HomeEducationCalendarThe Month of September

The Month of September

In the modern-day Gregorian calendar, September is the ninth month of the year which starts at the same day of the week as December every year but doesn’t end on the same day of the week as any other month in a year. In the parts of the Northern Hemisphere, September is a time when after the summer breaks students are getting back to their schools.

History of September

According to the earlier version of the Roman calendar, September was considered as the seventh month with a length of 30 days but after the addition of January and February to the calendar, it was shortened to 29th days and became the ninth month of the year. However, in the reform of the Julian calendar in 153 BCE, the 30 days were again added to it.

How does it get the name ‘September’?

Since the Roman calendar, September has kept its original name but it was the seventh month at that time. In Latin, the meaning of Septem is “seven”.

In the Julian as well as Gregorian calendar, the name of September doesn’t correspond with the placement because it was named during the time period when the calendar year began with March.

The different names of September in different languages are:

  • In Anglo-Saxons, it is known as Gerst Monath which means Barley month.
  • In Middle English, it is called September.
  • In Latin name, it refers to September Mensis which means the Seventh month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the birth flowers and birthstones of the month of September?
Ans. The birth flower of the month of September is the morning glory, aster and forget-me-not, and the birthstone is the Sapphire which indicates clear thinking.

Q2. What does September month symbolize?
Ans. The month of September symbolizes refocusing our energies.

Q3. What are the special days in the month of September?
Ans. The list of some special days in the month of September is as follows:

  • 8th September: International Literacy Day.
  • 9th September: National Teddy Bear Day.
  • 21st September: International Day of Peace.
  • 22nd September: World Car-Free Day.
  • 24th September: National Punctuation Day.
  • 25th September: National Cooking Day.
  • 28th September: National Neighbor Day.
  • 29th September: National Coffee Day.
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
A man who loves to write about education and study tips more than anything else. His areas of interest include alternative health, education, yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his studies, he enjoys writing material to spread knowledge.


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