HomeStudy TipsTop 10 Habits That Help Effective Study

Top 10 Habits That Help Effective Study


To start with studies, the first step is a eat and tidy ambiance and surroundings. Keep your study area as clean as possible and away from noises.


Make a schedule – a study time, that should be religiously followed every day. This will help in keeping up with studying at school and make preparation for exams a less tedious process. Also, keep you updated and make studies not so grilling.


Take regular intervals between studies. Ideally, study for around 45 minutes and then take a 15-minute break to munch, a walk or just chat with family. It is better to avoid watching television during this break.

Achievable Goals

Know your capacity to study and your intake power. Do not set the goal of completing four chapters if you can do only three comfortably. This way you achieve realistic goals which do not build stress. And devote time accordingly without rushing it.


Prepare questions about the chapter that will be discussed in the following class. This will help you identify areas that you don’t understand.

Practical Application

Put to practical usage any new concept that you learn. This can be specially done with science experiments and languages which are easy to perform at home. Doing so will help you understand the concept with clarity and also help you remember it for the rest of your life as you have witnessed it. This is a great learning kit. More you put to use any information, the more likely is that you will never forget it.

Don’t Procrastinate

This is one habit that sticks to you for your whole life if not corrected in childhood. Putting off things of importance not only is harmful, but is also a vital reason for lethargy, lack of success in life, and fall in academic records.


Highlighting helps in easy revisions and to noting down the important definitions, formulas, etc. Sincere students typically always have a pencil in hand or a marker while studying, and underline or bracket the important areas. During exams, just one glance and you know which are the essential parts. Later on, when you go through your books a few years later, these highlights help your memory.

Put to Paper

Write down answers, solve maths and science problems, and write down all you study. When you just read, half of the things do not register, but when you attempt to write, you know which piece of information you have missed. Your speed also increases. The mistakes thus stand corrected and you are in a better position to answer the exam and perform well in class and elsewhere. The written word comes from the mind and is an accumulation of all that you have been able to get inside it.

Bonding with Seniors and Teachers

Being in constant consultation and guidance of those who are experienced is an activity that makes for a better education process. In a classroom, a teacher’s attention is divided innumerably. It is when a student takes the effort to individually meet the teacher with queries, doubts, and problems, are needs and questions answered. Your seniors have passed a similar stage that you are in, thus talking to them will only provide you with tips and tricks, answers, and the dos.

Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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