Class 12th Biology 2017 Set1 Outside Delhi Board Paper Solution
Question 12
Both Haemophilia and Thalassemia are blood related disorders in humans. Write their causes and the difference between the two. Name the category of genetic disorder they both come under.
Haemophilia is a sex linked recessive disorder.
Cause: A single protein that is part of cascade of proteins involved in the clotting of blood is affected. Due to this, in an affected individual, a simple cut will result in non-stop bleeding.
Thalassemia is an autosome linked recessive blood disease. A thalessemia is controlled by two closely linked genes HBA1 and HBA2 on chromosome 16 of parent and it is observed due to mutation or deletion of one or more of the four genes. The more genes affected, the less alpha globin molecules produced. While a thalessemia is controlled by a single gene HBB on chromosome IIof each parents and occurs due to mutation of one or both the genes.