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How to clear SSC CGL Exam in First Attempt? Tips to Clear SSC Exams

SSC CGL exams are undoubtedly regarded as the most prestigious among all recruitment exams managed in India. Around 65 lacs candidates register for the SSC CGL exam every year. Therefore, the competition has grown quite tough over the years. With only a few days remaining in SSC exams (tier-I), it is high time that the candidates should pull up their socks and perform the best they can.

Tips To Clear SSC CGL Exam

One needs to realize that he/she needs to follow a systematic exam-oriented preparation because only then you will grab that correct path to success. Keeping this in mind, follow subject-wise preparation tips and follow the below mentioned pointers of SSC exams.

Quantitative Aptitude (Maths)

The Maths section comprises of four major areas in SSC exams: Algebra, Arithmetic, Geometry and Trigonometry.

  • Geometry is the most crucial among all the areas. The candidates need to offer special emphasis to this sub-segment.
  •  Trigonometry shouldn’t be avoided at any cost. Also, focus on height and distance along with different trigonometric identities.
  • Gaining a good knowledge about percentage would help you in Data interpretation and Analysis. The same goes for learning ratio and proportion. Algebra, including simplification, is often tagged as tough to clear. Offer more practice to this segment as compared to other areas. 
  • Under the arithmetic segment, simple interest, profit and loss, compound interest, time and work along with time and distance happen to be the prime topics

Reasoning (General Intelligence)

For a major share of candidates sitting for the SSC exams, reasoning is regarded as the most scoring section.

  • A good focus must be offered to the key areas such as: non-verbal reasoning, Analogy and classification, syllogisms, blood relations, coding-decoding, direction test and series.
  • Under non-verbal reasoning, the most crucial types of questions offered in the exam include: (a) paper cutting, punching and folding, (b) mirror image and water image, (c) embedded figures and (d) figural series completion.
  • For questions based on series and finding the missing number questions, one can expect both semantic series and number series to be present in the exam.
  • Do not avoid statement-conclusion & statement-assumption questions.

English preparation for SSC CGL Exams

Below are the preparation tips of English in SSC exams:

  • Preparation for this section would need you to focus on the following topics: one- idioms and phrases, word substitution, fill in the blanks (sentence completion), synonyms and antonyms, sentence errors, sentence rearrangement, reading comprehension and jumbled-up sentences.
  • Narration and active voice / passive voice is not necessarily be there in tier-I exam. But do not skip it and learn these topics for the tier-II exam.
  • Usually vocabulary-based questions (synonyms, antonyms and one-word substitution) along with well as idioms and phrases from the previous SSC papers do get repeated. Make sure to go through the previous year exam papers and practice such questions. 
  • The toughness level of reading comprehension passages is not that much. However, some amount of practice is obviously needed to locate the answers for the questions asked from the passages.
  • In order to solve sentence error spotting questions, a good level of knowledge of grammatical rules is required. If you think you are lacking in grammar, try to focus on practicing English usage questions like fill in the blanks, jumbled-up sentence and sentence rearrangement.

General Knowledge

As compared to all other sections, GK holds the most comprehensive syllabus and demands a lot of time for preparation of SSC exams. It means that, the candidates should understand the pattern of the questions.

  • Always make sure that, go through the previous year SSC questions papers, and focus on the frequently asked questions from politics, science, geography and history. 
  • You must surely pay attention on questions based on (a) common chemical compounds (b) the firsts in India (c) Indian constitution (d)folk dances of India & traditional festivals (e) socio-religious movements of pre-independent India (f)important scientific phenomena (g) national income & market structure (h) medieval & modern Indian history.

Some Effective Tips to Clear SSC Exams

  • Gather the syllabus of the SSC exams. One can download it from the official website of SSC.
  • Get the SSC exam books from a better publication and do not forget to get separate books for every different section of the SSC exams paper.
  • Prepare a time table of your study. Try to focus on at least 4 hrs. a day for a year.
  • Study with full concentration and learn to clear basics of various topics.
  • Try to focus on shortcuts of doing the questions and build your own shortcuts to solve the different problems in a faster manner.
  • One can also buy various books for understanding shortcuts and implementing them to solve problems. 
  • Always remember to work on your speed for solving problems. Practice previous year question papers daily to in order enhance speed by putting yourself on a time limit.
  • Work to polish your weaker sections and build them as your strength through practice. 
  • In the SSC paper, try to solve as many questions as you can but only those about which you are sure. Do not attempt questions which you aren’t familiar with. Remember negative marking is active in the SSC exams.
  • If a particular question makes you feel stuck, then move onto the next question. Save your precious time and work to solve maximum known questions.
  • Do not forget to wear a watch while giving any kind of examination. 
  • Try to work on your quickness to solve problem. Most of the aspirants do not clear these tests due to the time limit.
  • Work harder and plan a systematic order when you approach the questions.

The Final Word

The above mentioned points are quite crucial and helpful for each and every candidate who is planning to sit for the SSC exams. Hard work isn’t always the key, but sensible study schedule along with speed together makes the difference. Consult your elders, friends or family members who have already given the SSC exams. They would prove as a perfect counselor for gaining knowledge about the true reality of these tests.

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Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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