Updated on Mar 14,2021 by Saralstudy Team 1,938 Views
UPSC is India’s central agency which conducts exams like Civil Services Exam (CSE) to recruit candidates into top government services like IAS, IPS, and IFS etc. UPSC recruits candidates to both civil services as well as defence services. UPSC conducts a National Level Exam for 24 services under the Central & State Government of India. The UPSC is mandated by the Indian Constitution to make appointments to the All India Services and Central Services Group A and B, as well as to develop and update testing methodologies for these recruitments with input from various departments.
Apart from this, UPSC is also consulted on matters related to promotion and transfer of personnel as well as any disciplinary matters involving a civil servant serving in a civil capacity.
The full form of UPSC is Union Public Service Commission.
The Commission has mentioned the exam dates of 17 recruitment examinations. The list of these recruitment examinations along with their exam dates mention below:
UPSC Exams 2025 | UPSC Exam Dates |
Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 | 21st February 2025 |
C.D.S. Examination (I), 2025 | 7th February 2025 |
CISF AC(EXE) LDCE-2025 | 14th March 2025 |
N.D.A. & N.A. Examination (I), 2025 | 18th April 2025 |
Indian Forest Service (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 through CS(P) Examination 2025 | 27th June 2025 |
I.E.S./I.S.S. Examination, 2025 | 16th July 2025 |
Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination, 2025 | 17th July 2025 |
Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2025 | 18th July 2025 |
Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2025 | 8th August 2025 |
Combined Medical Services Examination, 2025 | 29th August 2025 |
N.D.A. & N.A. Examination (II), 2025 | 5th August 2025 |
Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2025 | 10th October 2025 |
C.D.S. Examination (II), 2025 | 14th November 2025 |
Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2025 | 21st November 2025 |
S.O./Steno (GD-B/GD-I) LDCE | 11th December 2025 |
The civil services examination simply called the UPSC Exam is held annually. It recruits applicants for the All-India Services are IAS, IPS, IRS, etc. While the CSE recruitment for 2020 is undergoing, the next examination will be held in 2021. It takes places in three stages:
Preliminary examination
Mains Examination
UPSC Syllabus for the preliminary and the main stage, the commission releases the UPSC syllabus every year. No change in the UPSC syllabus since 2013.
The first stage of the exam is, the Civil Services Preliminary Exam is only a screening test and is conducted to shortlist candidates for the Main Examination. Marks obtained in Preliminary Exam are not taken into account while preparing the final merit.
The preliminary exam includes two papers of objective type carrying a maximum of 400 marks.
No. of Papers | 2 compulsory papers |
Types of Questions | Objective (MCQ) type |
Total Maximum Marks | 400 (200 each paper) |
Duration of Exam | 2 hrs. Each (20 minutes per hour extra time for blind applicants & applicant with Locomotors Disability & Cerebral Palsy [minimum 40% impairment]) |
Negative Marking | 1/3rd of the marks allotted to a question |
Medium of Exam | Bilingual (Hindi & English) |
1. General Studies Paper-I Syllabus
It holds 100 questions broadly covering the following topics carrying a maximum of 200 marks to be solved in 2 hours.
Current events of National & International importance.
History of India & Indian National Movement.
Indian & World Geography – Economic Geography of India & the World, Physical, Social.
Indian Polity & Governance – Constitution, Panchayati Raj, Political System, Rights Issues, Public Policy, etc.
Economic & Social Development – Sustainable Development, Social Sector Initiatives, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, etc.
General issues on Environmental ecology, Bio-diversity & climate change – that do not need subject specialization.
General Science.
2. General Studies Paper-II Syllabus
It contains 80 questions from the following topics carrying a maximum of 200 marks to be solved in 2 hours.
Interpersonal skills including communication skills.
Logical reasoning & analytical ability.
Decision making & problem-solving.
General mental ability.
Basic numeracy (numbers & their relations, orders of magnitude, etc.) (Class X level), Data interpretation (data sufficiency, charts, graphs, tables, etc. - Class X level)
General Studies Paper-II of the IAS Exam is a qualifying exam with minimum qualifying marks fixed at 33%. A candidate must appear in both the Papers of the IAS Prelim Exam for evaluation.
Qualifying Papers | Marks | |
Paper-A | One of the Indian Language to be selected by the applicant from the Languages covered in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution | 300 |
Paper-B | English | 300 |
Papers to be Counted for Merit | ||
Paper-I | Essay | 250 |
Paper-II |
General Studies-I (Indian Heritage and Culture, Geography and History of the World and Society.) |
250 |
Paper-III |
General Studies-II (Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, Governance, and International relations) |
250 |
Paper-IV | Genera Studies-III (Environment, Security, Bio-diversity, Technology, Economic Development, and Disaster Management) | 250 |
Paper-V | General Studies-IV (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) | 250 |
Paper-VI | Optional Subject – Paper 1 | 250 |
Paper-VII | Optional Subject – Paper 2 | 250 |
Sub Total (Written Test) | 1750 | |
Personality Test | 275 | |
Grand Total | 2025 |
Important Points:
1. The exam on English and Indian languages (Paper A and Paper B) will be of qualifying nature and the marks scored in these papers will not be counted for ranking.
2. The papers on English and Indian languages (Paper A and Paper B) will be of Matriculation or equivalent standard.
3. The papers on Essay, General Studies, and Optional Subject of only such candidates will be
taken cognizance who attain 25% marks in ‘Indian Language’ and 25% in ‘English’ as minimum qualifying standards in these qualifying papers.
4. Marks scored by the candidates for Paper I-VII only will be counted for merit ranking.
5. The question papers for the main examination will be of conventional (essay) type and each paper will be of 3-hour span.
6. Applicants will have the option to answer all the question papers, except the Qualifying
Language Papers, Paper-A, and Paper-B, in any one of the languages involved in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution of India or English.
7. The question papers (other than the literature of language papers) will be set in English and Hindi only.
8. Compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour shall be allowed for the Blind candidates and the candidates with locomotor disability and cerebral palsy where dominant (writing) extremity is affected to the extent of slowing the performance of function (minimum of 40% impairment) in both the Civil Services (Preliminary) as well as in the Civil Services (Main) Examination.
Syllabus of UPSC Main Examination Papers
1. Qualifying Papers on Indian Languages and English
The pattern of questions described below:
English Language:
Comprehension of given passages.
Precis Writing.
Usage and Vocabulary.
Short Essays.
Indian Languages:
Comprehension of given passages.
Precis Writing.
Usage and Vocabulary.
Short Essays.
Translation from Indian Language to English and vice-versa.
2. Applicants may be needed to write essays on multiple topics.
They will be required to keep close to the subject of the essay to determine their ideas in an orderly fashion and to write concisely. Credit will be given for valid and exact expression.
3. Paper-II: General Studies-I
Indian Heritage and Culture, Geography and History of the World and Society.
Indian culture will include the salient aspects of literature, Art Forms, and Architecture from ancient to modern times.
Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- issues significant, personalities, events.
The Freedom Struggle — its different stages and major contributors/contributions from different parts of the country.
Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.
History of the world will include events from the 18th century such as the industrial revolution, world ware drawing of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization,
political philosophies like socialism, communism, capitalism, etc. - their forms and effect on the society.
Diversity of India, Salient features of Indian Society.
Role of women and women’s organization, poverty, population and associated issues, and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems, and their remedies.
Effects of globalization on Indian society.
Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism.
Salient features of the world’s physical geography.
Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-continent), factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and
tertiary sector industries in several parts of the world (including India).
Important Geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, Tsunami, Volcanic activity, cyclones, etc., geographical features and their location-changes in critical geographical features (including water-bodies and ice-caps) and flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.
4. Paper-III: General Studies-II
Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice and International relations.
Indian Constitution—historical underpinnings, features, evolution, significant provisions, amendments, and basic structure.
Difference of the Indian constitutional scheme with that of other countries.
Functions and responsibilities of the Union and the States, devolution of powers and finances up to local levels, issues and challenges about the federal structure, and
challenges therein.
Separation of powers between several organs disputes redressal mechanisms and institutions.
Parliament and State legislatures—functioning, structure, powers & privileges, the conduct of business, and issues arising out of these.
Organization, structure, and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary—Ministries and Departments of the Government, pressure groups and informal/formal associations and their role in the Polity.
Appointment to several Constitutional posts, responsibilities, functions, and powers of various Constitutional Bodies.
Salient features of the Representation of People’s Act.
Regulatory, statutory, and various quasi-judicial bodies.
Development processes and the development industry —the role of SHGs, NGOs, various groups, and associations, institutional, donors, charities, and other
Government policies and interventions for development in many sectors and implementation and issues arising out of their design.
Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the States and Centre and the performance of these schemes, laws, institutions, mechanisms, and Bodies formed for the protection and progress of these vulnerable sections.
Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Human Resources, Health, Education.
Issues relating to poverty and hunger.
Important aspects of transparency, governance, and accountability, e-governance-applications, successes, models, limitations, and potential; citizens charters,
transparency & accountability, and institutional and other measures.
Role of civil services in a democracy.
India and its neighborhood- relations.
Regional, bilateral, and global groupings and agreements including India and/or affecting India’s interests.
Effect of policies and politics of developing and developed countries on India’s interests, Indian diaspora.
Important International institutions, fora, and agencies - their structure, mandate.
5. Paper-IV: General Studies-III
Technology, Biodiversity, Environment, Economic Development, Security and Disaster Management
Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilization, resources, growth, development, and employment.
Inclusive growth and issues arising from it.
Government Budgeting.
Major crops-cropping patterns in various parts of the country - Irrigation systems storage, and different types of irrigation transport and marketing of agricultural produce
and issues and related constraints, e-technology in the aid of farmers.
Issues related to indirect and direct farm subsidies and minimum support prices; Public Distribution System-objectives, functioning, limitations, revamping; issues of buffer stocks and food security; Technology missions; economics of animal-rearing.
Food processing and related industries in India- location, scope and significance, downstream and upstream requirements, supply chain management.
Land reforms in India.
Effects of liberalization on the economy, their effects on industrial growth, and changes in industrial policy.
Infrastructure: Energy, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways, etc.
Investment models.
Science and Technology- developments and their applications and impacts in everyday life.
Achievements of Indians in science & technology, developing new technology, and indigenization of technology.
Awareness in the fields of IT, Computers, Space, robotics, biotechnology, Nano-technology, and issues relating to intellectual property rights.
Environmental pollution, conservation, and degradation, environmental impact assessment.
Disaster and disaster management.
Linkages between development and spread of extremism.
Role of external state and non-state actors in building challenges to internal security.
Challenges to internal security through communication networks, the role of media and social networking sites in internal security challenges, money-laundering, basics of cyber security, and its prevention.
Various Security forces and agencies and their mandate.
Security challenges and their management in border areas - linkages of organized crime with terrorism.
6. Paper-V: General Studies-IV
Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude
This exam will involve questions to test the applicants’ attitude and approach to issues relating to integrity, probity in public life, and his problem-solving approach to various issues and conflicts faced by him in dealing with society.
Questions may utilize the case study approach to manage these aspects.
The following broad areas will be covered:
Ethics and Human Interface: Essence, determinants, and consequences of Ethics in-human actions; ethics - in private and public relationships: dimensions of ethics. Human Values - lessons from the lives and teachings of great leaders, administrators, and reformers; the role of family society and educational institutions in inculcating values.
Attitude: structure, function, content; its influence and relation with thought and behavior; moral and political attitudes; social influence and persuasion.
Aptitude and foundational values for Civil Service, impartiality, integrity, and non-partisanship, objectivity, dedication to public service, tolerance, empathy, and
compassion towards the weaker sections.
Emotional intelligence-concepts, and their utilities and application in governance and administration.
Contributions of moral philosophers and thinkers from India and the world.
Civil/ Public service values and Ethics in Public administration: Status and problems; laws, rules, regulations, and conscience as sources of ethical guidance; ethical concerns and dilemmas in government and private institutions; strengthening of ethical and moral values in governance; ethical issues in international relations and funding; accountability and ethical governance; corporate governance.
Probity in Governance: Concept of public service; Philosophical basis of governance and probity; Information sharing and transparency in government, Codes of Ethics, Codes of Conduct, Citizen’s Charters, Right to Information, Work culture, Utilization of public funds, Quality of service delivery, challenges of corruption.
Case Studies on the above issues.
7. Paper – VI & VII
Optional Subject Papers I & II.
A candidate may opt for any one Optional Subject from the following:
Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science
Civil Engineering
Commerce and Accountancy
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Medical Science
Political Science and International Relations
Public Administration
The literature of any one of the following languages: Assamese, Bengali, Bodo, Dogri, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Maithili, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Odia, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and English.
Each Optional Subject has 2 compulsory papers.
Exams conducted by UPSC for selection into civil services are mention below:
Civil Services Examination (CSE)
Engineering Services Examination (ESE).
Indian Forestry Services Examination (IFoS).
Central Armed Police Forces Examination (CAPF).
Indian Statistical Service and Indian Economic Service (ISS/IES).
Combined Geo-Scientist and Geologist Examination.
Combined Medical Services (CMS).
Special Class Railway Apprentices Exam (SCRA).
Exams administered by UPSC for selection into defense services:
Combined Defense Services Exam i.e. CDS (I).
Combined Defense Services Exam i.e. CDS (II).
National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination i.e. NDA & NA (I).
National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination i.e. NDA & NA (II).
These are some services that one gets on qualifying for the Civil Service Examination. The service allocation depends on 1’s rank and the number of vacancies in service in that particular year.
Indian Administrative Service
Indian Police Service
Indian Foreign Service
Indian Audit and Accounts Service
Indian Finance Service & P&T Accounts
Indian Revenue Service (Customs and Central Excise)
Indian Defence Accounts Service
Indian Revenue Service (I.T.)
Indian Ordnance Factories Service (Administration, Assistant Works Manager)
Indian Postal Service
Indian Civil Accounts Service
Indian Railway Traffic Service
Indian Railway Accounts Service
Indian Railway Personnel Service
Assistant Security Commissioner in Railway Protection Force
Indian Defence Estates Service
Indian Information Service (Junior Grade)
Indian Trade Service
Indian Corporate Law Service
Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service, Group ‘B’ (Section Officer′s Grade)
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Delhi, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar
Haveli Civil Service
Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Delhi, Daman & Diu, and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service
Pondicherry Civil Service
Pondicherry Police Service
Applicants must be degree holders or graduates (degree received by University Grants Commission) to show up for this Examination. Indian students holding a foreign degree need to guarantee that their degree is authorized or perceived by UGC.
Minimum And Maximum Age For UPSC Exam
A student belongs in with General class and OBC (creamy layer) must have achieved the age of 21 on the first August of the year of the Exam yet should not have achieved the age of 30 on the first August of the year of the Exam.
Students belong to OBC (non-velvety layer) classification must have accomplished the age of 21 on the first August of the year of the Exam however should not have achieved the age of 33 on the first August of the year of the Exam.
Candidates belonging to the SC classification must have achieved the age of 21 on the first August of the year of the Exam yet should not have accomplished the age of 35 on the first August of the year of the Exam.
Students having a place with ST class must have achieved the age of 21 on the first August of the year of the Exam however should not have accomplished the age of 35 on the first August of the year of the Exam.
S.No. | Vacancy Name | Posts |
1 | Junior Technical Officer | 6 |
2 | Assistant Director (i.e. Fishing Harbour) | 1 |
3 | Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (i.e. Surgical Oncology) | 2 |
4 | Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (i.e. Community Medicine or Social and Preventive Medicine) | 12 |
5 | Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor(i.e. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation) | 7 |
6 | Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (i.e. Radio Therapy) | 7 |
7 | Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (i.e. Urology) | 6 |
8 | Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (i.e. Public Health) | 5 |
9 | Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (i.e. Forensic Medicine) | 6 |
10 | Lecturer (i.e. Medical Social Work) | 1 |
11 | Assistant Public Prosecutor | 80 |
12 | Data Processing Assistant | 116 |
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the CDS 1 2021 Notification in its official site @upsc.gov.in for recruitment in Combined Defence Services (CDS) through courses carried out by INA, IMA, AFA, and OTA. The UPSC CDS 1 Exam 2021 will be held on 7th February 2021 in the written mode for selection of candidates for the SSB Interview round before getting recruited by the Indian Naval Academy (INA), Air Force Academy (AFA), Indian Military Academy (IMA), and Officers Training Academy (OTA) Men and Women. The UPSC CDS 2021 Exam will be held at selected Exam Centres across the country. The exam will be conducted based on the latest UPSC CDS syllabus and exam pattern. Applicants can check the detailed subject-wise syllabus of UPSC CDS Syllabus 2021 below. Important dates of the CDS 2 2021 exam:
UPSC CDS 2 2021: Important Dates | |
Release of UPSC CDS Notification | 28th October 2020 |
Start of Online Application | 28th October 2020 |
Last date to Apply Online | 17th November 2020 |
UPSC CDS 2 Exam Date | 7th February 2021 |
Release of UPSC CDS Admit Card | Released |
UPSC CDS Result Date | To be announced |
UPSC CDS Exam Pattern 2021
UPSC conducts the CDS Exam twice every year for selection to Indian Military, Navy, Air Force, and Officers Training Academy. The selection process for CDS Recruitment includes two phases:
Written Exam
SSB Interview
Candidates need to qualify for each phase to get selected for admission. Have a look at the exam pattern for the written exam below:
Subjects | No. of MCQs | Marks | Time |
General Knowledge | 120 | 100 | 120 minutes |
English Language | 120 | 100 | 120 minutes |
Elementary Mathematics | 120 | 100 | 120 minutes |
Note: Applicants appearing for OTA need to attempt only General Knowledge & English Language Papers.
All papers will include objective type multiple-choice questions (MCQs).
The question papers of General Knowledge and Mathematics will be set bilingually in English and Hindi.
There is a Negative Marking of 1/3rd marks for wrong answers marked in the paper. Candidates need to attempt the exam in their hands; they will not be allowed the help of a scribe. Candidates cannot use calculators or Mathematical tables for answering the questions.
UPSC CDS Written Exam Syllabus 2021
Let’s have a look at the latest and detailed UPSC CDS syllabus of General Knowledge, English Language, and Elementary Mathematics:
English (Code 1) |
This will check understanding of English language and use of workmanlike word through:
General Knowledge (Code 2) | The section will test applicants knowledge of current events and matters of everyday observation along with their knowledge of scientific aspects, Indian History, and Geography:
Elementary Mathematics (Code 3) | ARITHMETIC
The SSB Interview carries equivalent marks as that of the written exam. For INA/IMA/AFA courses, the SSB Interview holds 300 marks and for OTA, the interview holds 200 marks. The SSB includes a two-stage selection process:
Stage I: Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) tests
Stage II: Interview, Psychology Tests, Group Testing Officer Tasks, & Conference
Both the stages are successive for the selection of candidates. Candidates need to qualify for both stages. Applicant’s performance in SSB Interview is accessed by three accessors:
Interviewing Officer (IO)
Group Testing Officer (GTO)
Candidates who can fetch UPSC CDS Cut off Marks in the written exam and qualify for the SSB Interview make into the final merit list prepared by the UPSC. Applicant’s selection for admission to INA, IMA, AFA, and OTA courses is made through this final merit list.
The CDS application form is released online on the official website. The application form can be filled in two sections. Part I comprises the candidate’s registration, choosing the preferred branches, verifying details, and generation of registration ID. Part I consists of paying the application fees, selection of exam center, upload scanned images of photograph and signature.
The application fee is Rs 200 that can be paid both online and offline. The online application withdrawal facility is made available after the finish of the registration process.
Category | Application Fee (in Rs.) |
General and OBC male candidates | 200 |
Female/SC/ST candidates | Nil |
The applicants will be getting 20 days to fill the IAS application 2021. The last date to submit the IAS 2021 application form will be March 3. The candidates need to submit the IAS application fee according to their category because without the application fee, the IAS application 2021 will be canceled.
Applicants could fill the IAS application form in online mode@upsconline.nic.in within the stipulated period. Once the application form is filled, applicants also require to pay the IAS application fee in online or offline mode. The details of the category-wise IAS application fee are as follows.
Category | Preliminary Exam Fee |
Mains Exam Fee |
General/ EWS/OBC | Rs. 100 | Rs. 200 |
Females/ SC/ ST/ Persons with Benchmark Disability | Nil | Nil |
Events | Important Dates |
UPSC Prelims Exams | 4th October 2020 |
Declaration of UPSC Prelims Result | 23rd October 2020 |
Filling of DAF | 28th October to 11th November 2020 |
UPSC Mains Exam Date 2020 | 8th, 9th, 10th, 16th, 17th January 2021 |
UPSC Mains Exam Result Date | February 2021 |
Eligibility Criteria for Data Processing Assistant, Assistant Public Prosecutor, and Other Posts.
Junior Technical Officer - Bachelor of Engineering (Oil Technology) or Bachelor of Technology(Oil Technology) from a recognized University or Institute or Bachelor’s degree in Science with Post-Graduate Diploma in Sugar Technology from a recognized University or Institute.
Assistant Director (Fishing Harbour) - Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized Institute or University.
Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Forensic Medicine/Surgical Oncology/Public Health/Social and Preventive Medicine or Community Medicine/Radio Therapy/Urology) - MBBS degree qualification included in the First Schedule or Second Schedule. Or Part II of the Third Schedule to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Holders of Educational qualifications involved in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in sub-section (3) of section 13 of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 (102 of 1956). Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned specialty or super specialty specified in Section A of Schedule VI from recognized Teaching Institute Lecturer (Medical Social Work) - Masters’ Degree in Social Work from a recognized University with specialization in Medical and Psychiatric Social Work or Generic or Family and Child Welfare.
Data Processing Assistant - Master’s Degree in Information Technology/Computer Applications/Computer Science of a recognized University/Institute OR B.E//B.Tech.in Computer Engineering/Computer Science/Computer Technology/Computer Science and Engineering/Information Technology from a recognized University/Institute.
Assistant Public Prosecutor - Degree in Law from recognized University or equivalent.
UPSC Admit Card 2021 has released at upsc.gov.in and Aspirants can check the www.upsc.gov.in Admit Card 2021 Release Date and Time for the Post of Indian Forest Services provided by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and can check the UPSC Indian Forest Service’s exam date. All the Applicants who have applied for the UPSC Indian Forest Services should download the exam admit card / Hall Ticket by using their Registration ID or DOB and Candidates get Latest UPSC Admit Card 2021 or UPSC Hall Ticket 2021.
UPSC Result Date
Events | Date |
UPSC Preliminary Exam Date | 4th October 2020 |
UPSC Prelims Result Date | 23rd October 2020 |
UPSC Main Exam Date | 8th January 2021 (5 days) |
UPSC Mains Result Date | 30th January 2021 (tentative) |
UPSC Interview Date | February/March 2021 |
UPSC Final Result | May 2021 |
How to Check UPSC Result?
The UPSC written result will be issued for the Civil Services Preliminary and Main Examination. Candidates who have appeared for the examination can check their written by following the below steps.
Applicants should visit the official website of UPSC – www.upsc.gov.in
Scroll down and click on the "Written Result".
Find the result link.
Search the written result using the roll number.
Download and take a printout of the result for future reference.
UPSC is the toughest government job examination in India. Its high competitive nature always put lot of stress on aspirant’s mind. As the number of aspirants is always very high and the jobs are limited, you must properly to get listed in Cutoff list. Here are some tips for you to prepare
for UPSC:
1. Study systematically
Students must make a proper schedule for study which includes equal time for all the subjects. You must study a subject at a particular time. Don’t confuse yourself by thinking about all the subjects at the same time.
2. Know your syllabus
You must know your syllabus before starting the preparation. The UPSC 2021 syllabus is mention above. Students must read the complete syllabus and plan their studies accordingly.
3. Make notes
Note making a habit is a strength of students. Making notes enable you to crop the extra material in the topic and get useful information. Make notes and go through them again and again.
4. Equal Focus on all subjects
All the subjects are equally important. You can not proceed to the next level if you are unable to pass any one subject. It is important to give equal focus to all the subjects. However, you may need to work hard for one subject and you might find another easy but make sure not to take any subject lightly.
5. Revision
Revision is a very important part of the exam preparation. Whatever you have learned, you have to revise at the end of the day. This helps the topics to get feed into your mind and you will never get confused during the examination.
6. Sample papers and previous year exam papers
The sample [papers and previous year exam papers contain the important questions and many a time you can figure out which question is repeating the most and which topics are given the most weightage. Solving sample papers and previous year exam papers can be a great help to you in self-evaluation also.
If your aim is to crack UPSC examination, You must select the best books for the preparation. Here, we have isted some of the books that you can choose for preparation.
Books | Author |
Indian Polity for Civil Service Examination | M. Laxmikanth |
Indian Art and Culture | Nitin Sinhgania |
Atlas for Geography | Oxford Publications |
Indian Economy | Ramesh Singh |
Brief History of Modern India | Rajiv Ahir |
Indian Art and Culture | Nitin Singhania |
India’s Struggle for Independence | Bipin Chandra |
Mock tests are the most important part of exam preparation and self-evaluation. Mock tests help you to get familiarize with the real examination and give you confidence. You get to know your weakness and work on them. Mock tests help you to identify types of questions and important topics along with marks distribution in the paper.
Q1. What is the first post of an IAS officer?
Ans. IAS officers who have joined fresh from LBSNAA are posted as Sub Divisional Magistrate (SDM) at the district level.
Q2. How long is the IAS training?
Ans. IAS Training currently lasts for 75 weeks including the duration spent at LBSNAA and central government attachments. But, there are proposals to reduce the duration of training in view of the current shortage of IAS officers in the country.
Q3. What is the UPSC Syllabus for the Civil Services exam?
Ans. UPSC Syllabus is notified in the IAS notification every year. In short, we can say it covers everything which is linked and relevant to India and our citizens.
Q4. How many optional subjects are there in UPSC Syllabus?
Ans. The total number of subjects in the IAS exam is 48. UPSC provides full opportunity to all the applicants to select their subject from the list of optional subjects notified in the IAS notification every year. There are 23 literature language subjects and 25 subjects to choose from.
Q5. How many language literature subjects are there in UPSC IAS Syllabus?
Ans. There are 23 literature subjects in the UPSC syllabus. The candidates can opt for any literature subject. The list of the subjects is given above for perusal.
Q6. How to prepare the UPSC Syllabus?
Ans. IAS syllabus can only be prepared with the right strategy. The applicants need to study the fundamentals first and then go for the application part of the topics.
Q7. How much time will it take to cover the UPSC Syllabus?
Ans. IAS syllabus can be covered in 1.5 to 2 years’ time with a consistent effort The IAS toppers and mentors always suggest covering the IAS main syllabus first.