HomeEducationThe Right Career For Your Skills

The Right Career For Your Skills

Those who have seen the television advertisement of a particular job site in which individuals suited for a particular profession are caught up doing something else, they would agree that it is the most wasteful expenditure of skills that a person possesses and can utilize to be successful in the career of their choice.

Some skills we are born with, some are inherent, and some we are able to master in the course of life. These skills help in the performance of functions, activities, and tasks. A career should thus be the one that will optimally use these skills. Some are good managers and some good doctors, some have great leadership abilities and others can be superb consultants. If the talents are interchanged and a person ends up in a profession which does not suit him / her, or he / she is not made for it, and does not possess the aptitude for it, then it becomes a cause of frustration, loss and depression. It is your set of skills that can make you or break you professionally.

The task of knowing your capabilities is not always an easy one. The first step to determine it is to jot down all activities that you have participated in life, the positions of responsibility you have held, the voluntary work done, your academic record, and extra curricular activities that you were interested in and excelled at, etc. When you have created the list, it will be simpler for you to mark the ares you were / are good at, and better than the rest. So you may realize that you have organizing skills, or you are good at communications, or you can handle people effectively.

Now it is to decide with the set of skills that you own, note down after careful study and research which are the careers that suit these skills. So if you are good at communication, you can get into journalism, advertising, event management, counselor, etc.

If you cannot help yourself effectively, then get the help of a career counselor, family members and teachers who have known you for long.

But why should skills be matched to the career we choose? The foremost reason is because our lives depend on the work we do. The prosperity, success, fame, and peace of mind is dependent on the work we do. So if we are not satisfied on the career aspect of life, it leads to frustration as mentioned earlier. Job satisfaction is extremely essential to have a feeling of fulfillment. This gives rise to a feeling of success.

Thus students who are at the threshold, it is time to think, organize your skills and ambitions, and do the needful research to be able to be suited for the profession that best suits them. And success will happen.


Saral Study
Saral Study
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