HomeStudy TipsHow to increase your concentration while studying

How to increase your concentration while studying

In this day and age, many things might deviate us from our goals, and these distractions only keep increasing as time progresses. Concentrating on things we enjoy is a little easier than paying attention to what we don’t like to study. The latter, for most people, is usually something we all struggle to concentrate on, as even the slightest change in our surroundings might capture our attention and throw us off our rhythm. Maintaining concentration while studying can be a delicate task, but it is essential for understanding and retaining all the information.

5 best ways to Increase your concentration while studying

Increasing concentration while studying can help you score good marks in your exams. Let’s discuss some ways that can increase your concentration while studying :

1. Suitable Surroundings

Different people need different surroundings to concentrate on their studies. For example, Some might study in an open area with lots of natural light and a light breeze; others might be able to concentrate only in a room that is completely shut off from the outside. Discovering the environment that enables you to focus more and then recreating that every time you need to study can help you concentrate better.

2. Schedule

Preparing a schedule or a to-do list prepares the mind for the following study and helps you pay more attention. Just starting to study out of the blue can make you less attentive to it. After following the same schedule for some time, the mind becomes conditioned to study during the time designated for it. Sometimes making an elaborate planner helps even more, as knowing what to study beforehand can reduce the time wasted deciding on a topic.

3. Healthy Food Choices

Snacking while studying can increase your concentration, but it can also impede it. Choosing the correct snacks is hence quite important. Foods that make you lethargic are not a good choice, as studying can drain energy. Healthy snacks like nuts and fruits give your body the necessary sugars and oils which keep you alert.

4. Take Breaks

Studying continuously and without breaks is not something our body is built to do, and rest is needed often. Managing your energy efficiently helps you in using your abilities entirely. Continuous studying can lead to burnout which might scar the way you look at studying. Taking scheduled breaks has been proven to increase productivity and time spent studying. Sleeping for 6-8 hours per day is also very important as your body needs to rest and recover.

5. Minimum distraction

A good and focused study requires a distraction-free environment. Make sure to switch off the TV while you study and stay away from your mobile phone. A distraction-free study time will help you understand the topics quickly, and the concepts get absorbed in your mind better.


To achieve something, you need to work hard for it; as a student, your optimal goal must be to study well. So to achieve this goal, following all these steps is essential. Apart from these, there are many other ways by which you can increase your level of concentration. You can see the change in concentration levels relatively quickly if you follow these methods. These methods will only work for those who try to study and work hard trying to grasp as much knowledge as they can.


Prakhar Singh
Prakhar Singh
A man who loves writing about health and fitness more than anything. His interest area include alternative health, education, Yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his study, he enjoys to write content to spread knowledge.


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