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The DOs and Don’ts of Internet Marketing

By the year 2011 internet marketing along with internet marketing gurus became a dime a dozen. The reason everywhere everyone is simply pitching highly expensive home study programs, e-books or popular boot-camp seminars. They claim that you will get the best marketing advice for online marketing which will really work for you. But the truth is that you do not even have to spend a dime also for learning the tricks or to know the basics of internet marketing.

Essential Dos and Don’ts of Internet Marketing 

In order to know the whole internet process in detail here are a few fundamental dos and don’ts which you can use for internet marketing. Dos of Internet Marketing

  • Create very specific and clearly distinct USP
  • Pick the medium for marketing in very wise manner 
  • Keep track of your expenses as well as campaigns 

Successful offline marketing is somewhat similar to effective online marketing in many ways. The core of the sales message should be very clear to you; before you develop the online ad Along with the target audience should also be defined clearly. Therefore the Unique Selling Proposition or USP should be clear. For example Domino’s USP is “hot pizza delivered within 30 minutes or it’s free”. 

On the internet there are mainly just two methods for advertising which are Paid search (PPC) and Media Buying (banners, pop-ups etc.). Depending upon the targeted prospect you can choose the right medium.

Experts practice the unique methodology of tracking online marketing in case of media buying or paid search. Every lead or sale is being tracked back by the smart marketer to the webpage, expenditure, ad network and the exact advertisement some the best tools which can be used for tracking and testing are:

  • Splittester.com
  • StatCounter
  • Google Analytics Don’ts for Internet Marketing
  • Never ever use the “ Shotgun at the wall” approach for marketing online
  • Never chase the fads
  • DO not try to outsmart the engineers working on search engines
  • Avoid being cost rigid
  • Do not aim the internet marketing at everyone 

Mostly the internet marketing novices follow the “shotgun at the wall” approach and try to spread the message through marketing to everyone instead of being selective about the keywords. Just realize the importance of USP and think that your target market is not everyone across the globe. Try to make the campaign or the ad which is very specific and more focused, this will create greater impact. 

Do not get tempted by others to drop whatever strategy you are following right now during an online marketing campaign. Resist taking up the latest fads. New marketing methods keep on coming quite often, but do not keep on jumping from one to another, because this way you would not be able to master any one.

Focusing on one way of developing traffic for example through paid search or single way of converting it is more effective than jumping from one way to another.

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
A man who loves to write about education and study tips more than anything else. His areas of interest include alternative health, education, yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his studies, he enjoys writing material to spread knowledge.


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