HomeStudy TipsTop Career Options For Women

Top Career Options For Women


When you teach, you have to be understandable, legible, have clarity, a vision, be communicative, and reach down to the level of knowledge and understanding of the student. A woman typically has these traits, which makes learning a better experience with a lady teacher than her male counterpart. She is also more patient and empathetic. 

Doctor/ Healthcare

To care and heal is intrinsic in women; thus making good doctors, medics, and healthcare personnel.


The passion to know things in depth and in detail, to tirelessly and effortlessly pursue goals, makes research a viable career option. There is a hunger for knowledge in women, and they are committed to it. They can slog to find the answers.


Patience, endurance, effective communication skills, ability to debate without pounding her fists or raising her voice – makes women efficient lawyers, who can tackle tricky situations, cases and crimes. 

Human Resource Manager

Handling humans, that is employees, and maintaining a cordial healthy relation between management and labor, is the work profile of an HRM. Organizations usually prefer women as part of the HR team because of their ability to do the duty well, and maintain the right balance and relationship.


Women can listen patiently, and be empathetic. They are also better advisors of all problems, concerns and questions. This makes counseling a good career choice. They are able to build a connection with the client so as to extract all information and then provide the solution. 


Women are somehow geared to be good psychologists and psychiatrists. They can connect, which makes it a smooth ride. 

Computer / IT Analyst

This is a very good, paying and comfortable option. And one that women can simply take up and excel.

Social Worker

Women are generally found in more numbers as the social workers, in community services, fighting for human and animal rights, as social activists, leading protests, and being wholly dedicated to the cause for which they stand. 


Their nurturing and healing attitude, the selfless service that they are capable of rendering, and the care that they can take, gears women towards this profession. Very few consider this as the ambition, but those who do, better themselves and are much revered for their services. 

Fine Arts

Women are highly artistic, creative, and innovative. For long this has remained a women dominated area, which has only recently inducted and drawn men. Even today, many ignorant people consider it to be a women’s field of work and dissuade men from entering. This stereotype needs to be broken. 


Design is a top notch choice of female students. They naturally opt for design – any form of it – fashion, interior, jewelery, etc. 

Sales and Marketing

They can sell and market better. 


Women can express better – themselves and topics. Thus they make good writers and editors, as they have the inherent capability to put to words their thoughts, issues, and ideas. 

Customer Care

Women are better adapted to understand concerns, issues and resolve them. They know how to tactfully handle clients and diplomatically solve their problems and issues. They are courteous and patient, which makes them better suited for this profession.


Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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