HomeStudy TipsLinguistic Ability - Extensive Vocabulary Helps

Linguistic Ability – Extensive Vocabulary Helps

Have you felt at loss for the precise word that would exactly sum up something you want to express? It’s not just you. This is a common experience felt virtually by everyone, but people with limited linguistic abilities face this challenge more often than others.

Linguistic ability is the art of using language effectively and persuasively. The importance of language skills lies in everyday aspects of our lives and social interaction. A person’s linguistic ability gives an insight of the underlying language skills that are extremely important for all communication purposes.Good language skills are in demand by employers and are tested through language assessment tests and interviews.

The key to develop your linguistic ability is to build an extensive vocabulary. This is no mean feat and requires an in-depth understanding of the language and constant sharpening of verbal skills. It will not only lead to the growth of your linguistic ability, but also boost your intellectual growth.

Steps to Develop an Extensive Vocabulary:

1. Actively Seek out New Words

New words won’t get added to your vocabulary on their own. You have to train yourself to look out for new words and find out their meaning. Any new word you encounter while reading or listening must be added in your lingo.

2. Make a Habit of Reading More Than You Normally

Most of the reading people do today is confined to the daily feeds of the digital media, as compared to the traditional reading materials of books, newspapers and magazines. If your reading is limited to the perusal of daily news feeds, then you must add some extra reading material in your schedule. To develop an extensive vocabulary, you have to create time for reading at least a book and several magazines every week. Any person having an extensive vocabulary is a voracious reader too!

3. Use the New Words in Your Vocabulary

After you have learnt a word, don’t forget to use it in your everyday conversation. Failing to do so will only make its meaning slip from your mind the next time you encounter it.

When you read the word the first time, go through its usage several times until it seems to fit naturally in the context. This process will help to bring the word into your active vocabulary as you become conscious of the word and the next time you need to use itin a similar context, it will pop up in your head effortlessly!

4. Set a Serious Goal to Build an Extensive Vocabulary

If you don’t set up a goal to learn new words every day, you might just be able to learn only twenty-five to fifty words on an average in the next twelve months.Set a goal of finding several new words every day. It could seem challenging at first, but once you get into a habit of it, you will find yourself addicted to finding and using new words. 

This addiction of words will prove no harm and will cater to your linguistic ability more than any other thing!

Saral Study
Saral Study
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