HomeEducationCalendarThe Month of February

The Month of February

In the modern-day Gregorian calendar, February is considered the second month of the year. It has 29 days in leap years and 28 days in the common years. It is the only month which contains fewer than 30 days in a year.

In common years, February starts on the same day of the week as March and November, But during the leap year, it starts on the same day of the week as August. Only full seven-day weeks in the month of February occur twice in every 11 years and once in every six years where the first day of February starts on a Sunday and ends on a Saturday.

From where the February word comes from?

  • The name February came after the Latin word February, and in ancient times it was used to be called februa which represents the spring festival of purification.
  • In Middle English, it is used to define Februarius.
  • In Old English, it is known as Solmonath which means mud-month.
  • In Latin, it is used to be called Februarius mensis which means the month of February.

Why is February so short?

February is the shortest month with 28 days in common years and 29 days in leap years which is considered by the ancient Romans and their superstitions. To reflect the length of the ‘lunar months’, the Roman calendar was designed. There were a total of 355 days in a calendar year which is approximately the 12 lunar months duration. A better and clear method to divide this span of time is that the 12 months of the calendar would have some months with 30 days and some with 29 days only. However, In ancient Rome since even numbers were considered unlucky, therefore, it ended up with 7 months of 29 days and another 4 months with 31 days, and the rest of the month (February) which was the last month of the year with 28 days. Because of its even numbers of days, February was considered unlucky by the Romans and the rituals honoring the death were reserved for this month.

How old is the month of February?

In the ancient Roman calendar, the month of February does not exist originally. Before the end of the Roman calendar year in around 700 BCE, it only consisted of 10 months as the winter season was the period which was without months. January was added along with February at the end of the Roman calendar so that a standard lunar year of 355 days would be reflected by the calendar and in around 450 BCE, February had become the second month of the year. However, it was the last month of the year.

What is Snow Moon and Black Moon in February?

Snow Moon is the nickname or the name given for the Full Moon in the month of February. This name was given after the snowy conditions in the Northern Hemisphere. From different cultures, the traditional full moon names had come into existence. During mid-winters in some South American Tribes, due to the scarcity of food sources in the full moon of February, it was called the Hunger Moon. Including the other names such as Chest Moon, Storm Moon, and the more common March Full Moon.

Leap Year Rules

By the Julian calendar’s formula, which helps to calculate leap year by producing a leap year every four years. However, the way is too often that every fourth year is a leap year. But after the important religious holidays such as Easter and by the Julian calendar, the several days with the fixed dates were out of sync. Such as those for astronomical events like solstices and equinoxes. But eventually, this distortion led to the development of a new calendar by Pope Gregorious which is mostly used by the countries till today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.What is the birth flower and stone of February?
Ans. The birth flower of February is the common primrose (Primula vulgaris) and the violet (viola).

Whereas, the birthstone of February is the amethyst. It symbolizes sincerity, humanity, piety, and spiritual wisdom.

Q2. Is February with 30 days possible ever?
Ans. The month of February only contains 28 days in common years and 29 days in leap years. But, February 30 is considered as real-date of at least twice in history which happened in Sweden, in the year 1712.

Q3.Does February ever have 27 days?
Ans. No, February shall never have 27 days.

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
A man who loves to write about education and study tips more than anything else. His areas of interest include alternative health, education, yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his studies, he enjoys writing material to spread knowledge.


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