HomeEducationCalendarThe Month of November

The Month of November

According to the modern-day Gregorian calendar, November is the eleventh month of the year which contains 30 days. Similar to February, November starts on the same day of the week in common years but ends up as August on the same day of the week every year. The seasons are equivalent to May in both the Hemispheres.

History of November

In the previous version of the Ancient Roman calendar, November was considered as the ninth month of the year which consisted of 30 days. However, in the addition of January and February to the calendar, it later became the eleventh month with a length of 29 days. 

Later on, in the reform of the Julian calendar, to make the month of November 30 days long again, a day was added to it.

How does the name of November originate?

When the calendar began with March, November was named during that period of time. Therefore, the month always kept its original name and that’s why in the Julian and Gregorian calendar, the name no longer corresponds with its placement.

In the earlier Roman calendar, the meaning of Novem is “nine” in Latin, which states that it was the ninth month of the year at that period of time.

The other names of November in different languages are:

  • In Old English, it is known as Blotmanad which means blood month.
  • In Middle English, it is called a Novembre.
  • In Latin, it is referred to as Novembris Mensis which means the ninth month.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the birth flowers and the birthstone of the month of November?
Ans. The birth flower of the month of November is the chrysanthemum and the birthstone is the topaz.

Q2. According to Julian’s calendar, how many days are there in November?
Ans. There are 30 days in the month of November according to Julian as well as the Gregorian calendar.

Q3. List some important dates of the National & International events in the month of November?
Ans. Some important dates of National & International events in the month of November are listed as under:

  • 1st November: All Saints Day.
  • 5th November: World Tsunami Awareness Day.
  • 7th November: National Cancer Awareness Day.
  • 10th November: World Science Day.
  • 14th November: Children Day in India.
  • 19th November: International Men’s Day.
  • 26th November: Constitution Day of India.
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Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
A man who loves to write about education and study tips more than anything else. His areas of interest include alternative health, education, yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his studies, he enjoys writing material to spread knowledge.


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