HomeEducationCalendarThe Month of January

The Month of January

January is the first month of the year in Gregorian Calendar. January is also the first month with 31 days. It is the coldest month of the year in the northern region and the warmest in the southern region. It is the first month in Gregorian as well as in Julian’s calendars. The first day of this month is also known as New Year’s Day.

Origin of word January

The month January derived its name after the god JANUS, according to Roman mythology Janus is the Roman god of transitions and beginnings. Janus is also known as TWO-FACED, as Romans sees him having two faces one looking forward and the other one looking backward. God Janus was said to be the protector of the path, doorways, and gates. And the month of January is also the gateway to the new year.

History of January

The earlier Roman calendar only consisted of 10 months which only covers 304 days. It was said that around 713 BC, king Numa Pompillius of Romulus had added the month January and February in the calendar so that it covered the standard lunar year which has 354 days. In the traditional Roman calendar, March used to be the first month of the year.

Historical Names of Month January

Wulf-Month – Wolf Month

Wintermanoth – Winter / Cold Month

In 45 BC when Julius Caesar became the roman dictator he realized the need to follow the solar calendar instead of the lunar calendar, so Caesar with the help of his astronomer Sosigenes (the one who introduced leap year) added 67 days into the 46 BC beginning with January 1, rather than March. He also stated that after every 4 years one day will be added in February.

Why January called as Wolf Moon?

It was believed that the full moon of January came to be known as the wolf’s moon as the howling of wolves was more often heard during this time as there was less food.  Native Americans and Europeans called the full moon of January the wolf moon. This name is believed to come from the Anglo-Saxon lunar calendar.

Old Moon, Moon after Yule, Ice Moon, Hunger Moon, and Storm Moon are the other names.

January’s Flowers and Birthstones

January’s flowers are snowdrop and carnation.

Carnation (dianthus) comes in several fascinating colors which carry different meanings. They are quite similar to roses for e.g, a pink carnation means simplicity, dark red carnation depicts deeper love, light red represents admiration.

Snowdrop used to be regarded as bad luck as it grows in the graveyard but now this flower resembles folk and beauty. It is one of the first flowers to dig through the snow in late winters and also signifies rebirth.

January’s birthstone is GARNET. It comes in a wide variety of colors and is said to represent constancy.

Frequently Asked Question

Q1. How many days does January have in the Gregorian Calendar?
Ans. In the modern Gregorian calendar there are 31 days.

Q2. What is the birthstone of January?
Ans. The birthstone of January is Garnet. 

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
A man who loves to write about education and study tips more than anything else. His areas of interest include alternative health, education, yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his studies, he enjoys writing material to spread knowledge.


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