HomeStudy TipsHow Parents Can Help In The Education Of Their Children

How Parents Can Help In The Education Of Their Children

The role of parents in the education of their tots is as significant as the effort put in by the latter. A positive role makes the learning process not an exercise but an activity of interest. The future, attitude towards education, and selection of a career option, bends towards optimism. A nagging, over demanding parent, hinders the education and develops a fear of it. 


Children perform better if they know that they command the support of their parents. During the initial years and the crucial years later on, this support becomes even more essential. So parents should take care to always make them feel that their decision is supported. 

2. Motivate

Motivation acts as a medicine that boosts confidence. It relaxes and recharges children. A simple word of encouragement makes them feel loved and willing to work harder. Children who receive motivational talks from parents, have been proven to be better performers, more willing to study, and dedicated towards everything that they do.

3. No to Pressure

Motivation however should not cross the line to be pressure. Too much and regular dosage of motivational speeches and comparisons, stresses the child. And sometimes makes him/her nervous, bogged down and tensed. This can at times lead to depression and negative thought process. Do not pressurize your child to study beyond capacity and for as long as he/she is awake. Even during exams, unnecessary pressure will only make children get worked up, forget what they have studied, and thus perform badly at the test.

4. All Round Development

Concentrate on all round development of children rather than educational. Sports, extra curricular activities, hobbies, etc should be given significance. Only then are skills developed that will help in future development and a positive personality and attitude towards life.

5. Homework and Projects

Help with homework and projects, but never do it. Parents should provide material, guidance and support, but not take it upon themselves to complete them. Parents usually o that to save time and so that the child gets a better grade in school, forgetting that this will only lead to the latter’s not learning anything and being dependent. 

6. Discipline/Routine/Time Table

Set a time table for study. Everyday allot time to study play, for hobbies and other activities. And be strict with it. Children should be disciplined so that they do not take either studies or hobbies for granted. Again, discipline should not amount to exerting pressure.

7. Study Pattern

Parents have themselves gone through the ritual of study. They thus know which pattern and method of study is the most effective. Schools suggest one that is meant for all. Only parents can take care of the individual needs, capacity and design the best pattern of study that will reap the maximum benefits. And this method will stay with your child all life and help in all endeavors.

8. Share Experience

Share your experiences with your children. Formulas, easy techniques to remember facts, learning tools, etc should be educational gems to be transferred to kids. Not only will children feel connected to you, the implementation of these will make studies a simpler process. Also they will learn from your mistakes. Thus sharing is important for positive results and to curb negatives. 

9. Give Time

Not all children have similar learning abilities, or speed, or capacity to grasp. Parents are the only ones who can and should understand their specific needs, difficulties and disabilities if any. Sometimes parents fail to realize that the child may have a learning defect, or may be undergoing some kind of depression, mood swings, or emotional turmoil. Devote time to understand these and give ample time to let your child perform. 

10. Top Rank

Top rankers are not always the most successful and satisfied in future. Even those who once came last in class become the most successful. Education system judges students on various parameters but not on the individual capacities and capabilities. If the grading of students would be on an individual basis brought to scale, then all would be top rankers. This is to make parents understand that every child has unique traits, interests and abilities. Not everyone can be good at maths or English. So the demand and lust for the top position in class should be given up not by students but parents. 

11. Discuss

Have healthy discussions on studies, the courses, the school activities, classroom teaching, projects, books, future objectives, interests. You should know what takes place in school, coaching centers and playgrounds. Children should not fear telling parents about their day, even punishments and mistakes committed by them. They should be able to discuss problem areas, what they cannot understand and pressures if any. Only such healthy discussion will ease the mind and let a child concentrate on studies with a refreshed and tension free mind. Discussions can take place at any time during the day though the best time is either during meals or bedtime. One or both parents can be involved in this, but doing it cannot be ignored. 

12. Develop Skills/Traits/Abilities

Schools may force students to perform well only in class and score high in exams. So the development of other traits, skills and aptitude is dependent solely on parents. Have a concerned approach and futuristic bent of mind.

13. Indifference

The worst is when parents are too busy to take time out for their children. And not care about the education, well being and concerns. Today many parents are too busy with their careers, engagements and personal life that they tend to neglect the growing process of their kids. Such an attitude only will make children detached and least interested with in their lives, as they can do anything without rebuke and have no one to take care of them or discipline them.

Dipak Singh
Dipak Singh
Deepak is a close follower of Edu tech. This makes him passionate about writing about everything related to the world of education. He can always be seen surfing the web and when he is not working, you can find him watching games.


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