Valentine’s Day- A day for Romance: Valentine’s Day is the most famous day of love celebrated all over the world on 14th February every year. The couples exchange candies and chocolates in the name of St. Valentine. It was declared by Pope Gelasius at the end of the 5th century. Since then, this day is celebrated as valentine’s day, religious as well as romantic.
History of Valentine’s Day
As everyone knows, Valentine’s Day is a day of romance but its history is not romantic. You will be shocked to know the history of valentine’s day which includes a saint, a massacre, and few sinful nuns. Let us take you to the ancient times when all this started.
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Valentine’s day is a fixed date on the calendar i.e 14th February and the ancient Roman calendar marked mid-February as the holiday even before declaring it valentine’s day. The people celebrated Lupercalia as the fertility celebrations and there is evidence of pairing the men and women by choosing the names from a jar. It is said that later it was converted into Valentine’s day. As discussed, valentine’s day is celebrated in the name of St. valentine. Let us have a brief introduction to Saint Valentine.
Who was Saint Valentine?
There are 3 saints named Valentine or Valentinus and all of them were martyrs. It is still not clear which one of them is actually behind Valentine’s day. Many legendry stories indicated their presence behind the history of this day.
According to a legend, st. valentine refused to leave Christianity and accept paganism. Roman emperor Claudius 2 executed him. It is said that before his death, somehow he befriended the jailer’s daughter and healed her from the blind world. She converted to Christianity along with her family.
According to another legend, this valentine’s day is celebrated in the name of a bishop called the saint valentine of Terni. He was also executed.
In another story told by the common people, The actual saint behind this day was the one who was a roman priest and use to conduct marriages for the soldiers who were forbidden to marry. Roman Emperor believed that a married man can never be a good soldier, so they ordered all the soldiers not to marry. This saint use to wear a cupid ring on his finger. This cupid ring was his identity and he use to greet people with paper heart greetings to remind people of their love for God. This is the reason that he became the patron of love. He use to pair lovers and the couple remembers their devotion to God.
The same was depicted by the famous medieval author Geoffrey Chaucer In his writing in 1381 and this was also considered as the origin of modern day celebrations of Valentine’s day.
Valentine’s day is not immune to tragedy. In 1929, Chicago faced a huge massacre on February 14th. Al Capone gang killed 7 men and this was parked as the flashpoint in prohibition period history. Police and lawmakers chased gangs and mobs to control the illegal smuggling of Alcohol.
Valentine’s Day Tradition
In the mid 18th century, people use to exchange handwritten notes of affection to their loved ones on Valentine’s Day but they were soon converted into printed cards due to advancement in print media. The valentine gifts include candies, red roses as the symbol of love. This is the most popular festival in the US, Britain, Canada, and Australia. Other countries like Argentina, Mexico, France, South Korea, etc also celebrate this day with high zeal. This is the most common wedding day in the Philippines where one can witness mass weddings of hundreds of couples.
Today, we can see the craze of valentine’s day among youngsters. They eagerly wait for this day to celebrate with their lovers. The full stocked gift shops, flower shops with the symbol of love can be seen everywhere. The parks full of couples holding hands and going for outings are a common sight on valentine’s day.
As every country have different cultures and traditions, let us have a look at some of the countries and their tradition on Valentine’s day.
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1. France
It is said that the very first Valentine’s Day greeting card was made in France when the duke of Orleans ‘Charles’ sent love letters to his beloved wife in 1415. He was in prison at that time, so he used a greeting card to send her on valentine’s day. There is a village in France called “Valentine” is the epicenter of love. People of this village decorate their houses with roses, and love cards. People send marriage proposals to their loved ones and one can also witness beautiful yards and decorated trees.
2. South Korea
Valentine’s Day in South Korea is celebrated on the 14th of each month and they call it the day of love. 14th May is celebrated as “Day of Roses”, 14th June as “Day of Kisses”, 14th December as “Day of Hugs”. They also have a day for single people in April, which they celebrate by eating black noodles and they call it “The Black Day”. Isn’t it different?
3. Philippines
The Government of the Philippines holds a public event for marrying young couples. This is the Gala event of the country and one of the special days for young people. The valentine’s day celebration in the Philippines is one of the biggest valentine’s day celebrations around the world.
4. Ghana
Ghana celebrates 14th February as “National Chocolate Day”. As Ghana is one of the largest cocoa producing country, the government took this initiative in the year 2007 to attract tourists. One can attend events, performances, and special celebrations on this day. The restaurants also have special menus for National chocolate day.
5. Japan
In Japan, the concept of Valentine’s Day is very different, they celebrate Valentine’s Day on 14th February, and females of japan buy unique and beautiful gifts for their male companions or lovers. If males want to return their gifts, they need to wait until 14th March “The White Day”.
6. England
In England, The women keep 5 bay leaves under their pillows. They believe this way they can dream of their future husband on valentine’s day.
7. Denmark
Denmark has recently started celebrating Valentine’s Day. The young people in Denmark exchange gifts and flowers. Friends and lovers also exchange snowdrops (Handmade card with pressed white flowers).
Significance of Valentine’s Day
Till 16th century, the significance of Valentine’s Day was limited to the exchanges of greetings and love letters among lovers. By the end of the 19th century, the significance changed and people started celebrating Valentine’s day to show love and affection toward everyone who has made their life beautiful.
Today, the Celebration of Valentine’s day is not only confined to lovers but it is the day to celebrate humanity. One can notice people wishing Happy Valentine’s day to their friends and families. Many schools and colleges organize functions to celebrated this day as the celebration of human relationships.
Interesting facts about Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is one of the most interesting festivals around the world. There are many fun facts about this day. Let’s have a look:
- In the middle ages, people to find the names of their would-be valentine from a bowl and use to pin the name on their sleeves for the rest of the week for everyone to see it. This gave birth to the famous expression “To wear your heart on your sleeve”.
- During the medieval era, Girls use to eat strange foods on this day to dream of their future husbands.
- King Henry VII of England declared 14th February as Valentine’s day officially in 1537.
- Each year people exchange more than 1 million cards on Valentine’s day. This is the second-largest card selling occasion in a year, First one is Christmas.
- Valentine cards are mostly given to teachers, friends, lovers, mothers, wives, and pets.
- Valentine is one of the biggest flower gifting days. Mother’s day is also one of them.
- In 1868, Richard Cadbury ( Son of the founder of Cadbury company) made the first heart-shaped chocolate box on Valentine’s day.
- Iran banned the celebration of valentine’s day in any form in 2011. They consider it an anti-Islamic act.
- Americans spend more than $277 million on valentine’s day card each year.
- In Welsh tradition, it is believed if a child is born on Valentine’s day, he/she will have many lovers. The calf born on valentine’s day will be useless for breeding and eggs hatched on Valentine’s day will be rotten.
- Verona, The Italian city received over 1000 valentine’s day cards every year addressing Juliet. This is the place Romeo and Juliet use to live.
Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world. In some countries, it is celebrated as a festival while in some countries people celebrate this day just for fun but hardly anyone knows about its history and significance. It is important to know about the festival in depth before celebrating them. The celebration of valentine has evolved with time. The simple greeting exchanges have become grand events and expensive gifts. The day is no more confined to lovers. People also dedicate this day to their family, friends, pets, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions on Valentine Day
Q1. Which of the three St. Valentine is one behind the Valentine’s Day?
Ans. This is still a mystery, No one exactly knows which one of the three saints was behind valentine’s day but many people believe St. valentine of Tarni was the one.
Q2. What is Valentine’s Day week list?
Ans. Many countries celebrate valentine’s day throughout the week from 7th February to 14th February. Each day has its significance.
7th February- Rose Day
8th February- Propose Day
9th February- Chocolate Day
10th February- Teddy Day
11th February- Promise Day
12th February- Hug Day
13th February- Kiss Day
14th February- Valentine Day
Q3. Is the celebration only for couples?
Ans. Traditionally yes, This day was celebrated by couples initially but in the modern world, people celebrate valentine’s day as love for humanity. People exchange gifts with parents, siblings, teachers, soulmates, etc. Teachers receive most of the valentine’s day greeting every year.
Q4. I am single. How can I celebrate Valentine’s Day?
Ans. You don’t need a boyfriend or girlfriend to celebrate this day. Look for the special people in your life like your mother, your father, your sister/Brother, Your teacher. Your friend and celebrate with them.
Q5. Is Lupercalia and Valentine’s Day the same?
Ans. Lupercalia was celebrated by the people of Rome during ancient times on 15th February every year. It was later converted into valentine’s day in the name of saint valentine.
Q6. What is Cupid?
Ans. According to Roman mythology, cupid is the son of Venus (The goddess of love). He is depicted as a winged baby carrying a golden bow and arrow. Cupid is considered as the symbol of the Valentine’s Day.
Q7. How is Valentine’s Day celebrated in India?
Ans. On valentine’s day, Indian youth offer gifts, flowers, and chocolate to their loved ones. Celebrating valentine’s day is not a part of Indian tradition hence, there is no particular celebration for this day. Many of the people in India are against the celebration of this day but those who like to celebrate this can hang out with their loved ones and celebrated it the way they want.
Q8. How is Valentine’s Day celebrated in Argentina?
Ans. Valentine’s day celebration in Argentina is one of the biggest celebrations in the world. The single valentine’s day is not enough for them, In addition to 14th February, they celebrate sweetness week in July for 7 days. The couple exchanges gifts and kisses during this whole week and it ends with friendship day.
Q9. Who is known as the “Mother of the American Valentine”?
Ans. Esther A. Howland is known as the “Mother of the American Valentine”.
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