The continuous growth in logistics makes a good supply chain quite imperative. For almost any kind of trade or service to take place, there is a requirement of movement of merchandise or goods. This requirement shows no signs of ever going down; if anything it is spiking dramatically. The term ‘Supply Chain Management’ stands for the process of physical management of business goods from procurement to storage and transportation. The key lies in the safe handling of the merchandise from end to end. It creates a chain between the producer, supplier, and distributor. It is often described as “Supply chain management is interested in everything that happens to a product from cradle to grave.”
It is a rather upcoming industry in India and has a bright future. The estimates are reaching figures like a hundred billion dollars in the coming three-four years. Companies like Wal-Mart have made it a strategic imperative for the business. This industry is growing at a rapid pace and changes are being introduced at a steady pace to make it more profitable and efficient.
Benefits of this career
An increasing number of companies are creating space within their infrastructure for this department and various posts closely related or directly pertaining to Supply Chain Management which gives you that extra edge on the desirability part.
Supply chains are being initiated and strengthened globally and an increasing number of educational institutes are now offering Bachelor’s and Masters’ Courses in Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
Most companies are steadily reorganizing around supply chain management and the supply chain manager positions are becoming increasingly available.
You can easily target large-scale companies since their logistics and supply chain requirements are huge and steady.
It is relatively easy to rise in this core industry as the competition is not that tough just yet.
Even in times of recession, this one industry cannot afford to slow down, so chances are that you will be able to sail through it all.
Shipping and Aviation are two large sectors that use this expertise and knowledge extensively and both are good paymasters.
All the recent studies and research point to an imminent boom in this particular sector.
Since this is a relatively new area of expertise you can make your mark and prove yourself rather easily and won’t have to fight of hordes of competitors for the same slice of the pie.
Most firms have established their own Supply Chain Management Programs and tend to recruit from their own pool.
Since the market is low the companies are asking for industry and functional experience even at entry-level jobs in some cases.
Make sure that the certification that you are going for is acceptable in the market
Certifications are not really required but proficiency in Enterprise Resource Planning and software packages like SAP, Oracle, and i2 can really enhance your chances of growth in this sector.
The overall outlook for the future of this industry is pretty robust, all you need to do is go for the right course and company to start your career in Supply Chain Management.
Supply Chain Management And Its Career Benefits