HomeStudy TipsProfession Selection

Profession Selection

The choice of a profession is as important as the choice of a life partner. As a non compatible mate can lead to mental turmoil, so can a wrong decision about your profession. Choosing a profession or a career is not an instant decision, or one taken in haste and intuitively. It has to be a well thought about, researched and evaluated decision. 

Choosing a profession for oneself is not an ancient decision. Till some time back, there were virtually no such choice available. Our ancestors had to select between hunters, agriculturists and administrators, though even this decision depended on various parameters. It was not free will, but governed by the society and polity. 

Then came a stage where only the primary professions existed – that of doctor, lawyer, administrator, laborer and priest. Those with a religious bent of mind, sacrificed worldly pleasures and started serving divinity. The educated ones opted for medicine or law. The assertive and those with a ruling streak became the governors. The rest – unskilled and uneducated had no option but to serve the others. The economic condition played a significant role in this, so did the caste system. 

Today choosing a profession has become a tedious task. This is due to the infinite number of choices, as well as the competence required. The competition in the job market is intense and cut throat. Selecting a profession is dependent on several criteria thus – education, training, interest, and a die hard passion. Only the best survive, and succeed. So it is becoming even more difficult a task to confirm the choice. 

Traditionally, certain attributes have been attached to this activity of career choosing. Though not applicable to all professions, but it is a determinant. And should be of help to anyone who is still in the undecided phase by keeping in mind these characteristics. 

Skill based profession: 

Profession requires specific skill and extensive theoretical knowledge. Examples are doctor, engineer, lawyer, etc.

Professional association: 

Association with organizations or bodies for specific work. Examples could be NGO.

Long period of education: 

Requires long period of education and training (professor, researcher, scientist)

Competence based:

Profession is dependent on your competence and ability, like journalist, artist, writer, designer. 

Institutional and training based: 

Requires specific and specialized institutional training or practice– MBA, sports persons, hospitality management, air hostess, etc.

Licensed practitioners: 

Example could be lawyer, business man, entrepreneur, etc where your profession has to be registered as per the government rules and regulations. 


You work on your own. You sell your services at a price but not employed directly or bound to any organization. Example – writers, designers, etc, who work on their own for clients. 

Social service:

You work for a cause, and for the society at large. (social worker, activist, environmentalist)

High status and rewards: 

The profession guarantees high returns to the ones at the top. These are the most coveted and dreamt of professions – actors, MBA, celebrities.

Male dominated: 

Even today there are certain professions that are open and viable only for the men. Drivers, postal staff, and petrol pump helpers also categorized under this, but not anymore. Some of these professions include miners, priests in certain religions.

Mobile profession: 

People in such professions need to be constantly on the move, for work. They are highly mobile and may also need to relocate often. Example could be sales professional, defense personnel, development journalists, pilots, etc.

Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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