IGKO Olympiad 2025: Exam, Syllabus, and Preparation Tips.

Updated on Nov 26,2024 by Saralstudy Team 793 Views

The Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) is responsible for conducting the international general knowledge Olympiad for the students of classes 1st-10th. The main motive of the global general knowledge Olympiad exam is to motivate the students to improve their knowledge and stay updated with the current situations in the world. The schools select the date of the examination of base level among the announced dates as per their suitability. It is an offline examination conducted every year in schools. 

The students are provided with prizes and certificates. The students should be prepared with basic general knowledge and current affairs.

IGKO Olympiad

Summary Table for IGKO Olympiad



Full Form

International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO)

Conducting Body

Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)


Students of Classes 1 to 10


Tests general awareness, reasoning, and critical thinking skills

Exam Pattern

Objective-type questions varying by class level


Scholarships, certificates, medals, and recognition for top performers


Conducted annually

Official Website

SOF Official Website

Eligibility Crieteria for IGKO Olympiad 2025-26

Students in Classes 1-10 are eligible to participate, provided they are enrolled in a school affiliated with SOF. Students must compete in the Olympiad for their current class level

How to Register for IGKO Olympiad

The students can fulfill the registration process by themselves. Schools are registered as the center of exams by the science Olympiad foundation. Any student of class 1st-10th can register for the examination. The registration fee is 125 rupees. 

The science Olympiad foundation provides the application forms and certificates to the school. First, the officials give the date and time of the exam and registration details. After this, participants can register by filling out the form with essential information. After the fees and registration form submission, the participant is provided with admit card and center details.

Exam Dates for IGKO Olympiad

  • Date One - 19th September 2024

  • Date Two - 4th October 2024

  • Date Three - 15th October 2024

IGKO Olympiad Result
  • Olympiad results are typically announced within eight weeks of the examination. These results are sent directly to the participating schools and are also accessible on the official website for easy reference.

Syllabus for IGKO Olympiad 2025-26

The students should be prepared with basic general knowledge and current affairs. The exam pattern is based on the classes students are studying, and there is no negative marking system in the exam

  1. Syllabus for class 1- Me and my surroundings, plant and animals, India and the world, science and technology, language and literature, earth and its environment, sports, math's, social skills, Dos and Don'ts, current affairs.

  2. Syllabus for class 2 - Me and my surrounding, plant and animals, India and the world, science and technology, language and literature, earth and its environment, transport and communication, sports, math's fun, life skills, social skills, moral values, teamwork, communication, current affairs.

  3. Syllabus for class 3 - Me and my surrounding, plant, and animals, India and the world, science and technology, language and literature, earth and its environment, transport and communication, sports, math's fun, life skills, social skills, moral values, teamwork, communication, current affairs, environment sensitivity, communication, leadership, time management.

  4. Syllabus for class 4 - Our body and health, environment and its conservation, plant, and animals, India and the world, science and technology, language and kinds of literature, earth and its environment, transport and communication, sports, math's, fun, flexibility, decision making, emotional intelligence, life skills, social skills, moral values, teamwork, communication, current affairs.

  5. Syllabus for class 5 - Body and health, plant and animals, India and the world, science and technology, language and literature, earth and its environment, transport and communication, environment and its conservation, sports, math's fun, entertainment, life skills, social skills, moral values, teamwork, communication, current affairs.

  6. Syllabus for class 6 - Plant and animals, India and the world, universe, social studies, science and technology, language and literature, earth and its environment, transport and communication, environment and its conservation, sports, math's fun, entertainment, life skills, social skills, moral values, teamwork, effective communication, current affairs, empathy, critical thinking, creative thinking, coping with stress, decision making, problem-solving, interpersonal skills, managing emotions, self-awareness.

  7. Syllabus for class 7 - Plant and animals, India and the world, science and technology, language and literature, the universe, social studies, quantitative aptitude and reasoning, earth and its environment, transport and communication, environment and its conservation, sports, math's fun, entertainment, life skills, social skills, moral values, teamwork, communication, current affairs, effective communication, critical thinking, creative thinking, decision making, problem-solving, interpersonal skills, managing emotions, self-awareness.

  8. Syllabus for class 8 - Plant and animals, India and the world, science and technology, language and literature, the universe, social studies, earth and its environment, quantitative aptitude and reasoning, transport and communication, environment and its conservation, sports, math's fun, entertainment, life skills, social skills, moral values, teamwork, communication, current affairs, critical thinking, creative thinking, coping with the stress, decision making, managing emotions, self-awareness.

  9. Syllabus for class 9 - Plant and animals, India and the world, science and technology, language and literature, media, the universe, social studies, earth and its environment, quantitative aptitude and reasoning, transport and communication, environment and its conservation, sports, math's fun, entertainment, life skills, social skills, moral values, teamwork, communication, current affairs, critical thinking, creative thinking, coping with the stress, decision making, managing emotions, quantitative aptitude, and logical reasoning.

  10.  Syllabus for class 10 - Plant and animals, our environment, science and technology, India and the world, language,  literature and media, sports, quantitative aptitude, and logical reasoning, the universe, social studies, earth and its environment, quantitative aptitude and reasoning, transport and communication, environment and its conservation, sports, math's fun, entertainment, life skills, social skills, moral values, teamwork, effective communication, current affairs, critical thinking, creative thinking, coping with the stress, decision making, managing emotions, empathy, self-awareness.

Exam Pattern for IGKO Olympiad

The IGKO comprises multiple-choice questions (MCQs) designed to test students’ understanding of general awareness, reasoning, and current affairs. The syllabus includes:

  • Environment: Nature, conservation, and biodiversity
  • Science & Technology: Advancements and innovations
  • India & The World: History, geography, and cultural heritage
  • Current Affairs: Recent news and events
  • Life Skills: Decision-making and problem-solving

Tip: Focus on applying knowledge to solve practical and analytical problems.

Awards for IGKO Olympiad

Awards for international general knowledge Olympiad

At international level


Number of awards

Awards, medals



Rs 50000+ gold medal



25,000+ silver medal



Rs 10,000+ bronze medal

At zonal level


Number of awards

Awards, medals



A gift worth 1000+ gold medal



A gift worth 1000+ silver medal



A gift worth 1000+ bronze medal

4th and 11th rank


Gift worth 500/-+ distinction medal

12th and 25th rank


Distinction medal

At international level


Number of awards


Best principle

Citation and trophy


Best teachers

Citation and trophy


At zonal level


Number of awards


Best zonal principle

Citation and trophy


Best zonal teachers

Citation and trophy


At district level


Number of awards


Best district principle

2,500/- to each principal +citation trophy


Best district teachers

1000/-to each teacher + Citation trophy


Preparation Tips for IGKO Olympiad

  1. Understand the syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly.
  2. Solve sample and previous year’s question papers.
  3. Stay updated with current affairs using books, news, and online resources.
  4. Use Olympiad-specific resources to strengthen conceptual knowledge.

Pro Tip: Consistent practice and critical thinking are key to excelling in IGKO.

FAQs for IGKO Olympiad

  1. How many questions are there in IGKO?

Ans: There are 35 objective-type questions for grades 1st-4th, while there are 50 questions for grades 5th-10th.

  1. Is there any negative marking in IGKO?

Ans: There is no negative marking in IGKO.

  1. what does IGKO means?

Ans: IGKO means international general knowledge Olympiad.

  1. Is the IGKO exam online or offline?

IGKO exam is conducted offline by the science Olympiad foundation (SOF).

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