Politics involves study and skills which depict how power is exercised and by whom in order to manage public affairs. Nowadays, politics has become one of the essential parts of public education. These days, due to the increase in college politics, indiscipline among students is on the rise. Growing college politics has become one of the most serious problems faced by students. If we look at the current scenario of politics prevailing in colleges, we can realize that the educational arena is facing a lot of burning issues.
College politics can be viewed from different angles by different people. In today’s era, it has attained quite a pessimistic attitude that it has become difficult for the students to believe in teachers, student peers, and leaders. Below mentioned are some times that can be helpful to students seeking ways to surpass this political stage with ease:
Observe your college mates
In order to protect yourself from college politics, you must observe the activities of your college mates. You must be attentive to note the people who instigate college talks or spread unnecessary rumors. Follow the golden rule: MYOB, Mind Your Own Business, and collaborate this with the practice of observing without participating. This will allow you to safely peep into the politics in your department so that you may stay aware of what is going on around you.
Try to maintain rigid frontiers
If you try to maintain rigid frontiers while studying in college, you can surely surpass college politics. As a student, don’t try to befriend your teachers. Furthermore, you shouldn’t try to get involved in any blabbermouth or irrelevant arguments. Even while dealing with the teachers or professors, try to stay humble and keep your tone low and professional.
Prefer having Private conversations with your college mates
Once you get to know about the people who are involved in college politics, you must prefer having private conversations with them. You must calmly listen to your mates and try to make them understand that they have come to the college for studying and not to involve themselves in the dirty game of politics. Honestly, there are no losers or winners and everything is just a mess unless it is for a real cause. Support a cause only if your inner self says so. Else, stay away from the violent crowd.
Encourage respect among your college mates
If you want to surpass college politics, follow the habit of respecting everyone and handling all activities at college in a manner that is expected of a responsible student.
Just be yourself
Your efforts to impress the college mates and teachers by backstabbing and talking about others will unnecessarily decrease your reputation.
Walking away when the situation requires
If you feel that a discussion with your college mates is turning into rumors or scheming, try avoiding your participation in the discussion.
Can’t stay unaffected by college politics
College politics affects you even if you don’t have direct involvement. It is advisable that you concentrate on your own work so that no one gets a reason to question you. Keep yourself directed to your studies and other useful academic activities.
Don’t leak your privacy
Prefer not to share your personal information with your college mates and friends. This helps curb the opportunity for anyone to harm you or to use the information against you.
In order to surpass college politics, try not to complain against your college mates even if you find their talks irrational and troublemaking. Keep a positive attitude towards life and it will become easier for you to mark your distinctive stand amongst people who are more involved in other activities.
Surpassing College Politics