HomeKnow IndiaRajputana Pride

Rajputana Pride

The Rajputana Pride refers to the Rajput clan. The Rajputs were direct descendants of many patrilineal groups. The Rajputs were traditionally involved in skilled warfare and were therefore considered a warrior group. This clan claimed supreme status and recognition all throughout India’s history. It rose in stature and prominence between the 9th and 12th century. Currently, the Rajputs are found in majority in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh.

The Origin of the Rajputana Pride

The origins of this clan are a matter of debate. Much has been said and written about this but nothing has been confirmed. Historians claim that the Rajputs were a social group. Another school of thought is that Hephthalites invaded India and integrated into the society, thus culminating in a new type of people with warrior instincts. 

The top brass of the Hephthalites group were integrated into the Kshatriya group of the Hindu system. Rajput was sometimes used as a rank to designate people involved in combat. It is only during the course of time that it became a caste. For instance, some tribe groups were ranked as Rajputs. They are namely Bundelas and Rathors.

The Rajput clans 

Even though the Rajputana pride was a clan by itself, it was further divided into clans. The following are those:

  • Suryavanshi – The people belonging to this clan considered themselves to be descendants of the Sun God – Surya. Therefore, the Suryavanshi clan was also called the Solar Dynasty.
  • Chandravanshi – Known as the Lunar Dynasty, the people belonging to this clan considered themselves to be descendants of the Moon or Chandra.
  • Agnivanshi – This clan attributed its lineage to the Hind God of fire namely Agni.

The Rajput Empire

It was during the medieval period that the first Rajput Empire flourished. King Harsha ruled this empire for a period of forty seven years. After his death, the kingdom disintegrated and divided into multiple kingdoms. During the 8th century, the Gahlot Dynasty was initiated in Chittoor by Bappa Rawal. The Malwa dynasty was also a prominent one in history established during the 9th century by Pratiharas.

Rajputs during the Muslim regime in India 

The Mongols, Turks, and Afghans constantly invaded the length and breadth of the country. The Rajputs bore the brunt of wars and conflict. The kingdom ruled by Pratiharas weakened during the 11th century. The Hindu Shahi kingdom fell to Mahmud of Ghazni. This event was significant given that many Muslim rulers went on and established their presence in pre-independence India. Shortly Rajput chiefs were hired by Mughal rulers for administrative jobs.

Rajputs during the British regime

The Rajputs had control over 15 states out of 18 in the Rajputana region. These 15 states entered into an agreement with the British East India Company. Under this alliance, these states were given princely status.

Rajputs after India’s independence from the British 

Rajputs are still found in large numbers in many North Indian states. They are occupied in various professions that include the military, navy, and air force. The palaces of Rajput kings are now places of tourist interest.

Manish Kumar
Manish Kumarhttps://www.saralstudy.com/
Manish Singh is a digital marketer by profession and has 15+ years of experience in tech, health, education and digital marketing. He is also a writer and editor in various content types and topics. Manish is also a yoga and meditation practitioner for over 5 years.


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