HomeStudy TipsSemester Exams: Ways To Prepare Them

Semester Exams: Ways To Prepare Them

Many students shudder at the thought of semester exams. Semester exams are especially difficult for those who haven’t done well in smaller tests that cover a smaller portion of the syllabus. By not preparing on time, you lose out on the information and pile up work right before the examinations. If you haven’t studied so far and are worried about how to pass the examinations, do not panic. Here are a few simple steps to help you prepare for the semester exam without having to sit late at night. But it is important to understand that these techniques work only when you are consistent and sincere in your efforts. Through effective time management and a methodical study routine, you will be able to prepare for the examinations in a very short time. Here’s how:

Do not panic: Before starting out you need to calm yourself and not panic. Because panicking doesn’t allow you to work efficiently and think clearly. So first calm your mind and then start strategizing to prepare for the examinations.

Prepare a chart: Prepare a chart on the subjects you need to study. Break down these subjects into the topics and chapters that need to be studied. Prepare bullets on what are the most important topics that can be asked in the question.

Time Management: You will have to think realistically about how much time you can dedicate to each subject and each topic or chapter. Cut down on the time that your spend watching TV or playing cricket and invest that time in studying an extra chapter. Take out enough time for having your meals and sleep. Do not compromise on your food and sleep as you need to have all the energy to study and complete the syllabus.

Find old test papers: Old test papers will help you focus on the important topics, learn and revise them faster. You can take the help of a friend in this. Ask him to find out common questions in old question papers and compare your findings. You can share your findings with him. You can also discuss and share answers with your friend to these questions.
Go through your notes and other handouts: Your notes and handouts are the best material to learn from when you are short of time. If you do not have all the notes then you can ask one of your friends for his to copy them

Make Academics Your Priority: As you have very little time at hand, you will have to sacrifice little joys such as watching TV, playing games, playing cricket for long, etc. Focus more on your studies. Of course, do not give up on recreation totally, but refrain from indulging in anything that hooks you to it. Go for a stroll near your house in between studies or read a book to refresh your mind.

Do not get anxious: Do not get overly anxious. Since you are racing against time to complete your syllabus, it may seem difficult in the beginning. But keep your cool and continue studying without worrying.
Prepare a final exam study schedule: Prepare a timetable on when and how you intend to complete the syllabus, mark up a section for revision, and practice old test papers. With a solid plan in place, all you need to do is execute. Keep your study table clutter-free, keep your study materials handy and make sure you have enough food and rest. This way you will be able to prepare well for your semester exams

Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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