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Difference between Nationalism and Patriotism

Nationalism and Patriotism are two words that are frequently used interchangeably. Patriotism disguised as nationalism or nationalism disguised as patriotism and we are not capable to recognize it. That is incorrect since there is a world of difference between the two words, despite a few shared goals.

These two words Patriotism and Nationalism have been bandied encompassing both by the government, the media, and the people at large for some time now. Add to that another word that may be associated in some way and that is ‘intolerance’. In fact, possibly it is the word intolerance that has inspired the other two words. 

Three words that was not common in our vocabulary for 68 years after independence has become common in an everyday tongue in almost every discussion on the ‘state of the nation’ discussion. You almost fall over the words thinking they may mean much the same thing. Irani also said that the debate of nationalism made her wonder why any Indian should have to explain why he or she is patriotic. I don’t have to confirm your patriotism, and you don’t have to certify my patriotism. Smriti Irani who is our Minister for Human Resource Development also appears to use the words nationalism and patriotism interchangeably and in the same breath.

Whats is Nationalism?

Nationalism is faith-based on the assumption that an individual’s loyalty and devotion to one’s country should come above the interests and opinions of other citizens or the interests of a certain group of citizens.

The pride of nationalism, but, trumpets its country’s values and denies its deficiencies. Nationalism is disrespectful toward the values of other countries. It requires to be and declares itself to be “the greatest”. Such self-proclaimed greatness is above rational thinking and goodness.

Importance of Nationalism

The main importance of nationalism are:

  • Nationalism is signified by national anthems, national flags, and other components of national identity.
  • Nationalism includes unity among the people with the people showing one national culture.
  • Instils national pride
  • Drives progress and betterment
  • Brings unity in diversity

Nationalism is a Value Everyone Must Possess

Some reason which everyone must possess the values of nationalism:

  • Ethnic nationalism
  • National sovereignty
  • Self-determination
  • Cultural nationalism.
  • Ultra nationalism

Whats is Patriotism?

Patriotism is a fondness to a motherland. The love and affection for the place where an individual is born, brought up, and the nation that place refers to. These attachments can be linked to ethnic, cultural, political, or historical. Patriotism is also being proud of a country’s values but with an enthusiasm and readiness to correct its needs to be better. Patriotism acknowledges the patriotism of citizens of other countries and respects their values. It includes a set of concepts closely linked to those of nationalism.

Importance of Patriotism

The main importance of patriotism are:

  • People and places significant to our nation’s history
  • Helps bring people together 
  • It helps build a stronger nation
  • Appreciating our diversity
  • Patriotic spirit is an admirable quality

Patriotism is a Values Everyone Must Possess

Some reason which everyone must possess the values of patriotism:

  • Sustaining Unity and Harmony
  • Working for a Common Objective
  • Building the nation strong
  • Selfishness Motives
  • Uncorrupted

Difference between Nationalism and Patriotism?

If one looks at these words they may sound similar but are very different in many ways. As both nationalism and patriotism show the relationship of a citizen towards his or her nation. Due to which two are often confused and are frequently believed to mean the same thing. Yet, there is a huge difference between nationalism and patriotism. Thus the question that arises is they being used reciprocally or many more. But some of the differences in contrast to these topics are as follows:

Nationalism Patriotism
On the other hand, Nationalism is devotion, especially excessive or undiscriminating devotion to the culture or interests of a particular nation-state. If we define Patriotism then it means devotion to one’s own country and concern for its defense.
A nationalist cannot tolerate any type of criticism and considers mainly it as an insult. Thus a patriotic person tries to learn something new from the criticism which they tend to tolerate.
Nationalism people believe that their nation as superior to other nations. The patriots believe that all nations are equals and can be improved in many ways. That’s why freedom fighters are considered as a patriot.
Nationalism makes one find some reasons for the mistakes that are made in the past. Patriotism makes people understand the shortcomings and improvements to be made.
By way of cultural background, including heritage and languages Nationalism means to give importance to all stated earlier. Patriotism pertains to the love of a nation with more focus on the beliefs and values of a particular nation.


The difference between nationalism and patriotism is a patriot loves his country and is proud of it for what it does whereas a nationalist loves his nation and is proud of his nation NO MATTER WHAT IT DOES. It is truly clear patriotism sustains a feeling of ‘responsibility’ in the citizens while nationalism breeds ‘blind arrogance’ or ignorance, and usually, that commences to war. In simple words, Patriotism is the service I provide to my nation, not keeping to a particular organization or group. Nationalism is the very ideals, motives, impressions that have been going on in a country, and I pride myself because of this. But, all good Communists become strong nationalists once in power. Nationalism works better than internationalism to hold on to power. Nationalism has developed a strong negative connotation. Patriotism is free from this stigma.

Nationalism and Patriotism – FAQs

Q1. How to express the feeling of patriotism?
Ans. There are many ways to show patriotism, but listing 10 here:

  1. Understand the actual meaning of patriotism.
  2. Don’t forget to Vote.
  3. Always try to purchase local products.
  4. Respect and support Army and military 
  5. Maintain cleanliness around you.
  6. Try to spread and tell the goodness of your country
  7. Respect and celebrate the diversities in the country
  8. Be particular about paying taxes
  9. Always present yourself as a Volunteer in public events
  10. Respect and fly the National flag

Q2. What activities define Nationalism?
Ans. Nationalism can be defined with various day to day acts. Find the 10 acts below to define nationalism:

  1. Show your respect for the National anthem.
  2. Don’t think about what the country has given you, but look what you have done for the country.
  3. Be proud of your Nationality.
  4. Maintain equality with your fellow citizens.
  5. Obey the rule and respect your constitution.
  6. Always speak up for your country without being afraid. 
  7. Always prefer locally made products. 
  8. Be a decent and obedient person.
  9. Select your leaders wisely without any difference on the basis of caste, creed, etc.
  10. Do everything for the country whole-heartedly. 

Q3. What were the major nationalist movements led by Gandhiji?
Ans. The major nationalist movements led by Gandhiji are:

  1. The Non- Cooperation Movement (1920-1922)
  2. The Dandi March (1930)
  3. The Quit India Movement (1942)
  4. The Cost of Independence (1947)

Q4. Who were the great patriots in India?
Ans. There are many patriots in India but the major ones are Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, and Bhagat Singh.

Q5. What is the importance of nationalism?
Ans. The importance of nationalism are:

  • Nationalism is signified by national anthems, national flags, and other components of national identity.
  • Nationalism includes unity among the people with the people showing one national culture.
  • Instils national pride
  • Drives progress and betterment
  • Brings unity in diversity

Q6. What is the importance of Patriotism?
Ans. The importance of Patriotism are:

  • People and places significant to our nation’s history
  • Helps bring people together 
  • It helps build a stronger nation
  • Appreciating our diversity
  • Patriotic spirit is an admirable quality

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Saral Study
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