HomeEducationHow to Prepare for Your Board Exam?

How to Prepare for Your Board Exam?

CBSE board is one of the oldest and renowned education boards existing in India. It is popular for offering quality education to a huge student population which blooms in different states across the nation. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is known for its innovative teaching methods. The exams are held annually in all schools under its affiliation.

CBSE students appear for Board exams twice, that is, in class 10 and class 12. The prime aim of the students is to work hard and acquire a good percentage in the exams for grabbing grades which can help them in their future academic events. Do you wish to score excellently in CBSE Board exams? If yes, then try to build a well-structured routine which allows you to cover the syllabus without falling into the pit of tension. Your CBSE Board exam preparation must be managed based on the below mentioned points. 

Regulated Timetable

Your exam preparation will become simplified with the help of a properly defined study schedule. Prepare a time slot for different subjects as well as topics. This will help you to conquer the anxiety attacks which are common among students before exams. Moreover, make sure you do not overload yourself with a tough timetable. Students need to give themselves enough time to breathe and relax. The adverse effects of overworking might cause loss of interest and exhaustion, which can indeed be hazardous for the student right before the exams. 

Write and Practice 

It is important to revise your already learnt text by writing them down. Every time you sit down to cover the different theory chapters, make sure you write down points and phrases which can be referred for last minute revision. Also, for subjects like Hindi and English, one should practice long answer-type questions. 

Use Additional Practice Material

CBSE board exams are indeed tough and require extra practice for scoring good marks. The use of additional practice material acts as a beneficial weapon for taking an extra edge. Opt for CBSE sample papers and CBSE Board papers from the past years in order to gain a better idea regarding the pattern of questions you should expect. Once you get comfortable with the pattern of the question paper, it will help to increase the speed with which you can complete the paper.

Search Online For Extra Preparation Material

The internet is the easiest resort from where you can avail a large variety of study material related to CBSE Board exams. Starting from online tests to CBSE sample papers along with other practice material, you can gather everything you want without wasting time or money. 

Remain Focused

For students, it is quite important to stay away from the numerous distractions which surround them in today’s world. It is quite easy for you to lose track of your path and become too relaxed. Try to shield yourself from such distractions and stay focused towards your exam schedule. It is not necessary to study all the time, but to follow a smart study schedule. 

5 Easy Tricks to Follow During Boards

Below are the following easy tricks to follow during boards:

Stop Walking Till Late

Apart from following a hectic study schedule during your board exams, it is advisable that you take adequate sleep. Apart from sleep, you must also focus on having a healthy breakfast. Candidates who are not able to maintain a proper routine, might falter in managing enough time to study and revise. Moreover, after a point of time your body would require 3-4 days in order to adjust with the changed sleep pattern.

Practice Giving Mock Papers

Knowledge never stops and one must always try to figure out new ways to polish his/her learning. You need to test your ability time to time before actually sitting for the board exams. Mock test papers are a wonderful source for refining your preparation. It helps the candidate experience an exam-like environment which is quite beneficial. Also, when you are attempting mock papers, try to focus on your speed. Moreover, make sure you complete the paper in a neat handwriting without wasting much time. 

Health Precautions

  • Staying healthy is quite important during exams, which most students forgot to focus on. One must follow to keep themselves hydrated. The body requires liquid in order to stay alert and active. Also, avoid junk food and eat a lot of fruits which would help to keep you calm. Eating healthy is very crucial which works to maintain a stable blood sugar level. If you still feel nervous during exams, then try to refer the internet for searching a proper diet in order to reduce stress which usually surrounds during board exams. 
  • One can also close their eyes and take deep breaths for a couple of minutes. Allow all the negative thoughts to drift away. This is an effective and simple technique that will surely benefit you.

Stress Free Preparation

Stress free preparation is quite important for moving ahead on the path to glory. According to psychologists, an individual can only focus on the right things for a time span of 45 minutes. So, prepare a study schedule which has sufficient breaks so that you can relax your mind. Instead of forcing further notice and cope with exam stress, candidates are suggested to take breaks and find a way in order to get rid of nervous breakdown during exams. Search for activities which makes you feel happy. You can go out for a walk, cycling or even swimming. 

Final Say

CBSE board exams shouldn’t be mistaken for a piece of cake. You would have to analyze all the subjects one by one in order to prepare your notes. Consult your parents, family members or counsellors if there is any stress which is bothering you. Group studies do help, so try to sit with your friends and cover topics which you think are difficult for you. The above mentioned tips are quite beneficial for students who wish to prepare a proper routine for their CBSE board exams.

Saral Study
Saral Study
Saral Study staff mostly works for helpful articles and other posts which include student-related news, education-related news, updates, informative lists, etc.


  1. आपके द्वारा दी गई जानकारी बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण है। जानकारी साझा करने की लिए आपका बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद ।


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