HomeOthersSelling Tobacco Should Be Banned

Selling Tobacco Should Be Banned

Nowadays millions of people are using tobacco around us and smoking cigarettes. These are still in the market due to the absence of strong rules and regulations. Tobacco is destroying the whole world slowly.  It has a very adverse impact on the environment. There would be a 5% reduction in global deforestation because approx. 500,000 acres a year get destroy due to tobacco farming. Tobacco has been around for many years and it should be stopped but the economy cannot handle it. The tobacco reaching our children and non-smokers as well and destroy their life. Many organizations are working to convince people to stop smoking but it is really hard because people are already addicted. They accept the negative effects of tobacco and continue to smoke cigarettes. 

The only people winning in the tobacco field are tobacco company owners because they make all the money. If profit falls all they have to do is advertise a little harder and profit will roll. The environmental tobacco smoke the second-hand cigarette smoke breathed by non-smokers is known as carcinogen and the most pollutant environmental pollutants many people die because of the second-hand smoke it causes many deaths like tobacco smokers to do there are many reasons for death from second-hand smoke “lung cancer is the best-known reason of second-hand smoke” the simple smoke is really very harmful then it really looks  “ when a person breaths in smoke a million particles enter in our body and the main material in the cigarettes is nicotine which affects our nervous system. Nicotine is a poison that is present in tobacco leaves that defends the plant against insect attacks.

Forms of Tobacco

  • Cigarettes 
  • Cigar, little cigar, cigarillos
  • Dissolvable products 
  • Electronic cigarettes 
  • Traditional smoker’s tobacco products 

Mechanism of Tobacco

Tobacco contains nicotine and it is an amine (it is a group of a compound which contain nitrogen) nicotine acts as receptors known as nicotine acetylcholine receptors which are present in the smoker’s muscle and throughout the brain.

Nicotine helps to stimulate receptors to start a reaction that results in further release of neurotransmitter (chemical messages that move between nerves, muscle, or glands to affect many body function, mood, and behavior).

The nicotine receptor present in the brain is composed of 5 different units around the central nervous system. These units work in the way they respond to nicotine and affect the transfer of nicotine impulse so can each nerve produce a variety of responses to nicotine at different rates of concentration.

The low dose of nicotine can stimulate the central and peripheral system resulting in other effects like increases in heart rate in increase in a heart attack or blood pressure at high dose nicotine blocks veins, resulting in low blood pressure and changes in the body’s capacity to releases adrenaline.

How can Nicotine delivered its effect?

Smokers can combustible tobacco products that contain more than 7000 chemicals. Nicotine is a very important component of tobacco. 100 components are added to tobacco to enhance its flavour and the absorption of nicotine 

The cigarettes are a very efficient and highly engineered drug-delivery system. By inhaling tobacco smoke.  The average smoker takes in 1-2 milligrams of nicotine per cigarette. When tobacco is smoked nicotine rapidly reaches peak level in the bloodstream and enters the brain.

Tobacco and Its Effect on Our Body Organs

Body Organs Effect
  • Cataracts
  • Blindness excessive tearing,
  • Blinking
  • Odour
  • Discoloration
  • Hearing loss
  • Ear infection
Brain and Psyche
  • Stroke
  • Addiction and withdrawal
  • Altered brain chemistry
  • Anxiety about the tobaccos health effect
  • Cancer of Nasal Cavity, and Paranasal issues
  • Chronic Rhinosinusitis
  • Impaired sense of smell
Mouth and throat
  • Cancer of lips, mouth and throat larynx, and pharynx
  • Sore throat
  • Impaired sense of taste
  • Bad breathe
  • Bronchus, lungs, and tracheal cancer
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
  • Chronic bronchitis
  • Respiratory infection
  • Shortness of breath, asthma
  • Chronic cough, excessive sputum production
  • Coronary thrombosis ( heart attack )
  • Atherosclerosis (damage and occlusion of coronary vasculature )
Chest and abdomen
  • Oesophageal cancer
  • Gastric, colon, and pancreatic cancer
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm
  • Peptic ulcer (esophagus, stomach, the upper portion of the small intestine) Possible increased risk of breast cancer
  • Psoriasis
  • Loss of skin tone, wrinkling
  • Premature aging
Urinary system
  • Bladder kidney, and Ureteral cancer
  • Peripheral vascular diseases
  • Poor circulation (cold fingers )
Immune system
  • Impaired resistance to infection
  • Possible increased risk of allergic diseases
  • Diabetes
  • And sudden death
Legs and feet
  • Vascular diseases
  • Cold feet, leg pain, and gangrenes

Why tobacco should be banned?

Check below the points of why tobacco should be banned:

1. Healthcare

Tobacco smokes contain more than 400 chemicals in it and out of these chemicals 250 are very harmful to the body and other are carcinogen and the other form chewable form contains 28 proven carcinogen has many of 60 % of cancer cases worldwide among men and 25% of cancer in women are tobacco included. People can be mainly vulnerable to the bad effects of tobacco. So that the ban on tobacco will help to reduce health issues.

2. Diminish tobacco consumption

The benefits of stopping tobacco are evident. This will be good for their health and their finances. Tobacco has become very expensive in many countries. Tobacco users also claim that banning tobacco may help them with quitting.

3. The fewer financial cost of society

In the united state, more than $ 156 billion a year of productivity is lost due to death from tobacco and diseases caused by second-hand smoke. Another $ 170 billion go to direct medical costs for smokers. If tobacco vanished, so would those cost to society researchers estimate that the 1964 surgeon general’s report and the tobacco control efforts that followed it have saved approx. 8 million lives in the U.S. Tobacco causes over 7 million deaths per year and kill 1 billion this century if current trends continue.  

Lungs and head and neck cancers which are most common in developing countries are included by tobacco in 80 % of the cases. 

How to Control Addiction to Tobacco?

Tobacco is one of the most important causes of premature deaths in the world more than 6 million people were dying because of consumption of tobacco smoking tobacco causes exposure to a mixture of more than 7000 toxic chemicals including 70 known carcinogens which can damage our body parts it is very dangerous to the pregnant lady who smokes give births to an infant at higher risk of congenital disorder like cancer, lung diseases, and sudden death. Newly-identified risk of smoking is renal failure, intestinal ischemia, and hypertensive heart diseases  

The risk of death is increased with the increases in the number of smoked cigarettes but like long the smokers lose at least 10-12 years of their life because of tobacco. Combustible tobacco use is extremely hazardous to human health and is responsible for more than 90 % of tobacco death and disease. The efforts by the tobacco industry to market safer–sounding alternatives such as low-tare cigarettes and water pipes so a top priority to avoid combustible tobacco products and the only way for an individual to eliminate tobacco-related harm full is not to use them.  


Tobacco should be totally banned because of its severe health risks. To stop this habit, the government are working on the different solution the tobacco ban is a very complex issue the tobacco is known as a killer of humans for many years it occurs diseases like cancer, HIV, and other different diseases the world is trying our best to fight these types of diseases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are the different forms in which tobacco is available in the market?
Ans. Tobacco is sold in many forms like Cigarettes, Cigar, little cigar, cigarillos, Dissolvable products, Electronic cigarettes, Traditional smoker’s tobacco products, etc.

Q2. What are the health hazards of using Tobacco?
Ans. Tobacco is very hazardous for the human body. It can cause dangerous diseases like cancer. It affects differently on various body parts for example like blindness, High BP, Bronchitis, etc.

Q3. I am 25 years old and a regular smoker but I don’t have any symptoms of cancer or any disease. Does this mean tobacco is not harming me?
Ans. Don’t think Tobacco is not harming you. It’s a silent killer. You are just 25 years old. Maybe you are a new smoker and your immune system is strong that’s why you are feeling any health issues but remember once you get older and your immune system drops, you will catch severe diseases. It’s better to quit now and lead a healthy life.

Q4. I use flavoured Hookah once a week. It contains only 0.5% tobacco. Is it also harmful?
Ans. Yes, It is harmful. You are taking it in a small amount, it will harm you slowly but remember you are playing with your health. Better to stop it now.

Q5. I have heard that cigarettes harm all the family members even those who are not smoking. It is true?
Ans. Yes, It is true. The smoke from cigarettes harms other people around the smoker too.

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