HomeCareerHow To Write Static Content

How To Write Static Content

Content writing is not a piece of cake. A writer or an organization has to follow a set of rules to ensure that their work doesn’t end up in dumps. Of all the various ways you make your website, your content will be either static or dynamic. As the name states, Static Content stands for any content that can’t be changed. This content is published to regular files and is handled with the easiest methods available to the servers. It is usually cached in your computer whenever you first visit the page and stays there until the time the page has actually changed/modified. This is the reason why a website takes longer to load when you have visited it the very first time so that any more future accesses require less processing time.

What’s a static webpage?

A webpage consisting of static content is referred to as the static webpage that simply passes to a requesting browser without any changes i.e. it displays the same information for all users, from all contexts. These types of pages are generally HTML pages that are stored as files and made available over the HTTP. Moreover the static content is never a part of a section or category and is completely incapable to be a part of them either. These content can only be managed i.e. created, edited or deleted using the Static Content Manager.

In loosened terms a standard HTML page is a static webpage consisting of static content. So, one can easily tell if a page is static or dynamic by just looking at the page’s file extension. 

Some of the advantages of the static content are as follows:

  • It’s considered to be the fastest and an effective method to deliver contents.
  • It’s more secure because of the reason that no coding or databases are required to execute or access this content respectively.
  • The contents are addressed using simple and clean URLs.
  • Using such content boosts performance as the web caching systems are more wisely used.

Every type of web server supports this kind of content. Ways to write static content.

Content has to be structured in a well systematic manner to ensure that it manages to stay unaffected by dynamic content updates of other businesses. Several ways can be followed for the same.

  1. Use a title that clearly refers to the topic of content writing. Instead of going creative, opt for something that is eye-catchy, briefly descriptive of the elucidated content.
  2. The article should be divided into paragraphs, each with vital information about the topic. For instance, if you are writing about the best countries to visit- start with a paragraph on different countries and why the list is created. Then divided the article into several sub headers or pointers.
  3. Static content should not have derogatory or abusive remarks as it directly affects the image of the organization.
  4. In case static content is in a blog post, make sure that it is linked with a website that provides services related to the post.
  5. Republishing a static webpage requires more time, hence spelling mistakes; typos and grammar errors must be avoided at all costs.

So whatever the requirement is, one has to tactfully balance the dynamic as well as the static content writing to increase the performance of their website.

Also Read: Notice Writing: A Comprehensive Guide

Saral Study
Saral Study
Saral Study staff mostly works for helpful articles and other posts which include student-related news, education-related news, updates, informative lists, etc.


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