Explain with the help of suitable examples the three different ways by which organisms overcome their stressful conditions lasting for short duration.
Below are the different ways:
Migration: Organisms can move away temporarily from stressful habitat to a more hospitable area and return when stressful period is over. e.g. humans moving from Delhi to Shimla during summer.
Spore Formation : Various kinds of thick walled spores are formed which germinate on availability of suitable environment, e.g., bacteria, fungi etc. .
Dormancy: Seeds or Vegetative reproductive structures help to tide over stress by reducing their metabolic activity e.g., seeds or vegetative reproductive structures of higher plants.
Hibernation : In this organisms reduce their all matabolic activity, they undergo for a long period of inactivity. It takes place during winter e.g., bear.
Aestivation : It takes place during summer to avoid heat and dessication, They also undergo for a long period of inactivity e.g., Snails/fish etc.
Diapause : Under unfavourable conditions, zooplanktons enter a stage of suspended metablic activity e.g., zooplanktons.