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Smoking Ban: Smoking In Public Places Should Be Banned

Smoking in public places will lead to many hazardous health issues for smokers and non-smokers. When people smoke, the dangerous fumes from cigarettes will go to the respiratory tract and causes cancer.

Smoking Ban: Smoking must be restricted in public areas. I strongly agree with these because many people show interest to smoke even though it causes a detrimental effect on public health as well as the environment.

Smoking in public places will lead to many hazardous health issues for smokers and non-smokers. When people smoke, the dangerous fumes from cigarettes will go to the respiratory tract and causes cancer. For instance, if a person smokes in a park or a person surrounded by smokers inhales that fumes so the restriction on smoking will reduce health issues for the public. Moreover, public smoking can affect young people to addict to it. Children and youth perceive smoking as one of the factors to enjoy thus they may practice and addict to it. Recent studies have shown that the Young generation is prone to smoking addiction when they see smokers very often.

Another reason to use smoking is the deleterious effect on the environment because it can cause air pollution. The overwhelming number of smokers in public spaces will generate harmful fumes from cigarettes which contribute to air pollution. For example, it was already revealed in his reports smoking can lead to air pollution. Besides, smoking creates very discomfort in nonsmokers If they smoke in public. Because of order generates from cigarettes while smoking, sometimes it causes nausea, headache, irritation, and discomfort to those who stand next to the smokers.

Why smoking in public places should be banned?

No Smoking must be implemented in public areas. I strongly agree with these because many people show interest to smoke even though it causes a detrimental effect on public health as well as the environment.

Smoking in public places will lead to many hazardous health issues for smokers and non-smokers. When people smoke, the dangerous fumes from cigarettes will go to the respiratory tract and causes cancer. For instance, if a person smokes in a park or people who surround by smokers inhale that fumes so the restriction on smoking will reduce health issues for the public. Moreover, public smoking can affect young people to addict to it. Children and youth perceive smoking as one of the factors to enjoy thus they may practice and addict to it. Recent studies have shown that the Young generation is prone to smoking addiction when they see smokers very often.

Another reason to use smoking is the deleterious effect on the environment because these can cause air pollution. The overwhelming number of smokers in public spaces will generate harmful fumes from cigarettes which contribute to air pollution. For example, it was already revealed by who in his reports smoking can lead to air pollution. Besides, smoking creates very discomfort in nonsmokers If anyone smokes in public. Because of order generates from cigarettes while smoke, sometimes it causes nausea, headache, irritation, and discomfort to those who stand next to the smokers.

Pros and Cons of Smoking Bans

The pros and cons of smoking bans in public places are:

Pros of Smoking Bans in Public Places

  • Place a good example for children: smokers have been historically driven to the habit by imitation of other people. Parents, artists, politicians, and other personalities we admired used to smoke. Anyhow, kids would try to follow the behavior of those they like or find role models in their lives and ambitions. The fewer children see other people smoking, the less prone they will be to smoke.
  • Health and rights of non-smokers: those who do not smoke will not have to inhale the smoke from the cigarettes of smokers. Passive smoking is a major health concern that has caused the death of millions of people worldwide. Moreover, non-smokers have the right to stay away from smoke if that is their decision. In this case, the freedom to smoke in public areas clashes with the individual right of those who don’t want to be exposed to smoke.
  • Smell: Tobacco smell displeases most people. Even smokers complain of how bad their clothing smells after spending time in close places with a lot of smoke. Banning smoking in public spaces would contribute to reducing tobacco odor. No need to wash pullovers, dresses, or trousers, as often as before.
  • Diminish smoking consumption: the benefits of stopping smoking are evident. If smokers cannot smoke cigarettes in public spaces they will likely be smokeless. This will be good for their health and their finances. Tobacco has become very expensive in many countries. Tobacco users also claim that banning smoking in public places may help them with quitting.
  • Reduce public spending: the prohibition of smoking in public places would help governments save a large amount of money on healthcare. With a ban, air quality would improve and public health systems would spend less on treatments for cancer and respiratory diseases. Moreover, cleaning costs would be reduced. Today cigarette butts force local authorities to intensify the frequency of street cleaning.

Cons of Smoking Bans in Public Places

  • The demonization of smokers: prohibiting smoking cigarettes contributes to the stigmatization of smokers. Smokers are normal people, some of them smoke because they really enjoy the habit others because they fail to quit. Forcing them to smoke in private or only in smokers’ designated areas is a way to stigmatize them in society.
  • Comparative disadvantage: there are other annoying or potentially dangerous habits for which regulation is not so strict. For instance, in many countries, it is allowed to drink alcohol in public places. Alcohol consumption is another great threat to public health. We often see people very drunk in public spaces. They may provoke fights and set a poor example for children.
  • Less tax revenue for governments: tobacco is a great source of income for governments. Cigarettes are heavily taxed and the money collected from tobacco consumption can be used to fund research projects against the diseases caused by it or even education programs to raise awareness about the dangers of tobacco. In this way, governments make a lot of money. If smoking bans lead to fewer cigarette sales, that could mean that governments have reduced revenues fro.
  • Pleasure: smoking has been acknowledged as a pleasure for centuries. Humans are often willing to undertake some risks for their health for the sake of enjoyment. It is accepted that people drink alcohol because of the fun they may get from it, despite its obvious risks. Similarly, extreme sports are practised by an increasing number of people regardless of the dangers they entail. If we want to ban tobacco because is bad for health, following the same logic, we should also ban fast food, etc.
  • Freedom: public spaces belong to us all. Banning smoking in public areas means limiting individual liberties. Government regulation can become increasingly intrusive if we allow it. What is the boundary between the collective good and individual freedom? There is a delicate trade-off and it is not clear where the red lines should be placed. Banning smoking in public places they decide to ban speaking loud, cracking jokes, or wearing a certain type of clothing. We objectively define what is required to ban or not.

Reasons Why Smoking Should be Banned

List of main reasons why smoking in public places should be banned are:

1. No Smoking Will Help Controlling Pollution

Smoking adds to pollution every day as people smoke them and release toxins into the air. Our air is already wanting in good quality. This is only increasing the problem. Global warming has become the main problem because of the solid inflow of toxins into our air. We also want plants to help filter our air and produce purified clean air to breathe. The air around us is also needed by plants to breathe. Crops grown by farmers in contaminated air, do not give the top nourishment for our bodies. Polluted air and soil are the root cause of these issues.

2. Smoking ban will reduce the chance of lung cancer

Cancer is a common problem for those that smoke for many years. The probabilities of escaping cancer are better instantly after giving up the habit. However, the damage to the lungs can be substantial. Many losses turn around to advanced lung cancer. The lungs of these patients are frequently studied to understand how much damage has happened. They are mostly found to be totally black in color, like the inside of a fireplace.

The rise of cancer is in many forms. Lung cancer can also befall after one stop smoking. It takes time for the cells to heal themselves once they have been mutilated. Smokers very usually regret the decision to try cigarettes when cancer is diagnosed. Others may be angry after being exposed to unprotected second-hand smoke.

3. It will help children grow healthy

Children are in great danger from cigarette smoking. Those children whose parents smoke regularly are susceptible to this poison, every day. Young kids that are still growing can be mainly vulnerable to the bad effects of smoking. Children can also without difficulty become addicted when they live in a home with a smoker.

The most effective way to quit smoking

Smoking is an addictive habit that can commence to a number of health problems. That is ranging from various types of cancer to high blood pressure and heart disease. It’s also difficult to quit. Fortunately, there are several options to try if you’re looking to stop smoking as soon as possible.

1. Counseling

One method many people find to be helpful when they quit smoking is counselling or therapy. According to the American Cancer Society, it’s one of the more successful methods, especially when combined with one of the others. Fortunately, there are many options when it comes to counselling. Doctors and other medical professionals can meet with you to discuss your options and help keep you on track. Therapists can also help you come up with a plan, recognize your triggers and come up with ways to stop yourself from picking up a cigarette. You can receive counselling via phone through organizations like the American Cancer Society or the American Lung Association. You may even find support groups for smokers in your area where you can attend meetings once a week or several times a month.

2. Medication

Another option is to talk to your doctor about medications you can take to help you stop smoking. According to the American Cancer Society, medications may also help block the impact of nicotine on the brain. These are prescription medications, however, so you’ll need to talk to your doctor first.

3. Nicotine Replacement

Speaking of nicotine, some people quit by using nicotine replacement products, like gums and patches. Many of them are available over the counter at your local pharmacy. You can talk to your doctor or pharmacist about how to use them if you have questions, and when used properly, they may help you fight nicotine withdrawal symptoms, according to the American Cancer Society. There are also inhalers and nasal sprays made with nicotine that are available via prescription.

4. Combination Plan

Because smoking is highly addictive, you may find that just one way of quitting doesn’t help. In this case, talk to your doctor or counsellor about trying multiple options at once. You might choose to chew nicotine gum, attend counselling and take medication. Just make sure your combination methods won’t interfere with each other; that’s why talking with your doctor is important.


Smoking should be totally banned in a public places because of its severe health risks to both smokers and non-smokers. The health risks are much more to non-smokers because they may double up mainly to those who already suffer from other diseases such as heart and lung problems. Banning smoking in public places will solve a lot of problems especially in public health as well environmental issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the possible problems that can arise while smoking in public places?

Ans. Tobacco causes cancer and it affects the people around the smoker as well. Smoking leads to air pollution and smoking in public places can lead to side effects for children also. 

Q2. What are measures taken by the government to stop smoking in public places?

Ans. The government is taking action to stop people from smoking in public places. In many places, smokers are fined if caught smoking and the government also conducts campaigns informing people about the ill effects of smoking.

Read Also: Types of Pollution and Its Effects

Manish Kumar
Manish Kumarhttps://www.saralstudy.com/
Manish Singh is a digital marketer by profession and has 15+ years of experience in tech, health, education and digital marketing. He is also a writer and editor in various content types and topics. Manish is also a yoga and meditation practitioner for over 5 years.


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