HomeEducationFree Education: Education Should Be Free in India

Free Education: Education Should Be Free in India

The government needs to make education free in India, to make the nature of education in India more homogenous and widespread. 

Free Education: Education is the basis of our successful future. Education should be free for everyone, because not every person can afford it. Nowadays, schools and university fees are too high. Most parents, work hard to have an opportunity to give that education to their children. But, there are also a large number of people who cannot do it because their money is not enough for that. Children, who want to study, cannot afford that. Many families are faced with such a problem. Parents were very upset and deep in thought about what to do, how to find jobs with high salaries, and how not to disappoint a child. Furthermore, they needed money to pay not only university fees but also spent their earnings on tutors and extra classes that would help prepare for exams. Additionally, the transport expenses required money. Consequently, children had been left without education.

Should There Be Free Education in India

From an early age, they went to work, without any experience or knowledge. As you might have understood, they did not have any achievements. As a result, people need free education to be able to succeed. The government needs to make education free in India, to make the nature of education in India more homogenous and widespread. 

Education is the right of every child, and not everyone is born into financially stable families. We can do our part, belonging to the post-modern era of civilized and educated individuals, by setting up private institutions where we can teach the slum children of our locality for free. These small steps can lead to bigger changes on a broader spectrum.

The Indian government should provide free education to support poor families and meanwhile, they should allow private firms to run educational institutions. The rich families who desire high-quality education can send their children to private firms. The government firms when competing with the private firms would result in delivering high quality in delivering their service.

Major Challenges faced by Education System in India

The major challenges faced by the education system in Indian are:

  1. Expense on education
  2. Expensive higher education:
  3. Capacity utilization
  4. Infrastructure facilities
  5. Wastage of resources:
  6. General education-oriented
  7. Student-teacher ratio

Let’s explain these points one by one below.

1. Expense on Education

A very big amount of funds should be allotted for the development of the education system in India. The lack of adequate funds is the main problem in the development of education. The expense for education in Five Year Plans has been decreasing. Due to lacking funds, most educational institutions lack infrastructure, and libraries, etc. Due to this reason, desired outcomes cannot be achieved.

2. Expensive Higher Education

University and professional education have become costly in India. The fee structure of professional institutes has quite a high charge. It is beyond the reach of the common man. The privatization of higher education has commenced the growth of profit-hungry entrepreneurs. Nowadays higher education is a much costly task.

3. Capacity Utilization

The world now needs creative minds and the Government must encourage schools to boost the students and utilize their capacities to the max and not let their ideas go unheard.

4. Infrastructure Facilities

Better infrastructure must be given mainly in Government schools. Since Government is now concentrating on digital education, they must undertake steps to provide all necessary facilities in the Government schools and rural areas as well

5. Wastage of Resources

Our education system is based on General Education. Most of the students leave school before completing their education. It commences to wastage of financial and human resources.

6. General Education-Oriented

The educational system is of General Education in nature. The development of technical education is quite unsatisfactory. So our education is unproductive. Therefore, the number of educated unemployed persons is increasing day by day. This has become a great concern for Government.

7. Student-Teacher Ratio

The number of students in search of proper education is way more in comparison to the teachers available. So, qualified teachers must be appointed to impart knowledge to the future of the country

Reasons Why Education Should be free in India

  • Free education can help reduce existential nuclear, poverty, and climate threats.
  • Due to the huge population in India, free education becomes a very difficult goal to achieve. Though, when medication is the right of the people and is given by governmental hospitals for free, the same should be done with educational institutions because basic education is the right of every citizen of the country.
  • Since most of the country is not e-literate, due to booming technology and education going primarily online, has resulted in a large part of the population lagging way behind. 
  • To overcome the ignorance and blind orthodoxy among Indian people, education is very important and should be available to every single citizen, despite their financial stability. 
  • Free education would encourage more parents to get their children admitted into educational institutions, rather than making them work in factories and spoil their entire childhood. 
  • Most people in India, especially in the poorer sections of society, have more than two children. So paying for the education of all of them becomes very difficult for the earning members of the family. Therefore, free education will be a convenient means of imparting education.
  • Educational institutions must hire quality teachers even though education is imparted free of cost, otherwise, underprivileged children will only get wrong knowledge and information. 
  • Since more than half of the Indian population consists of poverty-stricken people and farmers, education should be free as most of these people cannot afford to pay for their children’s education, and so they abstain from admitting their children into schools. 


Government firms are not efficient as private firms. Private firms usually compete with each other and focus on delivering the highest quality possible to sustain their business in their competitive world. For these reasons, private firms deliver much better quality in their service than a government firm who is usually protected from the competition. Therefore, when we aim for the best quality education in our society it is required that education should be privatised.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is there any scheme in India to support the idea of free education?

Ans. Yes, the Right to Education Act has the provision of providing free elementary education to children of age from 6 to 14 years. 

Q2. How will the children get benefit if education will be free in India?

Ans. Free education in India will bring a huge change in the lives of poor children. Very importantly, it will vanish child labor to a great extent and increase the literacy rate of the country. 

Q3. What are the challenges India is facing in the field of education?

Ans. There are many challenges in India regarding education like the education in India is getting more and more expensive. Middle-class or poor people find it hard to admit their children to schools and higher education. The infrastructure is not at all developed and the ratio of students and teachers is low.

Also Read: Philosophy of Education & Characteristics and Importance

Saral Study
Saral Study
Saral Study staff mostly works for helpful articles and other posts which include student-related news, education-related news, updates, informative lists, etc.


  1. I would like to take free classes for students.I am from Chennai.I would like to take online classes on Saturdays and Sundays. I am working on Monday to Friday.I am a Software Tester By Profession.


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