HomeStudy TipsTips On Essay Writing

Tips On Essay Writing

Manage Your Time

Most commonly said, but most essential. An early start gives you ample time to research, read up, and accumulate your thoughts, and then form the skeleton of the essay before actually penning it down.

Understanding the Topic

Firstly understand the topic, then the scope of it, and finally what you are expected to deliver and the requirements. Thus analyzing the topic and looking around it, that is research, is needed to write the best essay. Talk to your teachers if you cannot decipher or gauge the scope of it. You should know when you are to just state facts and when critically examine it. 


Read the material collected by you. Mark the key and essential points that have to be included. Then club the information under heads, like supporting arguments, benefits, facts, views of people, etc. When you have thus clubbed all the information under separate heads, you will see that it is easier to segregate. And then decide the format and flow of it, which will now happen spontaneously.

The Outline

When you know all that you have, it is easier to now form the outline. You know where to place what and the sequence. Make a rough sketch and then later on fill it up. This is the time when you will know if there is any bit missing that needs to be worked on.

Follow Examples, No Copying

If you are not comfortable writing an essay or do not feel confident enough, go through sample essays or work of others. It will give you an idea how you should proceed, what makes an essay stand out, what to keep in mind and what to highlight. But avoid copying. You may jot down the facts mentioned but do not copy the format or sentences or views of the author. Make your essay as original as possible and authentic. Supplement information with views. 


This is one way that makes any essay a good read and interesting. But points to remember are quite a few. The quote should be exactly as has been said or written by the individual, with no change in words or arrangement of words. Mention the name of the person who has said it or the source. And it should be apt, that is be according to the topic of the essay and not random only because you think it is a great quotation. 

First Draft

The first draft is not final, it is just penning your thoughts and facts that will be filtered and edited subsequently. Forget abut a proper start and end. Just write down following the skeleton that you had framed. Check if you have all the information contained in this draft very carefully. 

Multiple Drafts

The process of checking and rechecking begins after the first draft is completed. Now formulate a great introduction which should be an opening to what is to come, and a proper conclusion which is the apt summary. Make corrections – grammatical and others. Frame sentences beautifully and if the order of facts or sentences is not proper, then interchange their positioning. Make it as natural as possible. At times you may have to rearrange the whole essay, but the end product should be satisfactory. One important thing to note is if the flow is smooth and just goes along. Make drafts and rewrite till you get the perfect essay. 


The language of the essay should be such that is is concise, clear, to the point and focused. Avoid passive voice as much as you can. Be communicative, keep it short and simple, and be powerful. Fill in gaps that may be stark, and words that you may have missed. Use active verbs and be grammatically right. Avoid repetitions, as they make the essay sloppy. 


Once the writing part is done, format your essay. Keep note of margins. Do a spell check. Stick to the same font throughout, italicize or bold words and sentences wherever needed.


Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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