HomeCareerDegree or a Diploma - Which ones better?

Degree or a Diploma – Which ones better?

Degrees and Diploma are very much different recognitions which the universities confer upon their students. Both Degree as well as Diploma is being awarded to any person or student once he/she successfully completes any educational course. However both the terms are totally different and poles apart from each other. Rather neither of them can be used in each other’s place.

What is a Degree?

A degree course is an educational course which is supposed to be three to four years long. The degree course lays more emphasis on academic aspects. Only a university has the right to grant a degree. The curriculum for the degree course is designed in such a manner that it gives an overview of various subjects, other than the student has chosen.

Scope of Degree

After completing a degree course one can opt for a higher education course for enhancing skills or can also search for jobs.

What is Diploma?

A short term course may be a few months and is called a Diploma course. Mostly the diploma courses are of 1 to 2 years duration and there is no compulsion that the institute or the University which imparts the diploma should be UGC or AICTE approved. The course covered in the diploma is designed in such a manner that it just covers theoretical knowledge regarding the subject. Some diploma courses even have on job training or apprenticeships which focus more on the practical aspects of the subject.

Comparison between Degree and Diploma

After doing a comparative study of Diploma and Degree courses it clearly comes in mind that the degree holds higher esteem than the diploma program. But with changing times the trend is also changing and the traditional mindsets are changing as can be seen that some of the most reputed institutes in the country like IIM’s (Indian Institute for Management) and NID (National Institute of Design) offer exclusive diploma courses in various subjects.

Since Degree is a longer course, a student after completion gets better knowledge in a particular subject as compared to Diploma in the same subject. Diploma in a subject is just a specific academic award which is mainly granted for professional or vocational courses. Thus if we compare the relative importance of diploma is a bit less as compared to a degree course.

Even when a study is conducted in the corporate or business arena it is seen that the degree holders are preferred for jobs as compared to diploma holders and that too in the same field. The main reason being the degree courses of any subject provide in-depth knowledge as well as practical experience about the subject. This helps the degree holder to start at a bit higher level potentially. While in case of Diploma programs of particular course, it provides education within the specific field only. Moreover the diploma emphasizes on getting into the workforce as soon as possible.

Thus after doing a thorough analysis of both degree and diploma it is quite evident that  degree is better than diploma however the gap is shortening with changing trends and outlook towards education.

Amit Kumar
Amit Kumar
A man who loves to write about education and study tips more than anything else. His areas of interest include alternative health, education, yoga and meditation. Whenever he is free from his studies, he enjoys writing material to spread knowledge.


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