JEE Advanced Syllabus 2024 – Complete Subject-Wise Syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics

Updated on Nov 14,2024 454 Views

Welcome to the comprehensive JEE Advanced 2024 syllabus guide. If you're aiming for success in one of the most competitive engineering entrance exams, understanding the syllabus thoroughly is crucial. Our detailed breakdown of the JEE Advanced syllabus for Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics will help you identify key topics, plan your study schedule, and ensure that you are well-prepared for the exam. Whether you are a first-time aspirant or a repeater, this guide serves as an essential resource to navigate through the topics and focus your preparation effectively. Start your journey towards cracking JEE Advanced with a well-organized, topic-by-topic syllabus outline!

  • Table of Content

  • JEE Advanced Chemistry Syllabus
  • JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus
  • JEE Advanced Physics Syllabus

JEE Advanced Chemistry Syllabus


Topics Covered

General Topics

Concept of atoms, molecules, Dalton’s atomic theory, mole concept,

  chemical formulae, balanced chemical equations, stoichiometry,

  oxidation-reduction reactions, concentration terms (mole fraction, molarity,

  molality, normality).

States of Matter: Gases & Liquids

Gas laws, ideal gas equation, absolute scale, deviations from

  ideality, van der Waals equation, kinetic theory of gases, partial pressures,

  gas diffusion, intermolecular interactions, properties of liquids (vapor

  pressure, viscosity).

Atomic Structure

Bohr model, hydrogen spectrum, wave-particle duality, de Broglie

  hypothesis, uncertainty principle, hydrogen atom energy levels, quantum

  numbers, shapes of orbitals, Aufbau principle, Pauli’s exclusion principle,

  Hund’s rule.

Chemical Bonding & Molecular Structure

Orbital overlap, covalent bonds, hybridization, molecular orbital

  theory, hydrogen bonding, dipole moment, VSEPR model, shapes of molecules

  (e.g., tetrahedral, octahedral).

Chemical Thermodynamics

Intensive and extensive properties, first and second laws of

  thermodynamics, internal energy, enthalpy, heat capacity, Hess’s law,

  entropy, Gibbs energy, criteria for spontaneity and equilibrium.

Chemical & Ionic Equilibrium

Law of mass action, equilibrium constants, Le Chatelier’s

  principle, solubility product, common ion effect, pH, buffer solutions,

  acid-base concepts (Brønsted, Lewis), salt hydrolysis.


Electrochemical cells, standard electrode potentials, Nernst

  equation, electrochemical series, Faraday’s laws, electrolytic conductance,

  batteries (primary, secondary), corrosion.

Chemical Kinetics

Reaction rates, order and molecularity, rate law, half-life,

  Arrhenius equation, catalysts, enzyme catalysis.

Solid State

Crystal systems, close packing, lattice structures (fcc, bcc, hcp),

  ionic radii, defects in solids.


Henry’s law, Raoult’s law, colligative properties (boiling point

  elevation, freezing point depression, osmotic pressure), van’t Hoff factor.

Surface Chemistry

Adsorption (physisorption, chemisorption), Freundlich isotherm,

  colloids, emulsions, surfactants, micelles.

Classification of Elements

Periodic law, periodic table trends (atomic radius, ionization

  enthalpy, electronegativity, reactivity).


Hydrogen's position in periodic table, isotopes, hydrides, water

  properties, hydrogen peroxide preparation and reactions, hydrogen as fuel.

s-Block Elements

Alkali and alkaline earth metals, properties, reactivity, anomalous

  behavior, compounds of sodium and calcium, uses.

p-Block Elements

Reactivity and properties of groups 13-17, anomalies in properties

  (boron, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine), key compounds of these groups.

d-Block Elements

Oxidation states, standard electrode potentials, interstitial

  compounds, alloys, catalytic properties, applications, oxoanions of chromium

  and manganese.

f-Block Elements

Lanthanoid and actinoid contractions, oxidation states, general


Coordination Compounds

Werner’s theory, nomenclature, isomerism, VBT and CFT, magnetic

  properties, color, stability, ligands, metal carbonyls.

Isolation of Metals

Metal ores, concentration techniques, thermodynamic and

  electrochemical principles of extraction (iron, copper, zinc, aluminum),

  cyanide process, refining methods.

Principles of Qualitative Analysis

Group analysis (cations and anions), tests for common ions.

Environmental Chemistry

Atmospheric pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, industrial

  waste, strategies to control environmental pollution, green chemistry.

Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry

Hybridisation of carbon, σ and π-bonds, shapes of simple organic

  molecules, aromaticity, structural and geometrical isomerism, stereoisomers,

  enantiomers, diastereomers, meso compounds (R,S and E,Z configurations

  excluded), determination of empirical and molecular formulae (combustion

  method only), IUPAC nomenclature of organic molecules (including simple

  cyclic hydrocarbons and mono- or bi-functional derivatives), hydrogen bonding

  effects, inductive, resonance, and hyperconjugative effects, acidity and

  basicity, reactive intermediates, carbocations, carbanions, free radicals.


Homologous series, physical properties (melting points, boiling

  points, density, branching effects), conformations of ethane and butane

  (Newman projections), preparation from alkyl halides and aliphatic carboxylic

  acids, reactions (combustion, halogenation, oxidation).

Alkenes and Alkynes

Physical properties (boiling points, density, dipole moments),

  preparation by elimination reactions, acid-catalyzed hydration, metal

  acetylides, reactions with KMnO4 and ozone, reduction, electrophilic addition

  reactions (X2, HX, HOX; X=halogen), cyclic polymerization of alkynes.


Structure, electrophilic substitution reactions (halogenation,

  nitration, sulphonation, Friedel-Crafts alkylation and acylation), effect of

  directing groups (monosubstituted benzene).


Physical properties, preparation, electrophilic substitution

  reactions (halogenation, nitration, sulphonation), Reimer-Tiemann reaction,

  Kolbe reaction, esterification, etherification, aspirin synthesis, oxidation,

  and reduction.

Alkyl Halides

Rearrangement reactions of alkyl carbocations, Grignard reactions,

  nucleophilic substitution reactions, stereochemistry.


Physical properties, esterification, dehydration (forming alkenes

  and ethers), reactions with sodium, phosphorus halides, ZnCl2/concentrated

  HCl, thionyl chloride; conversion into aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids.


Preparation by Williamson’s synthesis, C-O bond cleavage reactions.

Aldehydes and Ketones

Preparation (from acid chlorides, nitriles, esters, toluene,

  benzene), reactions (oxidation, reduction, oxime/hydrazone formation, aldol

  condensation, Cannizzaro reaction, haloform reaction, nucleophilic addition

  with RMgX, NaHSO3, HCN, alcohol, amine).

Carboxylic Acids

Physical properties, preparation (from nitriles, Grignard reagents,

  hydrolysis of esters, amides, alkylbenzenes), reactions (reduction,

  halogenation, forming esters, acid chlorides, amides).


Preparation (from nitro compounds, nitriles, amides), reactions

  (Hoffmann bromamide degradation, Gabriel phthalimide synthesis, reaction with

  nitrous acid, azo coupling, Sandmeyer and related reactions, carbylamine

  reaction, Hinsberg test, alkylation, acylation).


Reactions (Fittig, Wurtz-Fittig), nucleophilic aromatic

  substitution (excluding benzyne mechanism and cine substitution).


Carbohydrates (classification, mono- and disaccharides such as

  glucose, sucrose; oxidation, reduction, glycoside formation, hydrolysis of

  sucrose, maltose, lactose; anomers); Proteins (amino acids, peptide linkage,

  primary/secondary structures, fibrous/globular types); Nucleic acids

  (structure and composition of DNA and RNA).


Types of polymerization (addition, condensation), homo- and

  copolymers, natural rubber, cellulose, nylon, Teflon, Bakelite, PVC,

  biodegradable polymers, polymer applications.

Chemistry in Everyday Life

Drug-target interactions; therapeutic actions of antacids,

  antihistamines, tranquilizers, analgesics, antimicrobials, antifertility

  drugs; artificial sweeteners (names only); soaps, detergents, cleansing


Practical Organic Chemistry

Detection of elements (N, S, halogens); detection and

  identification of functional groups (hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl, amino,


JEE Advanced Maths Syllabus



Sets, Relations, and Functions

Sets and representations, types of sets (empty, finite, infinite),

  algebra of sets, intersection, complement, difference, symmetric difference,

  De-Morgan’s laws (union, intersection, difference), practical applications;

  Cartesian product of finite sets, ordered pairs, relations, domain and

  codomain, equivalence relations; Functions as mappings, domain, codomain,

  range, invertible functions, even and odd functions, types of functions

  (into, onto, one-to-one), special functions (polynomial, trigonometric,

  exponential, logarithmic, power, absolute value, greatest integer), sum,

  difference, product, and composition of functions.


Algebra of complex numbers (addition, multiplication, conjugation,

  polar representation), properties (modulus, principal argument, triangle

  inequality), cube roots of unity, geometric interpretations; Fundamental

  theorem of algebra, quadratic equations (real coefficients), relations

  between roots and coefficients, formation of quadratic equations, symmetric

  functions of roots; Arithmetic and geometric progressions,

  arithmetic/geometric means, sums of finite and infinite progressions, sums of

  the first n natural numbers, sums of squares and cubes of the first n natural

  numbers; Logarithms and properties, permutations, combinations, binomial

  theorem (positive integral index), binomial coefficients properties.


Matrices as rectangular arrays, matrix equality, addition, scalar

  multiplication, matrix product, transpose of a matrix, elementary row/column

  transformations, determinant of a square matrix (up to order 3), adjoint,

  inverse of square matrices (up to order 3), properties of matrix operations,

  diagonal, symmetric, skew-symmetric matrices, solutions of simultaneous

  linear equations (2-3 variables).

Probability and Statistics

Random experiments, sample space, types of events (impossible,

  simple, compound), addition and multiplication rules, conditional

  probability, independence of events, total probability, Bayes’ theorem,

  probability computations using permutations and combinations; Measures of

  central tendency and dispersion, mean, median, mode, mean deviation, standard

  deviation, variance (grouped and ungrouped data), frequency distribution

  analysis with same mean and different variance, random variable, mean,

  variance of a random variable.


Trigonometric functions, periodicity, graphs, addition/subtraction

  formulas, multiple/sub-multiple angle formulas, general solutions of

  trigonometric equations; Inverse trigonometric functions (principal value

  only) and elementary properties.

Analytical Geometry

Two Dimensions: Cartesian coordinates, distance between points,

  section formulae, origin shift; Equation of a line (various forms), angle

  between lines, point-to-line distance; Lines through the intersection point

  of two lines, angle bisectors, concurrency; Centroid, orthocenter, incenter,

  and circumcenter of triangles; Equation of a circle (various forms), tangent,

  normal, chord equations, parametric equations of circles, circle

  intersections (line or circle), circle equations through intersection points;

  Parabola, ellipse, hyperbola equations in standard form (foci, directrices,

  eccentricity, parametric equations, tangents, normals); Locus problems. Three

  Dimensions: Distance between points, direction cosines/ratios, line equations

  in space, skew lines, shortest distance, plane equations, point-to-plane

  distance, angles between lines, planes, and lines/planes, coplanarity of


Differential Calculus

Limits, function continuity, limit/continuity of sum, difference,

  product, quotient, L'Hospital’s rule; Continuity of composite functions,

  intermediate value property; Derivatives of functions, sum, difference,

  product, quotient rules, chain rule, derivatives of polynomial, rational,

  trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, logarithmic functions;

  Tangents, normals, increasing/decreasing functions, second-order derivatives,

  maxima and minima, Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange’s mean value theorem (and geometric

  interpretation), derivatives of implicit functions (up to second order),

  geometric interpretation of derivatives.

Integral Calculus

Integration as inverse of differentiation, indefinite integrals of

  standard functions, definite integrals (limit of sums), properties of

  definite integrals, fundamental theorem of calculus; Integration by parts,

  substitution, partial fractions; Application of definite integrals for areas

  bounded by curves; Formation of ordinary differential equations, solutions of

  first-order/first-degree homogeneous differential equations, separation of

  variables, linear first-order differential equations.


Vector addition, scalar multiplication, dot and cross products,

  scalar/vector triple products, geometric interpretations.

JEE Advanced Physics Syllabus




Units, dimensions, dimensional analysis; least count, significant figures; Measurement methods and error analysis (experiments with Vernier calipers, screw gauge, simple pendulum for g, Young’s modulus, capillary rise for surface tension, calorimeter for specific heat, concave mirror and convex lens focal length, speed of sound via resonance column, Ohm’s law, meter bridge for specific resistance).


Kinematics (1D, 2D, projectiles, circular motion, relative velocity); Newton’s laws, inertia, reference frames, friction, energy, work, power, conservation of momentum and energy; Systems of particles, center of mass, impulse, collisions; Rigid body dynamics, moment of inertia, torque, conservation of angular momentum, rotational motion, collisions; Oscillations (forced, damped, resonance, SHM); Gravitation, gravitational field and potential, Kepler’s laws, planetary motion, orbits, escape velocity; Fluid mechanics (pressure, Pascal’s law, buoyancy, surface tension, viscosity, Bernoulli’s theorem); Wave motion (longitudinal, transverse, superposition, stationary waves, resonance, speed of sound, Doppler effect).

Thermal Physics

Expansion of matter, calorimetry, heat conduction, convection, radiation, Newton’s law of cooling; Gas laws, specific heats, isothermal and adiabatic processes, first and second laws of thermodynamics, Carnot engine; Blackbody radiation, Kirchhoff’s law, Wien’s displacement law, Stefan’s law.

Electricity and Magnetism

Coulomb’s law, electric field and potential, energy in electrostatic fields, electric field lines, Gauss’s law and applications; Capacitance, capacitors (with/without dielectrics), energy storage, RC circuits; Electric current, Ohm’s law, resistances, Kirchhoff’s laws, heating effect of current; Magnetic fields (Biot-Savart’s law, Ampere’s law, fields due to currents), forces on charges and currents, magnetic moment, galvanometers, voltmeters, ammeters; Electromagnetic induction (Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, inductance, LR/LC/LCR circuits with AC and DC).

Electromagnetic Waves

Characteristics of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic spectrum (radio, microwave, infrared, visible, UV, X-rays, gamma rays) and their uses.


Light propagation, reflection, refraction, total internal reflection, prisms, thin lenses, mirrors; Wave nature (Huygens' principle, Young’s double-slit experiment, diffraction, polarization, Brewster’s law).

Modern Physics

Atomic structure, nuclear radiation (alpha, beta, gamma), radioactive decay, half-life, binding energy, fission, fusion; Photoelectric effect, Bohr’s model of atoms, X-rays, Moseley’s law, matter waves (de Broglie wavelength)

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