HomeStudy TipsProofreading Tips

Proofreading Tips

When writing, proofreading should not be skipped by ritual. It forms an integral part of any writing. A piece of writing can become a good piece of writing by effective proofreading. Important points may be added on, and errors reduced to minimal. Here are tips that will help you in effective proof reading.

Check Spelling

Make it a habit to always check the spellings. N unprofessional frivolous sense will get attached to your work of toil if you fail to take this step. Simple words if spelt wrong is a blunder and at many times changes the meaning of the sentence. So be very careful while checking the draft for such errors. Give your work a serious appearance by being flawless. 

Read Aloud

Reading aloud is useful as you do not skip words then. You emphasize on every word and your eye wanders through each word. Thus you get to know of spelling errors, grammatical mistakes, incorrect sentence formations, etc. Also wrong tense, missing words or duplication of words is caught. This thus helps in effective correction of any written material. So you can correct punctuation errors, change the style of writing to make it more appealing. Automated Spell-check only points out the wrong spellings, and not other mistakes which need correction. So rely on this age old method which is accurate. 

Read by someone else

When you are done with checking, give the copy to someone whom you trust with good language skills and writing ability. And someone who is critical and will not hide your follies. Give ample time to him / her, and ask to underline the mistakes, and jot down comments. As this person is neutral, he / she will be objective. And because your work is being read for the first time, the mistakes will pop out to that person. He / she may also contribute by suggesting points, or better formation of sentences, or style. 

Take Breaks

Take a break after writing before you start with editing it. Your mind is already fatigued and needs some refreshment. This break will help you edit with a fresh mind and new perspective. you do not overlook mistakes. You may also get new ideas to add into the already written draft which can be valuable and innovative additions. 

Multiple Checks 

A single check is most times equivalent to no check at all. Especially if it is undertaken immediately after the writing task is over. There is a tendency to just browse through in the first edit, and only by the second or third reading are mistakes actually corrected. But do not overdo it as it will get monotonous and mind boggling. Keep it to an average of two or three readings with earnest.


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