HomeStudy TipsTips On Study Of Mathematics

Tips On Study Of Mathematics

Many students fear mathematics the cause of which has been ascertained to lack of understanding of concepts, principles and theorems. If grasped, it is one of the simplest and high scoring subjects. It is important to accept that you have a problem understanding maths, and take early steps to do away the scare. 

Acknowledge the weakness

An early acceptance of your weakness in the subject is the first step to master it. If you ignore it, you will never take a step to take measures, but if you understand that you o not have a strong hold over it, then you can start corrective measures immediately. Do not feel hesitant to express to your teachers and parents, and seek help.

Suitable help

Take help to understand concepts. If school studies does not suffice, take tuition or ask your parents to help you with studies. But do not ignore what you are unable to understand. If doubts are solved as and when they appear, and lessons learnt at the right time, it is beneficial.


Solving problems is the key to success in the subject. And to be able to do so, not only do you need to have the basics and concepts clarified, but also need regular practice. Meticulous practice not only makes your grasp over the subject stronger, but also removes fear and boosts your confidence. You thus are more comfortable with the subject. It also helps identify the weaker areas which need more attention and practice. 

Do not over cram

If you are weak at the subject then avoid mugging up just before the exams. Mere memorizing formulas is of no use and will not help in scoring. Start early and give ample time to the subject. 


Your teachers, peers and parents can help in this. To understand more effectively some innovative ways can be introduced that will help easy recall. You can also solve puzzles and quizzes. 


When in doubt, ask to clarify. Try not to keep them within you as later on piled up doubts will only lead to complex problems and more dislike for the subject. Small doubts and queries if answered on time will make the next stage easier. Ask for examples, for illustrations of the problem, and simpler way to understand and remember.


Saral Study
Saral Study
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