Class 12th Biology 2015 Set3 Delhi Board Paper Solution

Question 6

Differentiate between 'ZZ' and 'XY' type of sex-determination mechanisms.


The differences between ZZ and XY type of sex-determination mechanisms are listed below:

ZZ Sex-Determination Mechanism XY Sex-Determination Mechanism
In this type of chromosomal sex determination mechanism, the females are heterogametic, that is, they produce two types of gametes, while the males are homogametic. In this type of chromosomal sex determination mechanism, the males are heterogametic, that is, they produce two types of gametes, while the females are homogametic.
Here, the females produce two types of eggs (A+Z) and (A+W), while the males produce only one type of sperm (A+Z).​ Here, the males have an X chromosome and its counterpart Y chromosome, which is distinctly smaller. Hence, the males are XY. However, females have a pair of X chromosomes; therefore,  they are XX.
Organisms that have the ZZ type of sex-determination mechanism are birds, fishes, some reptiles, etc. Organisms that have the XY type of sex-determination mechanism are humans and Drosophila.