plant tissues and animal tissues Biological Diversity Health & Diseases

Life Process

Control & coordination in plants and animals Heredity & Evolution Reproduction in animals and plants

Force motion and work

Force definition and types Newton’s laws Distance and displacement Velocity, acceleration, related graphs Uniform circular motion Gravitation Floatation Sound Work, Energy, & Power

Effect of electric current

electric current Potential difference Ohm’s law Resistance Series and parallel combination of resistors Heating effect of electric current Light Relation between P, R, I, and V. Magnetic effects of electric current


Reflection Refraction Refractive index Magnification Functioning of the lens in a human eye Dispersion and scattering of light through a prism

Our environment

Physical Resources Biogeochemical cycles in nature Natural Resources

Food production

Use of fertilizers Organic farming Plant and animal breeding Selection for quality improvement and management Protection of crops from pests and disease

IOQJS Registration Process

  • Registration for the junior science Olympiad starts in October every year. 

  • Students who want to participate in this exam can register themselves through the official website that is iaptexam. in 

  • The application fees for the IOQJS exam will be the same as last year. 

  • The student is recommended to keep an eye on the official website of IAPT for information and current updates.

IOQJS Results

  • The exam result will be released online and notified on the official website of IAPT.

  • The result of paper one decides whether the student is eligible for the paper two exams.

  • Only those students can participate in the paper two who acquired over the cut-off in paper 1 

  • The Indian association of physics teachers and HBCSE has the authority the set the cut-off for every state and post it on their official website. 

Steps for checking the IOQJS result

  1. Go to the official website

  2. Next, enter your roll number and DOB. 

  3. Click on the submit button, check your result, take a screenshot, download fit, or future.

Contact Information of IOQJS

For Examinations :

Central Examination Office :

Prof. B P Tyagi

Chief Coordinator (Examination)

23, Adarsh Vihar Raipur Road

Dehradun – 248001

Phone : 0135 2971255, 9837123716

Email :

# 15, Block II Rispana Road

DBS (PG) College Chowk

Dehradun – 248001

Phone : 9632221945

Email :


Previous Year Question Paper With Solution

Download previous year question paper and solution PDF here.

IOQJS Part I Question Paper - 2021

IOQJS Part I Final Answer Key and Solutions - 2021


  • How can the student verify the exam result? 

Ans: The result is available on the official website of HBCSE and IAPT. You can check it using your password and account details. 

  • Are IOQJS and NSEJS similar exam 

Ans: Yes, these both are the same IOQJS is the combination of the NSEJS exam, and also, these both have the same syllabus from the secondary school level syllabus up to class 10.

  • How to enroll for the IOQJS exam  

Ans: Students can enroll on their official website and fill out the application form. The application window is enabled from November to December.

Also Read: All About Olympiads: Eligibility, Schedules, and Preparation Tips

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