HomeStudy TipsTips To Beat Exam Stress

Tips To Beat Exam Stress

The exam is a time of nervous breakdowns, headaches, loss of appetite, sleepless nights and bad mood swings. According to a recent study, most students suffer from one or more symptoms of stress before and during examination times. This is the production of various factors – the stiff competition, peer pressure, the dire need to succeed, expectations of parents and yourself, and future considerations. All students feel that they should be the best performer and thus the stress and high level of depression. This not only leads to loss of time and low performance in exams but also affects the students mentally and physically. 

Here are some tips that will help you be relaxed and beat the stress of exams. 

Tip 1: Sleep

Do not deprive yourself of sleep. Even during exams, sleep for at least 6-8 hours a day. Loss of sleep results in a lot of problems including stress. Sleep helps you relax, forget anxieties and the tense muscles get relaxed. So make it a point to sleep properly and take a rest. 

Tip 2: Time Table

Make a timetable for yourself. Whenever you start preparing for the exams, from that day on to the exam date, jot down what and how much you need to, can and will study. Do not exert yourself. So start on time depending on your speed of study, and ability to grasp and remember. Also, leave some days only for revision. This target setting will not only help you complete the syllabus but also aid you in not getting worked up leading to non-stress. When you know the target and study accordingly, you do not panic as you know that if you follow the timetable, you will have done with the course material. 

Tip 3: Take Breaks

Do not study continuously for hours. This will tire you and contribute to a stressful situation. And meals, sleep and personal activities do not count as breaks while studying. After about two hours of study, take a half an hour break. And try not sitting in one place during that. Talk to family members or friends, go out for a walk or do any other activity that you like, at that time. When you return, your concentration level will have increased and you will also not get stressed. Do this and see the difference.

Tip 4: Your Diet

Students ignore food and stop having proper food at proper timings due to exam stress. You may not realize, but this has an adverse effect on your physical and emotional health. Even at such times, stick to your regular time for meals. You can take a half-hour break for food. You lose stamina and in turn invite weakens. And never skip meals, though you may be severely nervous and stressed. 

Tip 5: Do Not Meet Stress Elevators

There are quite a few people who will make you more worried. Do not meet such people during exams. They may be friends telling you how much or how little they have studied, or some cousin advising you to stay awake all night. Unfortunately in India, even parents contribute to stress. They want top rankers in their family and thrust their ambitions on the poor soul. All these people are least considerate and concerned about you. Just stay away from them and avoid any conversation relating to the exam or studies. 

Tip 6: Accept Stress

Take stress head-on. Do not run away or negate it. Face it. It’s a challenge. If you are nervous, worked up and stressed, accept it. You do not need to confess to anyone but yourself. Only when you do this will you be able to take measures to nullify its effects. Students who accept it, take steps to come out of it. You have to be honest to yourself to curb this enemy. 

Tip 7: Meet Counsellor

There may be times when stress can take a severe form. The tips suggested may be of no use. Some symptoms of the critical condition are weight loss, falling ill, severe depression, and loss of appetite. Do not hesitate to meet a counsellor or psychiatrist. It does not mean you are suffering from an illness. It will only help you come out of the trap you are in. these specialists understand the cause and gravity of such cases and advise accordingly. So meet them if you deem it necessary. Students and parents are apprehensive about this, but it is only for good.

Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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