HomeKnowledgeTechnologySmartphone Browsing - The new way to Internet access

Smartphone Browsing – The new way to Internet access

There was a time when the Internet was just a fascination for the common man, as only the resourceful ones had the access to this sophisticated technology. However over a period of time with the widespread use of computer technology Internet too has become accessible to the general audiences. Now if the present day situation is considered, the Internet is now more fancy or restricted to computers, all thanks to smartphone technology. With the advent of this technology one can browse the Internet on the smartphone as swiftly and comfortable as compared to the computers.

Smartphone BrowsingConcept

Web browsing is one of the major factors that lead to the origin of Smartphones, which was built on the concept of providing advanced computing capability and connectivity built on a mobile operating platform. Now the market is filled with an array of these smartphones, one can choose a device based on his or her requirement and configuration of these devices, which are becoming almost similar to that of computers. Some of the leading mobile operating systems that allow super fast and efficient web browsing are Google’s Android, Apple’s iOS, Nokia’s Symbian, Blackberry Ltd.’s BlackBerry OS, Samsung’s Bada, Microsoft’s Windows etc.


Internet browsing facilities being enabled on smartphones has given rise to the trend of people using the Internet on a regular basis. On the other hand the advent of this technology has helped in the growth of readers, writers and business personnel by keeping them up to date with the recent happening of their field such as Sensex, book launch, recent news stories, weather forecast etc. in a way everything is now available on the go. So whether you are searching for a place located near you or the traffic condition of a particular pale or for that matter the show timings of a movie you can easily browse over the Internet using your smartphone.


Efficient web browsing on Smartphones have definitely opened new horizons of millions and millions of people and companies they do have certain drawbacks as well. Although the drawbacks may not be direct but definitely there are certain indirect ones. First of all due to the fact that web browsing and other internet facilities are available on all of these smartphones more and more people are buying it thereby leading to a rise in its production. It may shock or rather surprise you that the whole course of the production of these smartphones until its disposal results in a substantial amount of pollution. Moreover companies have been charged with the improper recycling of these phones after their disposal thereby adding more to the pollution caused by it. However new programs and amendments have been passed to tackle these situations effectively.

Final Say 

In all sense the smartphone has contributed in elevating the lifestyle of people with its eminent web browsing services and also helped many companies such as the mobile service providers to even earn more. A study conducted by the University of Vienna found that smartphones have proven to be useful tools for positive social and environmental effects.


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Saral Study
Saral Study
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