HomeEducationWays To Fight Peer-Pressure

Ways To Fight Peer-Pressure

Peer pressure is typically the pressure of beliefs exerted by those in a group who possess a strong personality. It has a negative influence on your growth, your goals in life, and also your studies. Consciously or sub-consciously, you get motivated and driven by the views of others which challenges your abilities and thoughts.

1. Self-esteem and self-identity

The importance of respecting your decisions, being confident, and building up your self-respect has to be felt. Students are usually confused and unsure. That is the reason they get influenced and take somebody else’s personality as their own.

2. Say No

Saying a Yes always does not make you a good friend or a better human being. It weakens you after a point in time. You should be able to stand up for yourself, for what you believe in, and your dreams. Being agreeable always may need you to justify to yourself.

3. Take time to decide

Take ample time when you have to decide on anything. Do not be bogged down by what others have to say, nor take a step in haste because others have already taken it. Lagging behind is better than taking the wrong step and regretting for the rest of life.

4. Respect Values

Respect the values that are etched in you, that you have imbibed. The values that your family has lived by. If you strongly believe in them, no one and nothing can make you go wrong.

5. Keep away from a bad crowd

Try building up your intuitive powers as well apart from common sense, and be careful and cautious. You will know about the intentions of a person this way. And if you have a gut feeling that a particular individual has no good intentions, stay away.

6. Think about your future

A wrong deed or a mistake can haunt you for the rest of your life by ruining your education, career, and future. Decide if you would let such an incident provoked by peers destroy your claim to success – of being in a good school, or having a career.

7. Stand by what you believe in

It is difficult but has to be done. Always remember that you have your family and friends with you for support and assurance. Go and take on the world.

8. Have friends

Have friends with similar values, upbringing, and views. Friends who care about you and have always stuck by you in times of need.

9. Talk

To someone, you can trust. That person can be a family member, a friend, a teacher, or anyone. It makes you correct mistakes you have made, and avoid making any more in the future, it is counsel that helps to stay away and aloof of peer pressure. Most kids need such counseling and reassurance. So talk. There will be times when you may not know what is the correct thing to do or how to get out of a situation. A trustworthy person will enable this. You will acquire the strength also to face it the next time.


Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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