HomeStudy TipsIntelligence Quotient

Intelligence Quotient

‘the true sign of intelligence in not knowledge but imagination’

– anonymous

Those days are history when our intelligence would be judged on the basis of the ‘Intelligence Quotient’ alone. How good we are at solving mathematics sums and logic would determine how we fare in life. Fortunately, today we are not grilled in the oven over our IQ scores. The parameters to assess intelligence has changed and includes inherent individualistic skills unique to every human being.

Intelligence is dependent on a varied number of reasons. Evolution plays a major role in this. So does genetics. We usually inherit our parents and forefather’s intelligence and traits that define us. Effort on our part also contributes to this. With constant struggle we may not be the best, but acquire a skill that we may not have been born with. Study on intelligence circumferences all these factors while deducing a person’s intelligence.  

Multiple Intelligence is being worked upon by scientists today. So is Emotional Quotient, in the study of intelligence. We have a long list of defining factors thanks to the ongoing research by evolutionists and scientists all over the world. 

One of the much talked about form of intelligence is Logical or Mathematical Intelligence. Those possessing it are very good in tackling numbers, reasoning, logic and abstract concepts. Effort plays a significant role in this and we can better ourselves with practice.

Linguistic Intelligence is the ability of a being to grasp and command language. It includes the ability to read and write, and to learn different languages. Those with this form of intelligence are able to learn languages quite easily. It also is the knack for story telling and art of syntax and grammar.

Those with Spatial Intelligence are good at imagination. They are very creative. They can remember directions better than the rest of us. They also have a strong visual memory and understanding of spaces. 

People with Musical Intelligence are inclined towards music and musical notes. Again practicing musical instruments and listening to songs betters this intelligence. 

Similarly, those gifted with Kin-esthetic Intelligence have an affection for athletics, dance, body-building, acting and other performing arts. Also they can become successful surgeons. As is the case with musical intelligence, Kin-esthetic Intelligence is dependent on personal effort. 

Interpersonal Intelligence enables us to be an effective communicator and event organizer. The possessors are empathetic and sensitive towards others. Intra-personal Intelligence on the other hand, promotes deeper understanding of ourselves, our emotions, needs and ambition. If we wield this intelligence, we can become writers, philosophers, theologists or psychologists. Writing and meditating helps in commanding this field. 

We see many among us with a love for nature. This is because they exhibit Naturalistic Intelligence. 

The curious people around us who constantly strive to understand life, death, virtual realities and mysteries of the world. This is Existential or Spiritual Intelligence.

The circle of intelligence is so big that nobody is left out of it. The traditional and restricting factors of Intelligence have been done away with. Intelligence Quotient thus is the totality of existence.

Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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