HomeEducationCalendarThe Month of March

The Month of March

By the modern-day Gregorian calendar, March is considered the third month of the year after the month of January and February. It contains 31 days and is named after Mars-The Roman God of War.

In common years, March starts on the same day of the week as the month of February and November and begins on the same day of the week as the month of November only during the Leap year.

Why is it known as March?

After the Roman God of War-Mars, the name March comes from the Martius-mensis or Latin Martius. This month was also considered as March after the winters when the armed conflicts would resume.

  • In Old English, it is called Martius.
  • In Middle English, it is known as March or Marche.
  • In Latin, it is called Martius Mensis which means the month of Mars.

March as the first month of the Year in history?

There was a time in history when March was considered the first month of the year. In the Ancient Roman calendar’s previous version, the year began with the month of March. When the calendar originated, the month coincided with the new beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and with the time of the March equinox. That’s why it was considered as the month of a new beginning.

And the second main reason for this was that in the earlier version of the Roman calendar, the month of January and February didn’t feature in it. But in 700 BCE, both months were added at the end of the year, and in around 450 BCE, they became the first two months of the year by pushing back March into the third position.

March Equinox – Beginning of the Spring and Fall

Astronomical spring in the areas north of the equator starts on the equinox either on March 19, 20, or 21. But in the Southern Hemisphere, it is almost opposite as the March equinox is the Autumnal equinox. Also it marks the first day of fall.

What is the cultural significance of the March equinox?

  • In the Ecclesiastical calendar, the Christian church uses the 21st March for the equinox as its official date. This is also used as the basis for calculating the dates of the movable feasts such as Easter, Pentecost, and Lent.
  • Around 300 million people worldwide, according to the United Nation, celebrate the Nowruz (the beginning of the Persian New Year) on the 21st March.
  • The celebrations are prominent in the Balkans, the Caucasus, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea region, Middle East, and in Central and South Asia.
  • It is a public holiday in Iran on the March equinox.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the birth flowers and birthstones of March?
Ans. The birth flower of March is Daffodil and the birthstones are aquamarine and bloodstone which symbolize courage.

Q2. What are the good things about March?
Ans. March is referred to as the happiest month of the calendar as its major holiday is just one giant party which is without gifts and can also minimize the stress, chocolates are on sale and flowers are also budding in this month and it is just the beginning of all the reasons to love the month of March.

Q3. List some of the celebrations which are held in March?
Ans. There are many celebrations and holidays which are held in March. Some of them are listed below:

  • 3rd March: World Wildlife Day.
  • 5th March: Employee Appreciation Day.
  • 6th March: National Dentist Day.
  • 7th March: National Cereal Day.
  • 8th March: International Women’s Day.
  • 20th March: Equinox Earth Day, International Day of Happiness, and the first day of Spring.
  • 22nd March: World Water Day.
  • 24th March: World Tuberculosis Day.
Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
A man who loves to write about education and study tips more than anything else. His areas of interest include alternative health, education, yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his studies, he enjoys writing material to spread knowledge.


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