If you are willing to learn Hindi numbers, then you are on the right platform and right place. This article about Hindi numbers and Hindi counting (Hindi ginati) is perfect for you. In this post, we will learn Hindi Numerics from zero to nine and counting from 1 to 100 counting in detail. Also, we will learn English and Hindi counting till the largest number available in the world right now.
After getting freedom due to changes in our education system and in the era of globalization, the trend of studying through the English medium has increased. Now a days very few people know how to write numbers in Hindi, especially the students reading through Hindi medium and who belong to small cities or villages.
Most of the literate people, even if I am talking about the graduates; are asked to write Hindi numbers from 1 to 100 (हिंदी नंबर एवं हिंदी गिनती 1 to 100), will not be able to write. Hindi numbers and words are written in the Devanagari script or alphabet.
Hindi Numbers and Hindi Counting
But with the help of this article, you will not have any problem reading, writing and understanding Hindi numerals. Now let’s learn Hindi numbers from 1 to 100 in detail.
English Number | English Numbers in Words | Hindi Numbers | Hindi Numbers in Words | Hindi Numbers in Roman |
1 | One | १ | एक | Ek |
2 | Two | २ | दो | Do |
3 | Three | ३ | तीन | Teen |
4 | Four | ४ | चार | Chaar |
5 | Five | ५ | पाँच | Panch |
6 | Six | ६ | छह | Chhah |
7 | Seven | ७ | सात | Saat |
8 | Eight | ८ | आठ | Aath |
9 | Nine | ९ | नौ | Nau |
10 | Ten | १० | दस | Das |
11 | Eleven | ११ | ग्यारह | Gyarah |
12 | Twelve | १२ | बारह | Barah |
13 | Thirteen | १३ | तेरह | Terah |
14 | Fourteen | १४ | चौदह | Chaudah |
15 | Fifteen | १५ | पन्द्रह | Pandrah |
16 | Sixteen | १६ | सोलह | Solah |
17 | Seventeen | १७ | सत्रह | Sattrah |
18 | Eighteen | १८ | अठारह | Aatharah |
19 | Nineteen | १९ | उन्नीस | Unnis |
20 | Twenty | २० | बीस | Bees |
21 | Twenty-one | २१ | इक्कीस | Ikkees |
22 | Twenty-two | २२ | बाईस | Baees |
23 | Twenty-three | २३ | तेईस | Teis |
24 | Twenty-four | २४ | चौबीस | Chaubees |
25 | Twenty-five | २५ | पच्चीस | Pachchees |
26 | Twenty-six | २६ | छब्बीस | Chhabbees |
27 | Twenty-seven | २७ | सत्ताईस | Sattaees |
28 | Twenty-eight | २८ | अठ्ठाइस | Aththaees |
29 | Twenty-nine | २९ | उन्नतीस | Unnatees |
30 | Thirty | ३० | तीस | Tees |
31 | Thirty-one | ३१ | इक्कतीस | Ekatees |
32 | Thirty-two | ३२ | बत्तीस | Battees |
33 | Thirty-three | ३३ | तैंतीस | Taintees |
34 | Thirty-four | ३४ | चौंतीस | Chuntees |
35 | Thirty-five | ३५ | पैंतीस | Paintees |
36 | Thirty-six | ३६ | छत्तीस | Chhatees |
37 | Thirty-seven | ३७ | सैंतीस | Saintees |
38 | Thirty-eight | ३८ | अड़तीस | Adatees |
39 | Thirty-nine | ३९ | उन्तालीस | Untalees |
40 | Forty | ४० | चालीस | Chalees |
41 | Forty-one | ४१ | इकतालीस | istalees |
42 | Forty-two | ४२ | ब्यालीस | Bayalees |
43 | Forty-three | ४३ | तैंतालीस | Taintalees |
44 | Forty-four | ४४ | चौवालीस | Chauvalees |
45 | Forty-five | ४५ | पैंतालीस | Paintalees |
46 | Forty-six | ४६ | छियालीस | Chhiyalees |
47 | Forty-seven | ४७ | सैतालीस | Saintalees |
48 | Forty-eight | ४८ | अड़तालीस | Adtalees |
49 | Forty-nine | ४९ | उनंचास | unchaas |
50 | Fifty | ५० | पचास | Pachas |
51 | Fifty-one | ५१ | इक्यावन | Ikyawan |
52 | Fifty-two | ५२ | बावन | Bawan |
53 | Fifty-three | ५३ | तिरपन | Tirapan |
54 | Fifty-four | ५४ | चौअन | Chauwan |
55 | Fifty-five | ५५ | पचपन | Pachapan |
56 | Fifty-six | ५६ | छप्पन | Chhappan |
57 | Fifty-seven | ५७ | सत्तावन | Sattavan |
58 | Fifty-eight | ५८ | अठ्ठावन | Aththavan |
59 | Fifty-nine | ५९ | उनसठ | Unsath |
60 | Sixty | ६० | साठ | Saath |
61 | Sixty-one | ६१ | इकसठ | Eksath |
62 | Sixty-two | ६२ | बासठ | Basath |
63 | Sixty-three | ६३ | तिरसठ | Tirsath |
64 | Sixty-four | ६४ | चौंसठ | Chausath |
65 | Sixty-five | ६५ | पैंसठ | Painsanth |
66 | Sixty-six | ६६ | छियासठ | Chhiyasath |
67 | Sixty-seven | ६७ | सड़सठ | Sarsath |
68 | Sixty-eight | ६८ | अड़सठ | Arasath |
69 | Sixty-nine | ६९ | उनहत्तर | Unahttar |
70 | Seventy | ७० | सत्तर | Sattar |
71 | Seventy-one | ७१ | इकहत्तर | Ekahttar |
72 | Seventy-two | ७२ | बहत्तर | Bahattar |
73 | Seventy-three | ७३ | तिहत्तर | Tihattar |
74 | Seventy-four | ७४ | चौहत्तर | Chauhattar |
75 | Seventy-five | ७५ | पिचत्तर | Pichhattar |
76 | Seventy-six | ७६ | छिहत्तर | Chhihttar |
77 | Seventy-seven | ७७ | सतहत्तर | Satattar |
78 | Seventy-eight | ७८ | अठहत्तर | Athattar |
79 | Seventy-nine | ७९ | उन्नासी | Unnasee |
80 | Eighty | ८० | अस्सी | Assee |
81 | Eighty-one | ८१ | इक्यासी | Ikyasee |
82 | Eighty-two | ८२ | ब्यासी | Byasee |
83 | Eighty-three | ८३ | तिरासी | Tirasee |
84 | Eighty-four | ८४ | चौरासी | Chaurasee |
85 | Eighty-five | ८५ | पच्चासी | Pachchasee |
86 | Eighty-six | ८६ | छियासी | Chhiyasee |
87 | Eighty-seven | ८७ | सतासी | Satasee |
88 | Eighty-eight | ८८ | अठासी | Athasee |
89 | Eighty-nine | ८९ | नवासी | Navasee |
90 | Ninety | ९० | नब्बे | Nabbe |
91 | Ninety-one | ९१ | इक्यानवे | Ikyanve |
92 | Ninety-two | ९२ | ब्यानवे | Byanave |
93 | Ninety-three | ९३ | तिरानवे | Tiranve |
94 | Ninety-four | ९४ | चौरानवे | Chauranave |
95 | Ninety-five | ९५ | पञ्चानवे | Pichchanve |
96 | Ninety-six | ९६ | छियानवे | Chhiyanve |
97 | Ninety-seven | ९७ | सत्तानवे | Sattanve |
98 | Ninety-eight | ९८ | अट्ठानवे | Aththanve |
99 | Ninety-Nine | ९९ | निन्यानवे | Ninyanve |
100 | Hundred | १०० | सौ | Sau |

Hindi Counting For Higher Numbers
Hindi (हिंदी) | Numeric | English |
एक (इकाई) | 1 | One |
दस (दहाई) | 10 | Ten |
सौ या सैकड़ा या शत | 100 | Hundred |
हजार या सहस्र | 1,000 | Thousand |
दश हजार या दश सहस्र | 10,000 | Ten Thousand |
लक्ष या लाख | 1,00,000 | Lac or Hundred Thousand |
दश लक्ष या दश लाख | 10,00,000 | One Million |
करोड़ | 1,00,00,000 | Ten Million |
दस करोड़ | 10,00,00,000 | Hundred Million |
अरब | 1,00,00,00,000 | One Billion |
दस अरब | 10,00,00,00,000 | Ten Billion |
खरब | 1,00,00,00,00,000 | Hundred Billion |
दस खरब | 10,00,00,00,00,000 | One Trillion |
नील | 1,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Ten Trillion |
दस नील | 10,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Hundred Trillion |
पद्म | 1,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | One Quadrillion |
दस पद्म | 10,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Ten Quadrillion |
शंख | 1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Hundred Quadrillion |
दस शंख | 10,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | One Quintillion |
महाशंख या अल्द या उपाय | 1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Ten Quintillion |
अंक या महाउपाध | 10,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Hundred Quintillion |
जल्द | 1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | One Sextillion |
माध | 10,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Ten Sextillion |
परार्ध | 1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Hundred Sextillion |
अन्त्य | 10,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | One Septillion |
महा अन्त्य | 1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Ten Septillion |
शिष्ट | 10,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Hundred Septillion |
सिंघर | 1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | One octillion |
महा सिंघर | 10,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Ten octillion |
अदंत सिंघर | 1,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,000 | Hundred octillion |
Even after an octillion, there is counting in English and scientific language, which is as follows.
- nonillion
- decillion
- undecillion
- duodecillion
- tredecillion
- quattuordecillion
- quindecillion
- sexdecillion
- septendecillion
- octodecillion
- novemdecillion
- vigintillion
- googol
- centillion
- googolplex
A Googolplex is believed to be the highest and largest number in the world. It is written as 10googol.
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