HomeKnowledgeTips: How To Improve Resume

Tips: How To Improve Resume

Many take it quite casually and fail to understand that you will get the chance to present yourself only if you can intrigue the authorities with your resume. Thus it should be a power advertisement. Here are a few tips that should help to improve resume of yours. 

8 Tips To Improve Resume

The Curriculum Vitae or the Resume is the first virtual impression that you create as a prospective student of higher learning in an educational institution or an employee of an organization. It is a summary of your qualifications, experience, skills and achievements, and objectives in life. It is what attracts one to your profile to provide you with a chance to prove your mettle and be a part of that establishment.

1. Proof Read

Always recheck, at least a couple of times, to avoid any spelling mistakes grammatical errors and improper sentence formations. 

2. Use A Format / Follow A Pattern

Whatever you write should follow a pattern. That means if you are using the first person, continue with it. Maintain the same tense throughout as required, but mention your present studies or job in the present. Also, avoid stark statements; make them formal and humble, rather than loud and too bold. 

3. Use Points, List To Highlight

More than presenting everything you have done in points, highlight the achievements during that experience, and the key responsibilities and learning. The pointers are to make a note but people are interested in how you have used the opportunities in life to achieve something extraordinary. 

4. Write Smart Not Common

Try to avoid cliches, jargon, and commonly and widely used phrases and quotations. Do not be a commoner; stand out. You do not need the aid of such crutches to prove your calibre. But if you are in the technical field, where certain knowledge is essential, then do not forget the use of terminologies that form an inseparable part of the field of work. 

5. Use Keywords

Put to use power verbs though wherever needed, but not overtly and unnecessarily. Words such as accelerated, accomplished, achieved, orchestrated, optimized, reviewed, revised, reinforced, surpassed, etc, add an aristocratic touch to your resume.

6. The Rule of KISS

Do not go into too much detail. Leave that for the interview round. Remember the rule of ‘KISS’ (Kiss full form is Keep It Simple, Stupid), that is keep it short and simple. The average length should be about one to two pages. 

7. Use A Proper Format

The most preferred font is Arial or Times New Roman, and the font size should ideally be between 10-12 points. Avoid too much of bold and italic words and lines. And also graphics.

8. Don’t Use False Information

And be honest. Do not fake it as it will only add to your negative points in future. Even if you have minimal to present, do so gracefully and without pretence. Not everyone is the same, so just be truthful.

Also Read: 10 Fundamentals to Build A Resume & Tips & Free Tools

Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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