Name two commonly used bioreactors. State the importance of using a bioreactor.
Draw a diagram of the microscopic structure of human sperm. Label the following parts in it and write their functions. (a) Acrosome (b) Nucleus (c) Middle piece
Differentiate between inbreeding and outbreeding in cattle. State one advantage and one disadvantage for each one of them.
(a) Why are the fruit juices bought from market clearer as compared to those made at home?
(b) Name the bioactive molecules produced by Trichoderma polysporum and Monascus purpureus.
Describe the asexual and sexual phases of life cycle of Plasmodium that causes malaria in humans. OR (a) What is plant breeding? List the two steps the classical plant breeding involves. (b) How has the mutation breeding helpes in improving crop varieties? Give one example where this technique has helped. (c) How has the breeding programme helped in improving the public nutritional health? State two examples in support of your answer.