HomeCareerTop Careers As A Psychologist

Top Careers As A Psychologist

Clinical Psychologist

Clinical psychologists are employed with medical centers like hospitals and clinics, and for group practices. They help the patients deal with injuries and diseases, with physical and emotional disorders and illness. They help them lead a normal life by adjusting to any change or problem. They are very useful in physical rehabilitation centers and in working with patients who have undergone some trauma.


They use personal consultations and medical and other examinations as ways to help their client handle the pressures of life – personal and professional, depression, and loss of hope so that they are able to lead a happy and healthy life as before.

School Psychologist

They work with school authorities, educators, administrators, and parents, to solve problems of students related to education, learning problems, and personal. They deal with anger management, peer pressure, juvenile delinquency, drug abuse or violence, etc. They also train school staff and parents on how to deal with children, especially differently-abled.

Genetics Counsellor

They provide information and counseling to families and couples about certain genetic disorders. Their work requires them to work in close cooperation with medical professionals – doctors, geneticists, and nurses. This team helps the families and couples cope with the disorder, suggest effective cure or remedy, and counsel on how to prevent the genetic disorder from reaching the offspring

Forensic Psychologist

The knowledge, principles, and techniques of psychology are applied by such psychologists in the fields of law and criminal investigations. They work with such departments that are involved in the prevention of crime and tracking of the guilty.

Engineering Psychologist

They try to understand how people in general and individuals, relate to and interact with technology. These psychologists use psychological trends and understanding of human mind and behavior, to improve technology, the designs, products, and the work living environments.

Sports Psychologist

They work with universities and schools, hospitals, athletic centers, consulting organizations, and research organizations. Their focus is on the psychological aspects of sports, like performance, motivation, and injury. Also, psychological concerns may hinder performance. They thus help improve individual and team performance and also suggest the usage of sports for improved physical and mental health.

Industrial / Organizational Psychologist

The motive of work behind such psychologists is – to increase the productivity of the organization and to improve the quality of life of the employees. They are into a lot of research. Apart from that, they work closely with employers and employees, trying to understand problems and issues, expectations, and goals. They design programs for training for both groups, advise them, and analyze the working of the organization.

Developmental Psychologist

They are involved in the study of the changes in physiology, cognitive abilities, and social interactions that take place during the life cycle of humans at various stages. You can also specialize in any one stage of life, like childhood, adolescence, geriatrics, etc. The disabilities in these various life stages are also studied.

Social Psychologists

They examine how individuals relate and communicate with society and its trends. The areas of work include – group dynamics, leadership, perceiving the world. They are usually found working with organizations and their management, in marketing, and specific program designing.

Research / Experimental Psychologists

They are involved in conducting research programs at universities, corporations, NGOs, and for governmental purposes. The research is directed towards behavior patterns in humans, their attention span, learning processes, the effects of drugs, motivation, genetics, neurology, etc.

Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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