Class 12th Biology 2013 Set1 Delhi Board Paper Solution
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Q1 An anther with malfunctioning tapetum often fails to produce vi...
Q2 Why sharing of injection needles between two individuals is not...
Q3 Name the enzyme and state its property that is responsible for ...
Q4 Identify the examples of convergent evolution from the followin...
Q5 Write the importance of MOET.
Q6 Why is the enzyme cellulase needed for isolating genetic materi...
Q7 Name the type of biodiversity represented by the following:
Q8 Write the equation that helps in deriving the net primary produ...
Q9 Geitonogamous flowering plants are genetically autogamous but f...
Q10 When and where do chorionic villi appear in humans? State their...
Q11 In a cross between two tall pea plants some of the offsprings p...
Q12 A student on a school trip started sneezing and wheezing soon a...
Q13 Name two commonly used bioreactors. State the importance of ...
Q14 Write the function of adenosine diaminase enzyme. State the cau...
Q15 Expand the following and mention one application of each: ...
Q16 Name any two sources of e-Wastes and write two different ways f...
Q17 Why the pyramid of energy is always upright? Explain.
Q18 Explain why very small animals are rarely found in polar region.
Q19 Draw a diagram of the microscopic structure of human sperm. ...
Q20 With the help of any two suitable examples explain the effect o...
Q21 (a) Why is human ABO blood group gene considered a good example...
Q22 Describe the structure of a RNA polynuclotide chain having four...
Q23 Differentiate between inbreeding and outbreeding in cattle. ...
Q24 (a) Why are the fruit juices bought from market clearer as c...
Q25 (a) Why are transgenic animals so called? (b) Explain the ...
Q26 How have human activities caused desertification? Explain. ...
Q27 Explain mutualism with the help of any two examples. How is it ...
Q28 (a) Draw a diagrammatic sectional view of a mature anatropous o...
Q29 Describe the asexual and sexual phases of life cycle of Plas...
Q30 A child by the family from Thalassemia is born to a normal coup...
Question 19
Draw a diagram of the microscopic structure of human sperm. Label the following parts in it and write their functions.
(a) Acrosome
(b) Nucleus
(c) Middle piece
Function of Acrosome -
It releases various chemicals like hyalu ronidase and acrosin which helps sperm in fusing with egg cell.
Function of Nucleus -
It stores the genetic information. It carries 23 chromosomes, out of which one is sex chromosome (either X or Y). Thus, it is responsible for determining the sex of the ind ividual.
Function of Middle piece -
T he middle piece contains several mitochondria, which produce energy for the motility of the sperm
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