HomeKnowledgeTechnologySlow Demise of the Desktop

Slow Demise of the Desktop

With the advent of Windows Blue it is predicted that the doomsday for Windows desktop is very near. There are many articles which claim that Windows Blue will lead to an end of Windows 8 desktop mode.

Some of the reasons analyzed for the death of Desktop are:

  • Rise in Cloud Computing: There has been a rapid rise in the cloud computing which is causing the death of Desktops. Apple’s iCloud is highly advanced and capable of storing content online. The cloud computing of Apple is also capable of syncing all the Apple devices of users wirelessly.
  • Powerful Mobile Computing Devices: The rising demand of Smartphones and tablets have also led to the death of desktops because they are capable of delivering information at the fingertips. This has also made the function of computers dysfunctional.

Sliding sales of Personal Computers

The statistics released recently related to the sales of desktops indicate that there has been slow death of the PC’s even HP and Dell the largest manufacturers of desktops reported significant losses in sales of desktops to consumers. The figures shown below depict the decrease in sales of PC and rise in sales of tablets.

  • PC sales dropped by 1.1 percent (Research by Gartner Inc.)
  • Tablets sales rose by 213 percent (IMS Research)

Desktops Gone from Campuses

The desktop PC is found to be slowly dying even from the most consistent and future consumers that is the students. Even the dorm rooms or student labs have notebooks or Tablets. The students now sport tablet media device or laptops to the campuses. The reason being these new devices are easy to carry, store and set up also as compared to desktops. The mobiles or Smartphone and tablets have similar capabilities as desktops it is but natural people would opt for them and not desktops.

Rising Wireless Connections

Another reason which is linked to the demise of desktops is rising network connections. People do not want to go through the hassle of sitting at a desktop, plugging into a phone line to access the Internet. The recent trend is to access the Internet through effective and faster wireless connections. Even Apple’s iCloud will also seal the fate of desktops as they would proliferate the use of cloud-based services more. 

Therefore with the advent of new technology the PC would be replaced by notebooks, Smartphones and Tablets, the latest rage.


Related Links:

Smartphone Browsing – The new way to Internet access
Macbook Pro: How is it better than the rest?
Browser Wars: Who has the Edge?
Today’s Technology Closing the gap between Tablets and Laptops

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
A man who loves to write about education and study tips more than anything else. His areas of interest include alternative health, education, yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his studies, he enjoys writing material to spread knowledge.


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