HomeStudy TipsUpcoming Career Option – Cloud Computing

Upcoming Career Option – Cloud Computing

The Computer geeks have found another reason to rejoice. The upcoming and increasing popularity of this new process has become the venture. Cloud Computing has made the Internet a more integral part of the lives of individuals, companies and society at large. Cloud is used as a synonym of the internet. Broadly speaking Cloud Computing is a system which utilizes computer technology to extract details from users, by subscribing to it, for use by others, that is the clients. It provides resources and information related to the Internet for the clients. 

The various services made available under this system can be categorized. This includes Software as a Service (SaaS), Utility Computing, Platform as a Service (PaaS), Service Commerce, Web Services, Managed Service Provider (MSP), and Internet Integration. 

Cloud Computing is a technique through which the owners of data, information and knowledge on the net, offer these reliable services to clients. It is delivered through setting up data centres online and is constructed on servers. This is an opportunity for those proficient in computer knowledge. 

The benefit of such a system is that there is no actual setting up of a factory for manufacturing of data. There is no waste on infrastructure. The client only pays for the information and resource material used and required. Thus there is no capital expenditure. Only subscribing to a service provider does the job, and you get the requisites against payment. 

Cloud Computing has several features that make it a viable, beneficial and upcoming field of work. It is a highly agile technique. Service providers as well as clients enjoy an independence of location and device, as it can be operated from anywhere, from any computer. There is the sharing of information amongst multiple users which improves the knowledge base and enhances the quality of service provided. Though it is said to be a secure system that cannot be hacked and misused by subscribers and non-subscribers, this is still a topic of debate. Nothing can be said for certain as of now about the security of information and non-leakage of it. The maintenance is also convenient as it does not require installation on every computer and is flexible in operation. It is thus an efficient sustainable system. 

Cloud Computing has become the latest career option because of its growing demand and the variety of functions and specializations related to it. Hardware and software is designed and developed by cloud architects. This is a highly specialized field of work. And requires great computer knowledge. Then this designed product has to be delivered to the client. The cloud components are combined to create web services that are demanded by the client.

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Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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